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ray_laptop fredross-perry: Optional Content Groups (OCG) has been around a LONG time since 1.505:12.23 
  Section 4.10 of the PDF 1.7 spec. Ghostscript has had (some) support for it since 200905:14.54 
Robin_Watts tor8: ping?11:25.28 
tor8 Robin_Watts: morning11:29.27 
Robin_Watts morning.11:31.35 
  So various commits on robin/master.11:31.40 
  The one remaining thing on the list is the ability to extract a PDF file with specific layers in it.11:32.15 
tor8 the -l option commit LGTM11:32.21 
Robin_Watts Which I'm thinking we can do using a modified muclean if I tweak the sanitise stuff.11:32.43 
tor8 Robin_Watts: you mean to flatten the layers into the content stream and drop all the OCG and OCGD stuff?11:33.29 
  should be simple enough if we add a flag to pdf-op-buffer to drop BMC/BDC/EMC operators11:35.23 
  the 'hidden' stuff in pdf-interpret already drops the stuff inside the hidden OCG's BDC/EMC brackets11:36.22 
  though looking at the pdf_process_BDC code, maybe the pdf_is_hidden_ocg should move up to before we call the op_BDC11:36.47 
  so we drop the whole thing11:36.50 
Robin_Watts tor8: No, I was thinking of a mechanism for saying "take this PDF file, and give me another one that just contains the selected layers".11:36.54 
  BUT... actually it might be better to just leave the layer information in there and change the defaults.11:37.17 
  So maybe what's needed is a mechanism to say "Update the configuration in the file to match the current config"11:37.53 
tor8 "OCCD groups" in the commit message11:38.26 
Robin_Watts OCCD is correct.11:39.19 
  OCCDs ?11:39.29 
  Optional Content Configuration Dictionaries11:39.48 
tor8 oh! you're right.11:40.32 
  I thought I saw OCGD somewhere in the spec11:40.40 
  but now I can't find either abbreviation :)11:40.48 
  OCCDs or spelled out so you can search for it, they're not OCCD groups anyway11:41.45 
  or "/OCProperties/Configs" to say where in the PDF file they're from11:42.27 
  PDF_LABEL_TEXT maybe PDF_OCG_UI_LABEL and PDF_OCG_UI_CHECKBOX etc to keep the enum namespace clear?11:43.14 
  or PDF_LAYER_UI_LABEL, etc11:43.40 
  Robin_Watts: how do you feel about putting all the OCG and layer stuff in a separate file pdf-ocg.c?11:44.52 
Robin_Watts I started out with them in pdf-layer.c11:45.35 
  but they got pulled back into pdf-xref.c because I didn't want to have the structure definitions in the public API.11:45.58 
tor8 pdf-xref.c is already bulging at the seams of being too large11:46.10 
Robin_Watts I could do it if we had a pdf-xref-internal.h or something11:46.18 
tor8 pdf-layer-imp.h?11:46.21 
Robin_Watts yeah.11:46.26 
tor8 I think that'd be preferable11:46.33 
Robin_Watts Ok.11:46.38 
tor8 although we do have a lot of semi-private stuff in the public headers11:46.51 
  the only 'private' headers we have in source/pdf at the moment are all just autogenerated data tables11:48.31 
Robin_Watts tor8: I think moving as much stuff out of the public headers as possible would be good.11:48.52 
tor8 so doing adding -imp.h now does mean we'll need to start looking in two places11:49.01 
  but we've got to start somewhere11:49.09 
Robin_Watts tor8: I always find header definitions by either search or by right-click "go to declaration"11:49.36 
  so another place won't bother me.11:49.45 
tor8 and I use ctags and vim ^] so won't really bother me either11:53.28 
  nor do large files that much anymore11:53.33 
  but for someone new to the project, knowing where to add stuff is more difficult11:53.48 
Robin_Watts tor8: I don't think it's a hard choice to recognise the difference between public and private APIs. Certainly it's a worthwhile choice to have to make.11:59.52 
  tor8: Yeah. I am tempted to fix the enum names, get this commit in as is, and then do a 'public->private' pass where I separate stuff.12:08.58 
  Updated commits online.12:11.18 
  Ok, so I did the split - turned out easier than I thought. Updated commits online. Clustering now.12:45.46 
  tor8: And 1 more commit on robin/master16:18.04 
tor8 Robin_Watts: oh, nice. fz_buffer_as_string (though maybe I'd have called it fz_string_from_buffer?)16:21.45 
Robin_Watts tor8: If the latter is more in keeping I can change it.16:22.02 
tor8 I like the name you picked too16:22.38 
  but I think the latter is more in keeping16:22.53 
Robin_Watts I think you're right. Will fix.16:23.04 
tor8 glfwSetClipboardString could use fz_string_from_buffer as well, it also doen the write_buffer_byte 0 thing16:23.26 
Robin_Watts tor8: is that function name right?16:24.26 
tor8 Robin_Watts: which one?16:24.49 
Robin_Watts Ah. You mean do_copy_region16:24.57 
tor8 yeah16:25.14 
  the fz_parse_xml in epub-doc could also use string_from_buffer16:25.38 
  epub_parse_ncx, epub_parse_header, and fz_parse_html16:26.10 
Robin_Watts fz_parse_xml takes a length.16:26.17 
tor8 ah, yes16:26.36 
  that's in case it runs into UTF-1616:26.42 
Robin_Watts I'd have to write an fz_utf8_from_buffer or something to cope with that.16:27.32 
tor8 that might not be so bad, actually16:27.47 
cheng hello,thanks for your mupdf,and the 1.10rc support epub's link16:28.01 
tor8 *but* it does mean messing with ownership16:28.02 
cheng but some link can not indifty16:28.16 
tor8 so leave it out of this commit16:28.17 
cheng <a href="The_Martian__A_Novel_split_022.html#filepos68689"><span class="calibre8">Chapter 4</span></a></p>16:28.54 
Robin_Watts cheng: We'd need a copy of a file that shows the problem.16:29.58 
cheng ok,i will share a onedrive link,is that ok?16:30.55 
Robin_Watts cheng: Can you open a bug on bugs.ghostscript.com?16:31.33 
  Attach the file there. Describe exactly what the problem is.16:31.52 
cheng ok.thanks for your reply.i will post the bug now16:32.15 
Robin_Watts The clearer the explanation, the easier we can reproduce it, and the more likely it is to get fixed.16:32.26 
cheng hi,the bug url is http://bugs.ghostscript.com/show_bug.cgi?id=69733516:40.18 
Robin_Watts Thanks.16:40.38 
cheng Also,will mupdf will support the table in epub file16:41.15 
  Some books contians a lot of tables16:41.42 
  and i found the bug like http://bugs.ghostscript.com/show_bug.cgi?id=69631916:44.21 
Robin_Watts yeah, tables are on the list to look at in future.16:57.46 
  tor8: Updated commit, plus 1 more commit.19:14.28 
ubl0 Hello! I'm wondering which capabilities have embeded js code. I'm a bit worried about security21:49.08 
  I'm just reading the mujs source and pdf-form.c, but is the first time I mess with mupdf source21:51.00 
w1nky hey guys, are some mupdf dev's on?23:30.34 
Robin_Watts yes.23:53.38 
w1nky i made a cheatsheet for 1.9a and want to share it23:54.20 
  i'm open for your feedback23:54.54 
Robin_Watts Cool. That's for the linux/windows non-gl desktop viewer23:56.21 
w1nky yup23:56.33 
Robin_Watts The release candidate for 1.10 is up online.23:59.53 
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