Log of #ghostscript at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2016/11/16)20161117 
tor8 Robin_Watts: so, we ready to do RC2?11:28.15 
Robin_Watts tor8: yeah, as far as I am concerned at least.12:28.36 
tor8 Robin_Watts: okay. I've tagged and uploaded a source tarball12:36.19 
  do you want me to bulid the windows binaries so you can sign them?12:36.35 
Robin_Watts tor8: That'd work.12:37.35 
tor8 oh ffs. pdf-name-table.h not regenerating properly in MSVC is getting annoying.12:38.57 
Robin_Watts tor8: If you 'rebuild' it's OK.12:39.47 
tor8 does 'rebuild' delete the pdf-name-table.h file? the generate.bat script sees it and doesn't run the namedump tool, regardless of time stamp.12:40.24 
Robin_Watts tor8: I think so.12:42.19 
  del /q ..\..\generated ..\..\include\mupdf\pdf\name-table.h ..\..\source\pdf\pdf-name-table.h12:42.38 
  That's the 'clean' portion of the rebuild command.12:42.59 
tor8 aha! 'Clean build' removed the file. thanks!12:43.12 
  I've just been deleting the 'Release' directory and doing git reset --hard12:43.31 
malc_ tor8: git clean -dfx12:45.32 
tor8 malc_: that removes a bit more than I'd like though... :)12:46.22 
Robin_Watts 'Rebuild solution' is easier :)12:46.27 
tor8 I prefer keeping my TODO file around...12:46.32 
malc_ tor8: :)12:48.04 
tor8 Robin_Watts: on casper, /home/tor/mupdf-1.10-rc2-windows.zip12:50.24 
Robin_Watts tor8: Done. Just going to run it through advzip now.12:59.06 
  tor8: OK, signed exes all zipped up as /home/robin/mupdf-1.10-rc2-windows.zip. Advzip saved 2%.13:33.31 
tor8 Robin_Watts: thanks. files are live on mupdf.com/downloads/13:37.03 
norbertj +Robin_Watts: Hi, I re-installed git and now my git pull fails with "Permission denied (publickey)." Can you help?13:49.07 
tor8 norbertj: can you ssh into casper?14:04.26 
  norbertj: what's the git url listed by "git remote -v"?14:04.51 
norbertj tor8: with filezilla I can ftp to casper, but ssh fails with Permission denied14:13.35 
  tor8: git remote -v : golden norbert@ (fetch) and (push)14:15.04 
Robin_Watts norbertj: previously, were you using plink rather than ssh?14:27.10 
  I have GIT_SSH set to plink.exe here.14:27.38 
  Try: plink norbertj@ 
  Try: plink norbert@ Sorry14:28.40 
norbertj Robin_Watts: yes, plink works (though prompt not nice), putty also works (better link).14:30.19 
Robin_Watts norbertj: Right, so "export GIT_SSH=plink.exe"14:30.45 
  then try "git fetch golden"14:31.08 
  I suspect you probably had set GIT_SSH=plink.exe in your .profile file, and by reinstalling git you lost that.14:31.37 
norbertj yes, that was indeed the case. Why can't I remember that :(14:32.16 
Robin_Watts norbertj: If you're anything like me, you forget stuff when it just works :)14:36.43 
norbertj Robin_Watts: that's entirely true. So I should write this down somewhere. This is probably the same problem with my home-pc. Will check it when I get home.14:38.13 
Robin_Watts norbertj: We have a twiki on twiki.ghostscript.com where I try to record stuff like this.14:38.50 
  You would be more than welcome to an account on it.14:39.41 
norbertj Robin_Watts: just registered there.14:48.28 
sebras tor8: yo.15:18.11 
  tor8: have you built mujs with gcc-6 recently?15:18.19 
tor8 sebras: hi. I have not.15:18.24 
sebras tor8: it complains about indentation in jsY_unescape().15:18.33 
tor8 new set of warnings?15:18.36 
sebras tor8: yeah, now gcc complains about indentation for certain statements.15:19.03 
tor8 I guess it thinks the multiple statements on one line are in error15:19.37 
  if you wrap the "goto error;" in braces like "if (...) {goto error;} x |= jsY_tohex..." does it shut up?15:20.16 
sebras yes.15:21.00 
  tor8: thanks for fixing the 100+ warnings about the cmaps.15:21.46 
tor8 sebras: fix on mujs.git:tor/master15:22.00 
sebras tor8: ui_input() computes ex, but it is not used. how about nuking it..?15:22.55 
  tor8: I have a set of fixes for compiler warnings on sebras/master15:35.26 
  tor8: using those patches gcc 6.2.0 and clang 3.8.1 can both compile mupdf without warnings (with jpegxr and openssl present and without luratech)15:36.38 
  tor8: oh, and it clustered without warnings now.15:46.56 
tor8 sebras: LGTM.15:47.05 
  but maybe wait to push until we have 1.10 release properly15:47.19 
sebras tor8: do you want me to push to master?15:47.19 
  tor8: unless we want these to be part of the release.15:47.30 
  that decision is up to you.15:47.34 
tor8 no more commits until we can make a proper release. hopefully on monday if nothing crops up over the weekend.15:47.50 
  no more commits on 'master' that is15:47.59 
sebras tor8: is cool.15:48.08 
  tor8: what's the bugzilla state?15:48.15 
  tor8: I think 697337 can be closed as I updated curl.15:48.45 
tor8 yes, go ahead and close that one.15:49.45 
sebras tor8: done.15:53.29 
malc_ huston we have a problem - lovely "ECMA-376, Second Edition, Part 1 - Fundamentals And Markup Language Reference.pdf" strikes again: mupdf-x11 "/home/malc/x/pdf/ECMA-376, Second Edition, Part 1 - Fundamentals And Markup Language Reference.pdf"19:07.28 
  error: invalid page object19:07.28 
  mupdf: error: cannot open document19:07.28 
Robin_Watts malc_: Can you put that file somewhere please?19:10.37 
malc_ Robin_Watts: i'd rather not - 43M :(19:12.13 
Robin_Watts Then there is nothing we can do.19:12.25 
malc_ Yes you can, like googling it for instance yielding http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/files/ECMA-ST/ECMA-376,%20Fourth%20Edition,%20Part%201%20-%20Fundamentals%20And%20Markup%20Language%20Reference.zip19:14.22 
Robin_Watts That's the Fourth edition.19:16.29 
  I need *exactly* the same file as you have.19:16.44 
  I googled for it, failed to find it, which is why I asked.19:16.58 
  I'm not going on a snark hunt.19:17.08 
malc_ ~/x/rcs/git/mupdf/build/native/mupdf-x11 ECMA-376,\ Fourth\ Edition,\ Part\ 1\ -\ Fundamentals\ And\ Markup\ Language\ Reference.zip Ecma\ Office\ Open\ XML\ Part\ 1\ -\ Fundamentals\ And\ Markup\ Language\ Reference.pdf error: No pages in document19:17.48 
  mupdf: error: cannot open document19:17.49 
  ~/x/rcs/git/mupdf/build/native/mupdf-x11 Ecma\ Office\ Open\ XML\ Part\ 1\ -\ Fundamentals\ And\ Markup\ Language\ Reference.pdf 19:18.24 
  error: invalid page object 19:18.24 
  mupdf: error: cannot open document19:18.24 
sebras malc_: so you are opening the .zip-file?19:18.27 
malc_ so yeah fourth edition exhibits the same problem19:18.37 
  sebras: not anymore19:19.27 
  also - ni hao19:19.34 
sebras Robin: I see the same error as malc reported.19:20.17 
Robin_Watts mudraw can draw pages.19:20.32 
sebras Robin_Watts: so in pdf_lookup_page_number() we see node == null.19:21.24 
  well, a null object.19:21.50 
  Robin_Watts: ehm... pdf_dict_get() returns NULL if the dict is a null object.19:23.11 
Robin_Watts yup.19:23.24 
sebras Robin_Watts: then pdf_name_eq() compares NULL to PDF_OBJ_NAME__LIMIT.19:23.25 
  Robin_Watts: is the correct behaviour?19:23.41 
Robin_Watts Why wouldn't it be?19:23.51 
sebras should we be returning PDF_OBJ_NULL from pdf_dict_get()?19:23.57 
  I'm not sure.19:24.00 
Robin_Watts NULL = No object found.19:24.16 
  PDF_OBJ_NULL = null object found.19:24.30 
sebras Robin_Watts: so then pdf_dict_get() returns NULL and we're trying to compare to PDF_NAME_Type which is < PDF_OBJ_NAME__LIMIT.19:27.10 
  which causes pdf_name_eq() to return 019:27.21 
  and therefore we throw.19:27.24 
Robin_Watts Right.19:27.35 
sebras from inside pdf_lookup_page_number().19:27.37 
  this is while loading the outline.19:27.50 
Robin_Watts We look for "Type" inside node.19:27.51 
sebras right.19:27.56 
  so there is some link destination that points to null.19:28.07 
Robin_Watts Right.19:28.41 
sebras Robin_Watts: yes, the link dest is [ null 0 0 1 ]19:28.48 
Robin_Watts So we need to catch the throw somehow, and deal with the fact that it's a duff entry.19:29.49 
  Possibly we change the throw to a return 0;19:31.12 
  but that would be bad, as it's an API function, and throwing is really the right thing to do.19:32.41 
sebras I can confirm that this is a regression since 1.9a19:33.27 
Robin_Watts Urgh.19:34.57 
sebras is bisecting.19:35.10 
  that commit doesn't add the fz.throw though.19:36.26 
  ok, I'm too tired to debug this right now.19:37.18 
  robin, if you are to look at it a bit (not sure if you're preoccupied) I think that'd be splendid.19:37.53 
Robin_Watts I will look.19:38.01 
sebras Robin_Watts: tor8 mentioned wanting to do the 1.10 soonish so.19:38.06 
Robin_Watts sebras: We've done the rc2 already.19:38.15 
sebras malc_: thanks for bringing this to our attention.19:38.17 
Robin_Watts so this should be fixed.19:38.21 
  malc_: Indeed, thank you.19:38.25 
sebras Robin_Watts: agreed.19:38.26 
malc_ np19:40.59 
Robin_Watts I have a fix.19:41.59 
malc_ fab19:42.08 
Robin_Watts but I don't like it.19:45.45 
  let me do a better one.19:45.51 
malc_ 8a07b7fb14f11204a0d840792ab9f4bd54b066e5 is lovely though: 248 insertions(+), 533 deletions(-)19:47.42 
Robin_Watts tor8, sebras, malc_: http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=user/robin/mupdf.git;a=commitdiff;h=04118b6432d6662aaf05c10a82e2de117805e46620:24.51 
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