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Robin_Watts tor8: Did the muso stuff eventually get a lgtm ?09:50.20 
malc_ Robin_Watts: pardon my english ignorance again, but "did .. get"? (i.e. "have" "gotten" | "will .. get")09:52.38 
Robin_Watts Did... get is correct.09:53.30 
kens No, did get is correct09:53.31 
Robin_Watts Did dad get home ?09:53.47 
  Has dad gotten home?09:53.52 
kens Has this event happened? Is the question, not 'will this event happen?'09:53.57 
Robin_Watts Will dad get home?09:53.57 
kens Past vs future09:54.14 
malc_ eventually in the sentence confuses me09:54.17 
  and ty all09:54.54 
kens juyst means it did take/will take a long time09:54.58 
malc_ kens: in this case the question sign is confusing :)09:55.21 
kens Well, its still a question, the question is whether an event (which took a long gime) has happened yet09:55.48 
malc_ well, I'll trust your word on it. Still looks bogus to me... Then again I only had English classes in second and third grade while in school...09:58.09 
kens English grammar is 'flexible', the good news is that whatever you say/write, you'll usually be understood.09:58.51 
tor8 Robin_Watts: um, did you push your "Harden pdf_load_outline_imp against exceptions"? it reverts the curl submodule.09:58.56 
Robin_Watts tor8: Feck. I thought that was your commit.09:59.10 
kens malc_ : even if its not strictly correct.09:59.12 
Robin_Watts Will forcepush a fix.09:59.18 
kens I was very taken with the (lack of) grammar in Madarin Chinese09:59.36 
tor8 my commit already made it to master :)09:59.36 
  Robin_Watts: the muso commits LGTM10:00.04 
malc_ kens: sebras enjoys it now :)10:00.12 
kens Yeah but he knows much more about it than i do :)10:00.30 
malc_ kens: thank you10:00.31 
  ä½ å¥½ 马10:01.07 
  that's the extent of mine10:01.15 
kens Yeah I don't read Chinese at all, didn't have enough time to learn any10:01.26 
  We only covered PinYin10:01.41 
malc_ it's nihao ma written phonetically :)10:02.19 
kens Ah, well now I understand :-)10:02.32 
tor8 Robin_Watts: there's a handful of commits on tor/master for review10:05.33 
  one to fix the CMap commit (I had sorted the cmap list using sort, but forgot to set all the idiot locale crap to "C"... so it sorted stupid)10:06.03 
malc_ tor8: LC_CTYPE right?10:07.35 
  however no... that's not right, sort probably uses something else entirely10:08.02 
tor8 malc_: all of them! LC_COLLATE was unset so it picked up LANG or LANGUAGE :(10:09.29 
malc_ tor8: i can hear your pain, and thus have:10:10.20 
  env | grep LANG10:10.28 
  env | grep ^LC_ 10:11.30 
  you Brits got the date format right10:11.56 
Robin_Watts tor8: K != X10:14.27 
  case 'K: should be case 'X': in x11_main.c ?10:14.47 
  Other than that, all lgtm.10:16.34 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yes, good catch!10:17.10 
  Robin_Watts: one more commit on tor/master fixing some mu-threads linux stuff10:23.36 
Robin_Watts crap.10:24.09 
tor8 the compiler complained about the initializers being = { 0 } 10:25.21 
jogux bugzilla seems dead to me :-(10:33.52 
chrisl Probably running a backup10:34.37 
  Timing seems about right10:34.44 
jogux how long does that take? I think I've been trying about 15 minutes so far.10:39.31 
chrisl Actually, both picas and points are down, so I'm guessing there's a comcast outage10:40.10 
jogux ah. urgh :( thanks chrisl.10:40.56 
chrisl And I can't find a comcast status page, but there's a post from ~5 minutes ago saying that San Raphael comcast is down, so......10:44.30 
Robin_Watts http://downdetector.com/status/comcast-xfinity/map/11:25.53 
sebras tor8: how do you feel about the two commits on sebras/master?11:48.02 
  thanks for taking the unicode 9.0.0 commit btw.11:48.24 
tor8 sebras: LGTM11:49.03 
sebras I'm having trouble creating a new bug on bugzilla.12:10.34 
  connecting to bugs.ghostscript.com appears to timeout..?12:10.46 
Robin_Watts sebras: comcast has an outage in the bay area.12:14.25 
sebras Robin_Watts: ok. I'm retrying.12:14.59 
jogux sebras: it's been completley down for a couple of hours :(12:30.38 
sebras jogux: I actually managed to create the bugreport a few minutes after robin's reply.12:31.49 
jogux oh, cool... yeah, I can access it now.12:32.08 
  I've forgotten what I need to do, of course :)12:42.23 
Robin_Watts Jogux: something to do with a bug?12:47.08 
jogux :)13:00.44 
ominfowave hello13:54.05 
ghostbot Welcome to #ghostscript, the channel for Ghostscript and MuPDF. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line.13:54.05 
sebras tor8: three more small patches on sebras/master14:56.25 
  or robin if he's up to it.15:03.43 
Robin_Watts sebras: First one is wrong, I believe.15:07.11 
sebras Robin_Watts: why?15:07.37 
Robin_Watts pdf_dict_put_val_drop now always drops val whether the put works or not.15:07.41 
  Previously, the reference was transferred in on success.15:07.57 
sebras Robin_Watts: true there's a keep missing in there.15:08.42 
Robin_Watts Is 't' the official format specifier for pdfdiff_t ?15:10.33 
  or one we've invented?15:10.43 
  Why not 'p'?15:10.47 
sebras Robin_Watts: t is the official one according to printf(3), yes.15:11.01 
Robin_Watts fair enough.15:11.07 
sebras I liked your typo. :)15:11.13 
Robin_Watts So all lgtm except the missing keep.15:11.32 
sebras Robin_Watts: updated commit online.15:25.26 
  appears to cluster ok.15:25.36 
Robin_Watts sebras: That's not right...15:28.49 
  The final commit duplicates some code and should be dropped.15:29.20 
  The previous ones lgtm.15:30.03 
sebras Robin_Watts: look again.15:30.28 
sebras needs to relearn git rebase -i15:30.46 
kens likes git rebase -i15:30.59 
Robin_Watts sebras: Nope. :)15:31.12 
  pdf_dict_put_val_drop really only needs to be defined once :)15:31.27 
sebras I see it. wtf?! (that's Android's What a Terrible Failure, acronym if anyone wonders...)15:31.43 
Robin_Watts git reset --hard db3e5f4 I think :)15:32.24 
  git reset --hard afc9df36cd I think.15:33.34 
sebras new attempt.15:33.54 
Robin_Watts yeah, that's got 0 diffs from afc9df36cd so I'm happy.15:34.23 
sebras I'll recluster that one, because now I'm paranoid.15:34.56 
  this will be the last commit I send today...15:35.04 
MacWinner hi, is there an open source PDF wb viewer.. something like slideshare's viewer? I've tried PDFJS, but it sucks on mobile21:45.46 
  right now I use flexpaper + mupdf to render the PDF to PNGs.. just seems clunky21:46.14 
Robin_Watts MacWinner: You could probably turn MuPDF into a browser plugin.21:46.49 
  (NaCl ? or something like that?)21:47.10 
MacWinner oh.. need it to work on mobile ios and android browser21:47.13 
Robin_Watts MacWinner: Well, MuPDF has ports to both android and ios.21:47.26 
MacWinner unfortunately we can't use a native app.. just checking htis channel inc ase someone has seen it.. i know tools used here are not necessarily for web pdf viewers..21:48.29 
  i googled for NaCL, but just got sodium chloride hits.. what were you referring to?21:59.27 
Robin_Watts https://developer.chrome.com/native-client23:54.14 
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