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faris_ Hey guys, I found a bug with the search_page yesterday (in version 1.10a and found a fix for it, so I was wondering how I can commit my fixes?07:53.31 
RobinWattsLenovo faris_: For the logs: Attach a patch to your bug report.11:47.22 
  Morning paulgardiner 12:30.00 
  I'm about to make a booking at Chopstix for this evening at 6:30.21:45.21 
  So far I have: Me, Helen, Joseph, Yukko, Pete, Elaine, Ken, Stella, Chris, Sebastian, Tor, Karin, Henry, Sabrina, and potentially Miles/Sheila/Grant. Anyone else want in?21:46.49 
paulgardiner Ah! Me and Linda. I thought we said.22:24.32 
kens paulgardiner : robin sent out an email too, you maybe want to reply to that as well22:26.27 
paulgardiner Should be okay I think. We were in the assumed coming list in that email.22:31.29 
RobinWattsLenovo I'm incapable of counting.22:32.58 
  Unfortunately Chopstix are having power issues.22:33.10 
  They won't take any reservations at the moment.22:33.19 
  They suggest that they will know more by 7pm.22:33.27 
  So unless anyone has a better idea, I figure we'll meet at Chopstix at 7, and if they can't seat us, we'll wander over to the village.22:33.54 
  Hi michael.22:33.59 
paulgardiner Okay thanks Robin22:39.29 
kens RobinWattsLenovo : STella says fine. Note to all; Scott sand Heather said earlier there have been power problems in this building all day. Judging by the noise there is a stonking big generator somewhere outside right now.22:40.00 
RobinWattsLenovo kens: yeah, Helen was toldd the same.22:40.15 
kens Shower etc while you can :)22:40.25 
jogux RobinWattsLenovo: your suggestions sounds great (given the circumstances)22:40.38 
  I boggle these power issues though. Seriously, wtf.22:40.51 
RobinWattsLenovo jogux: apparently last night it was the mainland that was off too, not just here.22:41.35 
tor8 RobinWattsLenovo: yeah, big fat diesel generator just outside our window.22:45.30 
jogux RobinWattsLenovo: Ah.22:45.57 
  ahhh. the generator clearly just got quieter, then a nice click somewhere close by... now beep... beep... beep23:05.22 
  and the lights were clearly a bit flickery.23:05.50 
  clearly some fun going on :)23:06.10 
chrisl_x250 Lots of funny noises coming through23:06.50 
jogux the UPS didn't last long beeping. Not sure if that means the power is okay now or that the battery in the UPS is gubbed :)23:08.44 
kens kh oh23:13.17 
jogux and that would be the power completely out23:13.23 
kens no lights here23:13.24 
jogux UPS battery is definitely gubbed :-)23:13.45 
tor8 so what powers the wifi?23:13.54 
kens UPS here isn't doing anything usegul23:13.59 
jogux this is a good quesiton.23:14.01 
kens WiFi is in wind power ?23:14.08 
jogux I'm not confident of our chances of eating in chopstix.23:14.20 
  also I wonder where the stairs are. Don't fancy using the lifts tonight :)23:14.33 
kens Stairs by the lifts on our floor23:14.58 
sebras_ jogux: or opening the doors to our rooms using the electronic keys.23:15.02 
kens Possibly door is alarmed though23:15.08 
  Getting back to room could be a problem yes23:15.24 
kens thinks chopstix is out, and wonders about any eating place23:16.01 
jogux sebras_: Hmm, yes :)23:16.07 
  I'm not hopeful the wifi is going to stay up for any significant amount of time.23:16.43 
sebras_ hopefully the does use the same powersource as the wifi.23:16.54 
kens I guess its on a UPS that works, so when the battery gord23:17.10 
  goes, so does the wifi23:17.20 
jogux I reckon the door locks are battery powered. There's no sign of any power cable going through the door hinges.23:19.26 
kens also door still works right now23:20.38 
  lifts though I would think not23:20.54 
jogux hopefully that also knocks out any alarms for the stairwell doors then :-)23:21.27 
kens No idea, I would like to thnk those are battery powered too, but who knows23:22.20 
jogux http://www.bahamaselectricity.com/BPL%20responds%20to%20power%20outage-%20November%2030.pdf23:22.53 
kens Umm, not great news23:23.54 
  I wonder if its going to be possible to eat anghtywhere toni23:24.13 
jogux possibly if we get back to the main island23:24.52 
  interestingly the lights seem to be on in the next tower23:25.00 
chrisl_x250 Different generator maybe23:25.26 
kens Maybe time to eat in Coral or Roayl then23:25.50 
  Possibly that generator is also supplying the wifi :)23:26.39 
jogux at least Miles might get a nice discount off the bill :-)23:26.57 
kens Stella and I are going to give up on Chopsti and head downstairs in seARCH OF FOOD23:28.07 
  Sorry, having trouble seeing keyboard...23:28.35 
  See you all tomorrow :)23:29.00 
jogux hehe23:29.06 
  I guess I'll still go with meeting folks in the lobby at 18:45 and see.23:29.57 
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