Log of #ghostscript at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2016/12/01)20161202 
riccardo_ hello everyone10:44.34 
sebras riccardo_: hi!10:48.58 
  riccardo_: the devs of ghostscript/mupdf are currently at a company meeting, so responses any questions you send may take a long time. :)10:56.30 
riccardo_ oh, good to know, thanks10:58.34 
RobinWattsLenovo riccardo_: If you have a question you should ask it though.11:58.20 
  We monitor the logs and will reply to stuff when we do return. Just be patient :)11:58.41 
riccardo_ I have two questions: 1. I've been able to add an image to an existing pdf in a C program using the drawing command: q 100 0 0 100 0 0 cm /testimg Do Q. the result is the image stretching to fill the entire area, is there a way to fit the image on x while preserving aspect ratio?13:45.47 
  2. In the same C program i write text in a widget with pdf_text_widget_set_text and save the pdf with pdf_save_document. The problem is that utf8 characters are not stored correctly.13:48.41 
ellonde Hey fellas.. Any mupdf guys in here? Could really use some help16:26.11 
kens ellonde : DOn't ask to ask, just ask16:34.01 
  We are all currently in a staff meeting,but the channel is logged, and someone will reply when they have a chance.16:34.35 
sebras chrisl_x250: good morning!21:20.43 
chrisl_x250 Oh no! The trauma of the meeting has broken sebras!21:21.14 
sebras chrisl_x250: :)21:21.43 
chrisl_x250 It's not even morning back home21:22.07 
sebras chrisl_x250: in taiwan it is soon 6am...21:22.35 
chrisl_x250 sebras: well, you can always argue that it's morning *somewhere*21:23.18 
sebras chrisl_x250: by the same logic I would never need to get out of bed because it's not yet morning *somewhere*. I prefer that argument. :)21:24.46 
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