Log of #ghostscript at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2016/12/02)20161203 
bmmjj hello everyone00:34.57 
  i have a question00:35.06 
  im using GSview and i setup has Portable00:35.30 
  but everytime i open gsview ask me language and GhostScript isn't install 00:36.20 
  but Ghostscript is there and i can convert eps to pdf "my case"00:36.59 
  so my question is why GSview says GhostScript isn't install ?00:37.51 
  this is annoying :) 00:38.15 
  but if i put GhostScript in some folder where GSView is run well 00:39.47 
  anyone home ? :) 01:15.42 
kens bmmjj (for the logs) which version of GSView are you using, and on what operating system ?03:08.33 
camelopard My school asks me to volunteer in some project, e.g. in development of free software. Would GS folks acknowledge a contribution if I post a patch to a GS bug?17:17.08 
jogux camelopard: What kind of acknowledgement would you need? But generally I would imagine if you submit a good patch they'll be happy. (I work for Artifex, but not on GS. Most of the GS developers are sitting on a beach today. :) )17:34.10 
camelopard I need 20 hours of work signed off on a school form by a 3rd party.17:37.34 
jogux it might be best to come back on Monday, I think at least some of the GS developers should be back at work then - maybe keep an eye on the logs too, one of them might answer you over the next day or two.17:59.07 
kens camelopard we always try to acknowledge contributions. Ordinarily that would be acknowledged in the bug thread and in the commit message to our Git repository. If you need some kind of official cofirmation I'm sure that could be arranged. Letter on headed paper or something. Do please check with us before embarking on anything though. There are usually Ghostscript developes online weekdays from about 8am in Europe through to clo22:03.53 
  se of business on the West Coast of the US. Often someone will be around other times too. THis week is an exception as we're at a staff meeting.22:03.53 
chrisl_x250 camelopard: note that we'd also need you to complete, sign and send in a contributor agreement (we require that for any non-trivial patch, and prefer it for all patches).22:18.47 
 Forward 1 day (to 2016/12/04)>>> 