Log of #ghostscript at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2016/12/04)20161205 
yousef would anyone care to give me some pointers on how to create an image thumbnail from a pdf using the ghostscript (or any other) C API?10:16.37 
ray_laptop yousef: if you know what size image thumbnail you want, and what format you can just invoke ghostscript without needing the C API10:55.48 
  yousef: for instance: gs -g100x100 -dFitPage -sDEVICE=png16m -o thumbnail.png input.pdf10:56.51 
  yousef: which will create a 100x100 image with the PDF scaled to fit in the 100x100 pixel image. From C you can just invoke gs with the system() call.10:58.09 
  yousef: if you want to use the C API, consult http://www.ghostscript.com/doc/current/API.htm#Example_usage and just replace the gsargv[ ] strings with those args above.11:01.11 
  and adjust the gsargc count as well11:01.30 
yousef ray_laptop (or ray_pc): thank you.18:56.54 
ray_pc yousef: I wasn't sure you were still around. I hope my comments helped. I'll consider this kind of thing for a FAQ21:48.06 
  we (Artifex staff) have been tasked with coming up with FAQ topics.21:48.40 
  IDEAS WELCOME for FAQ topics/questions :-)21:49.30 
  camelopard: I wanted to mention that Artifex has more than one Open Source (AGPL) packages. Besides Ghostscript, there is MuPDF which is a bit more "modern" in coding style (although still C) and MUCH easier for someone new to dive into21:57.08 
  camelopard: and if you let me know what (generally) your skills and interests are, I can suggest some small (20hr or so) project for you to tackle for one of those projects22:01.52 
  FAQ ideas:22:14.19 
  Extract some pages from PS or PDF 22:14.20 
  Combining pages from several files into a single PS or PDF22:14.22 
  Making thumbnails of all pages in a file or files22:14.23 
  Converting an image into a PS or PDF file22:14.25 
  Printing using Ghostscipt/CUPS to my printer22:14.27 
  Calling GS/MuPDF from my application -- what can I do beyond the command line options, and how do I do it22:14.28 
  Using Ghostscript as a conversion filter (stdin -> gs -> stdout)22:14.29 
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