Log of #ghostscript at irc.freenode.net.

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Robin_Watts tor8, sebras: For the logs, 2 commits on robin/master00:55.14 
  Morning tor8. 2 commits on robin/master10:12.39 
tor8 Robin_Watts: morning. API comment and jbig2dec update LGTM.10:59.34 
Robin_Watts tor8: Ta.11:33.04 
  2 more commits. This leaves us with the 4 const warnings in mujs, and a 'strdup' warning in harfbuzz.11:51.21 
  Just gonna check on unix now.11:51.30 
  ugh. lots of warnings in unix, but all look bogus at first glance.11:56.49 
tor8 huh. I keep the build warning free on linux with both gcc and clang (but not in release mode with gcc because it gets massively confused with setjmp)11:57.46 
Robin_Watts tor8: This was release mode.11:58.19 
  We can never have a path which doesn't have a move as it's first command, right?11:58.47 
tor8 correct. all paths must start with move, and I think that's enforced somewhere11:59.26 
Robin_Watts tor8: So we might as well not bother storing the first command.11:59.48 
tor8 fz_warn(ctx, "lineto with no current point");11:59.50 
  then we'd still need to store a flag for whether we've seen a moveto12:00.33 
Robin_Watts tor8: No, cos a cmd length of 0, and a coord length of > 0 would mean we'd seen a moveto.12:01.29 
tor8 oh, right12:01.35 
  I'm not sure whether the extra mental complexity of having an implicit first moveto is worth the very minor memory gain12:02.09 
  or was there some other reason?12:02.16 
Robin_Watts tor8: Actually, we can have a rectto as the first element.12:06.18 
  I was thinking that it might let me get around 4 of the warnings.12:06.33 
  but I don't think it's worth it.12:06.40 
tor8 ah, right. because that's a compressed moveto/3x lineto12:06.42 
Robin_Watts yeah.12:06.47 
tor8 which warnings?12:06.54 
Robin_Watts The ones about x and y being maybe used uninitialised in the path stuff.12:07.28 
tor8 yeah... those are gcc being braindead though...12:07.55 
Robin_Watts No, gcc is right, cos it can't know about the restrictions we have on the ordering.12:08.17 
  In debug mode I get 3 freetype "statics defined but not used" warnings.12:08.44 
  and that's all.12:08.48 
  so I'm happy.12:08.50 
tor8 clang gets it right though.12:08.52 
  Robin_Watts: just initialize x and y to zero if the warning bothers you12:09.05 
Robin_Watts That would bother me more :)12:09.14 
  And I'd say that clang misses it, rather than gets it right, but ho hum.12:10.31 
jhabjan hi, quick question, I'm using "gsapi_run_string" to push this: (E:/test_data/a?a.pdf) (r) file runpdfbegin13:51.34 
  the question mark in the filename actually represents some Greek letter13:52.06 
  and I'm getting e_ioerror = -1213:52.45 
  I've used gsapi_set_arg_encoding(_gs_instance, GS_ARG_ENCODING.UTF8) to set UTF8 encoding13:53.24 
  and converted all my strings to UTF813:53.31 
  any suggestions?13:53.39 
kens rename the file ? :-)13:56.08 
  I think the problem 'may be' that you are using PostScript to run the file, I'm not certain that the PostScript file operators can deal with Unicode strings.13:57.03 
  I would have to go check13:57.08 
jhabjan I thought of that too... but... that would result with making another copy of the file which I'm not sure it's a good idea.13:58.16 
kens I'm reasonably sure the PostScript specification doesn't say anything about it being able to read Unicode filenames, its a bit old for that. I don't really have the time to go debugging it just now, I'm busy with a different problem.14:00.13 
jhabjan ok, no worries, thanks14:00.37 
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