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asdfff does anyone know why gv would be unable to go back to previous page?09:57.14 
tor8 asdfff: postscript files are computer programs that generate pages. and they only do it forwards, so going back to a previous page is not possible in the general case.10:04.10 
kens Probably because your PostScript program is not DSC compliant10:04.18 
  tor8 gsview and other applications can go backwrds too, providing the PostScript is DSC10:04.41 
tor8 but if they have so called DSC comments, then gv can rearrange the program so as to be able to load any page10:04.46 
asdfff lol thanks i'm more confused than where i started, but ok i'm going to try mupdf again i just got it to build after realizing HAVE_GLFW := yes gets set in Makethird file10:07.41 
kens So you're talking about a PDF file, not a PostScript file ?10:08.46 
asdfff yes pdf, sorry10:08.53 
kens I didn't think gv handled PDF10:08.58 
  Well, gv isn't anything to do with us, so, no idea, no, sorry10:09.41 
tor8 asdfff: are you having trouble building mupdf-gl?10:09.53 
asdfff tor8: i dont' have mesa installed, or any othre gl libs10:10.12 
tor8 I haven't used gv since 2004 or so...10:10.21 
chrisl gv is a pretty dumb application, but it should be able to navigate forward and back through a PDF - it certainly does for me10:10.34 
asdfff yeah it's painful to look at, i had to move away form xpdf due to MS fonts not working right10:10.42 
tor8 I rather liked gv back in the day10:10.50 
chrisl It's just clunky due to the toolkit it uses. It is fast, because it's simple10:11.42 
tor8 asdfff: hm, not installed or not able to install?10:12.23 
  asdfff: mupdf-gl is quite happy with software gl implementations (though I've found myself having to hack glfw to allow such visuals)10:12.52 
  mesa-common-dev, libgl1-mesa-dev, libxrandr-dev, libxinerama-dev are the packages you need to install (they're listed in the README)10:13.38 
  or run 'make HAVE_GLFW=no'10:13.58 
asdfff tor8: not installed, it's a bit much for me10:14.40 
  you have to sed Makethird file too or else it will have a missing header 10:15.00 
tor8 asdfff: really?10:15.21 
asdfff hold on i'll confirm in a few mins10:15.44 
  i tried this a few hours ago 10:15.49 
  yep, thirdparty/glfw/include/GLFW/glfw.h can't find GL/gl.h, i think building build/release/platform/gl10:20.47 
tor8 it should not build any of those if HAVE_GLFW=no is set10:23.35 
asdfff do you have HAVE_GLFW := yes on line 695 of Makethird file?10:24.51 
tor8 asdfff: if you don't want to build mupdf-gl you need to build with 'make HAVE_GLFW=no'10:25.23 
asdfff i might not have an up to date tarball10:25.28 
tor8 to force it to skip the glfw-based viewer10:25.47 
asdfff hurrrayy it works! and is *much* faster than gv10:34.23 
  but i 100% needed to sed Makethird file mupdf-1.10a-source.tar.gz10:34.51 
tor8 asdfff: for the HAVE_GLFW stuff?10:35.13 
  setting HAVE_GLFW on the make command line overrides any setting in the makefiles themselves10:35.36 
asdfff try moving your gl directory so the files are not found10:36.15 
  it may not get built but it's a compiler error10:36.25 
  i had to do sed -i 's|HAVE_GLFW.*=.*|HAVE_GLFW=no|' Makethird10:37.07 
  i'm so happy i've been trying to read this pdf all frickin day, thank you guys so much for making the last sane pdf viewer in existence10:40.09 
tor8 with 'make HAVE_GLFW=no' none of the files in platform/gl nor in thirdparty/glfw are compiled10:43.01 
  asdfff: if you can get mupdf-gl to build, it's even better... same minimal UI but it's got proper search and a table of content outline thingy10:45.36 
asdfff tor8: thanks, i'll keep that in mind when/if i get around to installing GL. Thing is, i noticed some sketchiness with my web browser trying to dlopen glx when i log in to certain websites (i really wish i was making all of this up)10:49.27 
  so yeah i'm not too enthusiastic about opengl anymore10:49.42 
  er no wait it was a crash from missing glx10:50.07 
  anyway thanks again i need to get to work i lost a whole day on this :\10:50.38 
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