Log of #ghostscript at irc.freenode.net.

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fiddlerwoaroof If I wanted to fill in a postscript document with data from a website, is there a way to safely escape user input?02:00.54 
camelopard Yes, convert the string to hex. For instance, /s <baadf00d> def02:04.34 
fiddlerwoaroof Thanks02:04.52 
araxe hello, I wrote a few days ago asking for an explanation for the UWP platform. I watched the gsview project WinRT and I followed the same procedure I have compiled the projects (libmupdf, libthirdparty) as static libraries, I took the "mupdfwinrt" wrapper gsview and recompiled project to UWP.16:39.49 
  The problem is when I go to include two static libraries mupdfwinrt, there are several link errors, I added the libraries in property-> linker-> include, but are linking errors.16:41.51 
  C'è un qualche modo per far funzionare il tutto su piattaforma UWP?16:42.16 
  Is there any way to make it all work on UWP platform?16:42.32 
mvrhel_laptop araxe: I have not tried to build for UWP.17:15.08 
  When I come up from air on my current work, I am going to do a bit of work on gsview and I will take a look. Likely next month17:15.44 
araxe OK thank you very much. however also compiling gsview (WinRT) for windows 8.1, there are the same LINK errors. Thanks I will wait for new news.17:20.42 
Robin_Watts araxe: Can you list the link errors in a pastebin please?17:30.31 
mvrhel_laptop araxe: I will take a look at those next week17:32.25 
  or maybe early next month...17:32.38 
araxe of course. 10 minutes and I will send the pastebin17:38.29 
  link: http://pastebin.com/yZQBWhLZ17:43.35 
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