Log of #ghostscript at irc.freenode.net.

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sebras Robin_Watts: I take it that the commit offends you, but the interesting bit is actually why. care to elaborate?00:24.17 
  but 1:30am is a bit late, so I'll be back to read logs tomorrow. :)00:26.20 
Robin_Watts "ooh, I can do everything with realloc"00:26.31 
tor8 Robin_Watts: not "ooh, I can do everything with realloc", it's more "ooh, I only need to implement one callback instead of three?"09:49.03 
Robin_Watts tor8: Seems like needless churn in our interface to me, for no real benefit.10:03.30 
tor8 I was a bit surprised by how our api to set the allocator consisted of filling in a struct.10:18.54 
sebras tor8: ugh, android lollipop can't run things windowed. :-/13:59.39 
Robin_Watts sebras: What device ?14:03.13 
sebras Robin_Watts: nexus 10 tablet.14:03.23 
Robin_Watts ooh, I have one of those. They are nice.14:03.39 
sebras Robin_Watts: apparently there is a cyanogenmod ROM that might be useful, but I'll skip that until I need to. :)14:03.46 
Robin_Watts No, it can't run windowed, but I don't think that should be an issue.14:03.52 
jogux sebras: you mean side-by-side multitasking? yeah, you need a much newer OS.14:03.55 
sebras jogux: well, samsungbased marshmallow would suffice, that's only one version later than the one this tablet is using.14:04.32 
Robin_Watts http://www.techtimes.com/articles/94754/20151015/how-to-install-android-6-0-marshmallow-on-google-nexus-10.htm14:04.45 
jogux a year newer :-)14:04.46 
sebras jogux: or nougat if you want the google backed-version of it of course.14:04.49 
Robin_Watts but for now, i really wouldn't bother.14:05.20 
sebras Robin_Watts: the reason for wanting that is that you can easily emulate having a slimmer screen (like phones)14:10.52 
jogux sebras: you could fire up one of the emulators presumably14:11.25 
serge111 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/35274685/ghostscript-unable-to-open-the-initial-device21:01.11 
  I'm new to android development and I am trying to cross compile GS to convert PDF to PCL locally. Has anyone managed to do this successfully?21:02.19 
  in case anyone is curious my goal is to be able to run something like this on an android device that has no internet / wifi and print the PCL file via bluetooth on a battery powered printer in villages in the Congo.21:07.12 
  Thanks in advance if any responses come through, I'll be idling here for some time =), irc makes me feel like I am back in the counter-strike 1.5-1.6 days 21:14.53 
  Thanks regardless, even if you took the time to read this.21:15.26 
Robin_Watts serge111: Hi.23:40.21 
  Yes, you should be able to compile GS to convert PDF to PCL locally.23:40.42 
  Though you might want to consider using mupdf instead.23:41.12 
  mupdf can output to both black and white and colour PCL.23:41.40 
  GS is generally a bit larger/heavier than MuPDF.23:41.54 
  But it has better support for some things (and can do PS etc)23:42.08 
  i'm on UK time, other devs are on US time. Try back here tomorrow (in about 12 hours?) and I'll see what I can do to help.23:43.04 
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