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brettk80 Robin_Watts: I tried the downscale and faxing the image generates errors: 'Far end cannot receive at the resolution of the image'01:58.12 
  I compared the tiffinfo values and see some minor difference, particularly in row count. Im going to try just use 9.2 with our win cmds and see if it will just fax since we know the string works on the old ver.01:59.36 
  I get a lot of different values in tiff info between v8 and v9.2 - 9.2 fails, v8 tiff works.02:04.12 
  gs920 -r204X98 -sPAPERSIZE=letter -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAFER -sDEVICE=tiffg4 -sCOMPRESSION=none -sOutputFile=920sta.tif 1.pdf02:04.14 
  Robin_Watts: fixed that issue, resolution X is case sensitive, but your method generated a better fax image, but couldnt be faxed. Mind helping me a bit more if I provide some more details?02:39.16 
Robin_Watts brettk80: Sure, but today is bad.11:42.29 
  brettk80: What command are you using with the DownScaleFactor then?11:43.15 
brettk80 Robin_Watts: gs920 -r612x294 -dDownScaleFactor=3 -sPAPERSIZE=letter -sColorConversionStrategy=Gray -dProcessColorModel=/DeviceGray -sDEVICE=tiffscaled -sCompression=g4 -o sta.tif 1.pdf16:49.15 
  Robin_Watts: Something like this works and is faxable: gs920 -r204x98 -sPAPERSIZE=letter -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAFER -sDEVICE=tiffg4 -sCOMPRESSION=none -sOutputFile=2oldnogrey.tif 2.pdf16:49.49 
Robin_Watts Specifying -sDEVICE=tiffg4 and -sCOMPRESSION=none makes no sense.16:50.54 
  miss out the sCOMPRESSION - does it still work?16:51.02 
  I suspect the compression is what makes it faxable or not.16:54.11 
camelopard brettk80: you can use tiffinfo and tiffdump to find the difference between the files.16:55.27 
brettk80 Robin_Watts: so tiffg4 still requires compression of g4?17:05.50 
  camelopard: I did use tifftiff info, between Robin's cmd and mine the differences are row/stripes and the dimensions (not resolution).17:06.23 
  Robin_Watts: adding compression to my command makes it not faxable. I will try yours without it and see.17:10.34 
camelopard brettk80: fax machines have fixed dimensions. You can try to figure out what is needed for yours and try to get it from Ghostscript. The number of stripes in TIFF can be adjusted using tiffcp .17:11.44 
brettk80 Here's the tiff info for each file. The first works (using my cmd), the second fails because of image resolution.17:14.41 
  root@FS1A:/home/netops# tiffinfo 2.tif17:14.56 
  TIFF Directory at offset 0x8 (8)17:14.56 
  Subfile Type: multi-page document (2 = 0x2)17:14.56 
  Image Width: 2244 Image Length: 166617:14.58 
  Resolution: 204, 98 pixels/inch17:15.00 
  Bits/Sample: 117:15.02 
  Compression Scheme: CCITT Group 417:15.04 
  Photometric Interpretation: min-is-white17:15.06 
  FillOrder: msb-to-lsb17:15.08 
  Orientation: row 0 top, col 0 lhs17:15.10 
  Samples/Pixel: 117:15.12 
  Rows/Strip: 373117:15.14 
  Planar Configuration: single image plane17:15.16 
  Page Number: 0-017:15.18 
  Software: GPL Ghostscript 9.2017:15.20 
  DateTime: 2016:12:31 17:13:3217:15.22 
  Group 4 Options: (0 = 0x0)17:15.24 
  root@FS1A:/home/netops# tiffinfo 2b.tif17:15.26 
  TIFF Directory at offset 0x8 (8)17:15.28 
  Subfile Type: multi-page document (2 = 0x2)17:15.30 
  Image Width: 2244 Image Length: 166617:15.32 
  Resolution: 204, 98 pixels/inch17:15.34 
  Bits/Sample: 117:15.36 
  Compression Scheme: None17:15.38 
  Photometric Interpretation: min-is-black17:15.40 
  FillOrder: msb-to-lsb17:15.42 
  Orientation: row 0 top, col 0 lhs17:15.44 
  Samples/Pixel: 117:15.46 
  Rows/Strip: 15517:15.48 
  Planar Configuration: single image plane17:15.50 
  Page Number: 0-017:15.52 
  Software: GPL Ghostscript 9.2017:15.54 
  DateTime: 2016:12:31 17:13:5017:15.56 
  ICC Profile: <present>, 416 bytes17:15.58 
  root@FS1A:/home/netops# 17:16.00 
  probably should have pastebin that sorry.17:16.02 
  I've also tried it with the g4 compressions on file 2b and it also fails.17:19.18 
camelopard brettk80: let me reproduce this and try to change some options.17:22.30 
brettk80 camelopard: thanks.. reading the help doc it seemed liked maybe the tiffscaled was maybe not going to work with fax, but gs is new to me so I am unsure. I appreciate the help.17:23.58 
akk Anybody from mupdf here? I'm trying to build from git, and it's failing with17:26.35 
  source/pdf/pdf-pkcs7.c:31:39: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type ‘BIO {aka struct bio_st}’17:26.38 
  (I want to build it because I want to make it shrink-wrap upon startup; the version in debian always starts with the wrong window size.)17:27.21 
  It's in a function with signature bsegs_read(BIO *b, char *buf, int size), should that BIO be something else?17:29.50 
  I'm having trouble finding where BIO is defined, though lots of lines in /usr/include/openssl/* use it.17:37.05 
camelopard akk: I'm not a mupdf expert but I had no problems building it from sources on Ubuntu earlier today.17:44.55 
akk Maybe there's some magic package I need that I didn't see mentioned in README.17:45.43 
camelopard brettk80: try to post-process your file with tiffcp -r -1 -c g4 src.tiff dst.tiff17:46.08 
akk I'm building with HAVE_GLFW=no but that probably doesn't matter since the error seems to have something to do with libcrypto and SSL unpacking.17:46.15 
  I guess I'll give up and build the debian version (apt-get source) and patch that version.17:46.54 
brettk80 camelopard: ok. I will give it a try17:57.24 
  camelopard: fax_result_text: 'Far end cannot receive at the resolution of the image'17:59.29 
camelopard brettk80: but I thought the resolution was the same as the resolution of the working file. Please check this.18:02.56 
brettk80 camelopard: seems to match, but.. Rows/Strip: 3731 (working) v, Rows/Strip: 1666 (not working)18:04.21 
  camelopard: also in the post-processed file I see ICC Profile: <present>, 416 bytes18:04.43 
  that seems to be the only dif in tiffinfo18:05.21 
camelopard brettk80: OK, tiffcp -r 3731 -c g4 src.tiff dst.tiff18:05.40 
brettk80 sure, but wont the rows change on each doc?18:06.01 
  beeause if I just use the tiffg4 device on a variety of files the rows are never the same18:06.44 
camelopard brettk80: It can be a magic number. And long pages will just have more stripes.18:08.08 
brettk80 camelopard: Ill keep playing a bit and do some research on stripes. Just odd that the tiffg4 driver doesnt have any issue making a faxable format and the downscale and g4 creates something that isnt. I got to go afk for a bit, but thank you for the effort and help.18:13.13 
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