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brettk80 Hi All01:02.41 
camelopard2 brettk80: Happy faxing!01:49.30 
Robin_Watts brettk80: OK, so gs command line options are case sensitive.10:34.11 
  the compression option is "Compression", not "COMPRESSION".10:34.23 
  Hence doing "-sDEVICE=tiffg4 -sCOMPRESSION=none", is the same as doing "-sDEVICE=tiffg4", so you get g4 compression, which is what you want fora f10:35.08 
  for a fax.10:35.14 
  Doing "-sDEVICE=tiffscaled -sCOMPRESSION=g4" is the same as doing "-sDEVICE=tiffscaled", which gives you the default tiffscaled compression - which is none, hence you get something unfaxable.10:36.07 
  brettk80: Also, -r123X456 doesn't work afaict, you need -r123x456, I think.10:47.03 
  -r123X456 is the same as -r12310:47.13 
  so the command you quote for your baseline image is producing a 204x204 fax image.10:47.31 
  Also, what's the point of: -sColorConversionStrategy=Gray -dProcessColorModel=/DeviceGray ?10:50.46 
  Yell when you're about and we can try some simple tests.10:50.59 
brettk80 Robin_Watts: I will try your recomendataions and report back. Thank you.16:30.32 
Robin_Watts brettk80: Do you have time now?16:31.13 
brettk80 Robin_Watts: Yes, a bit. I am going to try your downscale command and make the case adjustments16:31.40 
Robin_Watts Let's just try some really simple stuff.16:32.05 
brettk80 Robin_Watts: ok16:32.22 
Robin_Watts gs -sDEVICE=tiffg4 -o out.tif -r204x204 examples/tiger.pdf16:32.31 
  Hopefully out.tif should be faxable.16:32.42 
  Then try:16:32.44 
brettk80 204x204 is not a standard fax resolution though.16:32.58 
  204x98 or 204x19616:33.33 
Robin_Watts gs -sDEVICE=tiffg4 -o out.tif -r204x196 examples/tiger.pdf16:33.45 
  If that works, then we'll try:16:34.10 
  gs -sDEVICE=tiffscaled -o out.tif -sCompression=g4 -r204x196 examples/tiger.pdf16:34.27 
brettk80 ok16:34.45 
Robin_Watts The only real difference that I can see between the files output by those two is that one uses "MINISBLACK" and one uses "MINISWHITE"16:35.30 
brettk80 waiting for the 1st to fax, but it seems like it will.16:35.49 
  1st test ok16:37.06 
  testing #216:37.09 
  #2 failed16:37.24 
  fax_result_text: 'Far end cannot receive at the resolution of the image'16:37.33 
Robin_Watts Ok, so tiffinfo the two different files ?16:37.47 
brettk80 Robin_Watts: http://pastebin.com/8y9NhgJ216:38.27 
Robin_Watts gs -sDEVICE=tiffscaled -o out.tif -sCompression=g4 -r204x196 -dAdjustWidth=1 examples/tiger.pdf16:41.19 
  That should force the tiffscaled output to match the width of the other one.16:41.32 
brettk80 Robin_Watts: seems to be faxing. 16:42.44 
Robin_Watts Fab.16:42.51 
brettk80 the issue is if this is going to be problematic for each file if they vary..16:43.05 
  they should all be US letter, US legal or A4.16:43.17 
Robin_Watts So... we can try:16:43.17 
  gs -sDEVICE=tiffscaled -o out.tif -sCompression=g4 -r612x588 -dDownScaleFactor=3 -dAdjustWidth=1 examples/tiger.pdf16:44.11 
brettk80 ok16:44.24 
Robin_Watts -dAdjustWidth=1 basically says "do some voodoo with the widths to suit fax devices"16:44.37 
brettk80 voodoo works for me.16:45.00 
  the other test is still sending. I will test this one next.16:45.50 
  Robin_Watts: Success16:50.24 
Robin_Watts Fab.16:50.31 
brettk80 Ill give it a go with A4 and some different docs. Super awesome. You need a tip jar :)16:50.47 
  Robin_Watts: is it Ok to add -sPapersize?17:54.55 
Robin_Watts Sure.17:55.22 
  See the "-dAdjustWidth" bit on that page.17:55.57 
brettk80 ok... and -dAutoRotatePages=/PageByPage is proper still?17:56.11 
Robin_Watts Stuff near A4 is nobbled to 1728 and stuff near B4 is nobbled to 2048.17:56.25 
  No idea.17:56.26 
  If you don't understand it, don't use it.17:56.33 
brettk80 ok I will give it a try17:56.38 
Robin_Watts Cargo cult programming never ends well.17:56.41 
brettk80 lol..17:57.11 
  well we need to adjust if the page is landscape to portrait. We have another rendering engine that can do this as well, but GS would be ideal. Ill do some samples and check it out.17:57.57 
Robin_Watts A quick google through the docs suggests that -dAutoRotatePages=/PageByPage is still sane.18:00.46 
ray_laptop brettk80: the AutoRotatePages works by looking at the dominant text direction (which must be present as text and not just scanned characters)21:02.23 
brettk80 ray_laptop: is there a way to do it by page dimensions? 21:03.03 
ray_laptop brettk80: -dFitPage will scale and rotate pages for the best fit to a given page format. Destination (output) page size can be in pixels with -gWWWxHHH or in points with -dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=__ -dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=__ -dFIXEDMEDIA21:06.42 
  -g implies -dFIXEDMEDIA21:06.51 
  points are 1/72 inch21:07.03 
brettk80 so if I am using a papersize letter and its in landscape will dFitPage make it portrait? 21:07.29 
ray_laptop brettk80: yes -sPAPERSIZE=letter -dFIXEDMEDIA -dFitPage will rotate landscape pages to portrait letter21:10.04 
brettk80 ray_laptop: thanks Ill give it a go.21:10.34 
ray_laptop brettk80: good luck. I may be around for a while yet if something doesn't quite work. Note that the direction of rotation prefers -9021:11.27 
  and there is no way (other than changing the "pdf_main.ps" PostScript code to alter that21:28.11 
  but you can use a modified pdf_main.ps without having to recompile the executable21:28.34 
brettk80 ray_laptop: 90 would be upside down, so 45 if landscape seems like it would be the desired format..21:29.41 
ray_laptop 45???? 21:29.55 
brettk80 nm21:30.00 
  mental error21:30.04 
ray_laptop 180 is upside down21:30.08 
brettk80 90 is right21:30.08 
ray_laptop right21:30.15 
  maybe you were thinking about reflection about a line at that angle ?21:30.54 
brettk80 no I was just being stupid the first day back at work :)21:31.51 
  multi-tasking and thinking math hurts.21:32.28 
ray_laptop good thing I'm not really working today. I get to be stupid Wednesday since I am traveling tomorrow21:32.33 
brettk80 I work all the time, but customers are back in the groove.. trying to get back into the swing after enjoying a vacation and sleeping in.21:33.09 
  it has been slow, but tomorrow I am sure will be insane. (ugh)21:33.39 
  traveling anywhere fun and warm?21:35.00 
ray_laptop well, warmer than St. Louis MO (where they are supposed to get a cold snap) to So Calif where the high today is about the same as STL21:36.29 
brettk80 I used to live in Chicago.. I feel your pain.21:36.59 
ray_laptop traveling back home after visiting my parents21:37.07 
  I now live in So CA21:37.20 
  (since 1976)21:37.29 
brettk80 Nice. My brother lives in San Diego, my dad moved to Hawaii and I'm in New Mexico... 21:37.45 
  Think dummy here needs to take the hint and go somewhere warm.21:38.00 
ray_laptop NM has parts that are warm, doesn't it?21:39.10 
brettk80 ABQ is kind of warm most winter, but it also has a lot of meth labs... lol.21:39.38 
  Not my kind of town.. I live in Santa Fe near the mountains so we have skiing and cold - though not as bad as Chicago.21:40.01 
ray_laptop Do you have enough snow to ski recently?21:40.44 
brettk80 In the mountains yes.21:40.55 
  Los Alamos and Taos too.. Taos is more known for skiing than Santa Fe, but we have it.21:41.26 
  Mostly cheap to live, not too bad of a place, quiet, great food, historic, population less than 70k and higher elevation. Everything else sucks.21:42.00 
  I travel a lot so I don't mind it.. Lived in mostly big cities most of life so it was a nice, temporary change.21:42.26 
ray_laptop My kids hope that the local (2hr drive) mountains will have snow when we get back for later this week21:42.29 
brettk80 lol - local21:42.39 
  Mines about 25 minutes from my house.21:42.58 
  are they old enough to drive?21:43.21 
ray_laptop yes (twins are 17) but still don't have their license21:44.18 
brettk80 might be a good time to consider that license... 4 hours of driving for snow fun is a big commitment. :)21:45.03 
ray_laptop brettk80: we went up to the mountains during Thanksgiving and it took us 6 hrs to get home -- bunch of snow noobs thinking they could get by without chains, and then others stopping in the road to put on chains when they got to where they couldn't go any further21:46.04 
  it hadn't snowed, started at 2pm and by 4pm we had 4 inches21:46.32 
camelopard ray_laptop: I would like to request access to private test files. My school requires me to participate in practical training, and I would like to fix some bugs in ghostscript. However, many of these bugs involve test files which I do not have access to. Perhaps I could sign a NDA and get access to them?21:46.42 
ray_laptop it got 8 inches total in that storm21:46.58 
brettk80 I have a rover and I still drive with chains in the damn mountains. Plus people drive like idiots - I'm like "enjoy the cliff!"21:47.06 
  ray_laptop: It's usually the tourists that think their little Prius can make it to the top.21:48.08 
ray_laptop camelopard: we can look to see if we can redact some of the files if you let us know which you are interested in. For an NDA, please contact our president, Miles Jones (miles dot jones at artifex dot com) and he will most likely be willing to get you set up21:49.16 
  brettk80: yeah -- there was one such idiot that zoomed by in an F350 4x4 (on the wrong side of the road, as we were all inching along). About 20 minutes == 1/2 mile later, he was in the ditch21:50.35 
camelopard For instance, I would like the sample file for bug 695343.21:53.10 
ray_laptop camelopard: we would need the list of files/bugs you are interested in tackling in any case since we cannot give access to ALL private files. Go ahead and send the list of bugs you are interested in to me (ray dot johnston at artifex dot com)21:53.37 
camelopard Thank you, I will do so.21:54.34 
ray_laptop camelopard: strange. I didn't do a very good job reporting that one. No sample file attached, no command line. I'll fix that up now, but since it is fron 2014 it is probably already fiexed21:55.34 
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