Log of #ghostscript at irc.freenode.net.

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Zeranoe Something's up with the way that GS handles transparent "shadows". http://i.imgur.com/LlAUuKx.png Left is GS, right is original.01:36.25 
husstech hey, just a really quick one hopefully. When using "mutool draw -o %d.png filename.pdf" are there any other flags I need to set for it to use multithreaded mode? I see in the options there is -P, but that causes a segfault for me. Sorry if this is a simple question, I've been reading the source mudraw.c, example.c and multi-threaded.c, but I can't decipher if the command line tool needs to have a flag set. It's late here for 01:58.53 
  Thank you for your time01:58.58 
camelopard Zeranoe: Please file a bug report on bugs.ghostscript.com02:25.54 
Zeranoe camelopard: Done. https://bugs.ghostscript.com/show_bug.cgi?id=69747204:05.33 
Darajan Hello, I'm debugging a mupdf SIGSEGV issue and saw talk about a '/home/support/693503/*/3192.pdf.SIGSEGV.b0.2438' pdf file back in the IRC logs from 2013 (yeah i know :) ). Any chance at all that this file can be retrieved?10:14.07 
kens That's a customer file, we can't give it out10:15.42 
Darajan Do you have any simmilar files causing the same issue?10:16.50 
kens TO answer that I would first have to know what the problem was with that file. Since that was only one from a group of files, I don't know the answer offhand, I'm not dead keen to spend time digging up 3 year old fixes to be honest.10:17.59 
  Also, the problem was fixed, and remains fixed, since that file was added to our test suite (I think)10:18.18 
Darajan I understand that, the problem relates to #693503, any other file bound to that issue that you can give out would be helpful for me. I understand if you can't10:19.02 
kens SOrry, all the files relating to that bug report were customer files, we can't give out any of them10:19.28 
Darajan Ok, thank you10:19.34 
Robin_Watts Darajan: So... you are debugging a MuPDF segv that's already been solved?10:20.51 
Darajan The project I'm working on uses the jmupdf library, which itself depends on binaries from an older version of mupdf10:22.13 
  It's a pita as you can imagine10:22.24 
Robin_Watts Darajan: So... can you just fix jmupdf to work with the newer version of mupdf? It would seem a saner solution.10:27.26 
Darajan Yes thats what I'm going for, or just removing jmupdf and going straight to mupdf. What I'm looking for is just a way to reproduce the problem detected in our logs & a way to say "yes, this solved the problem"10:28.51 
  Customer did not give access to the file10:28.58 
  Any clues on "make java"? I have the third party libraries (uncofigured) & get a "No package 'freetype2' found" error from pkg-config14:55.15 
kens Darajan you are building MuPDF from source ?15:09.28 
Darajan yes15:09.37 
kens Did you do the submodule update from the Giot repository ?15:09.55 
  BTW I'm not an expert on MuPDF....15:10.02 
  But I cna ping people who are :)15:10.08 
Darajan yes & make generate15:10.49 
kens OK then let me find someone15:10.55 
  Presumably there is a freetype2 directory in the source directory ?15:11.54 
Darajan no, but i have a "freetype" directory15:12.21 
kens ah, should be freetype, not freetype2, that's 'ionteresting'15:12.28 
  Urr, wait....15:12.46 
  Why are you running pkg-config ?15:12.55 
sebras Darajan: do you have a thirdparty/freetype directory?15:13.00 
Darajan yes15:13.05 
sebras kens: Darajan: so pkg-config is being run from Makerules as we try to locate freetype.15:13.40 
kens So, you trype 'make java' and the error is returned by pkg-config ?15:13.43 
Darajan I also have a freetype directory under build/release/15:13.47 
kens shuts up and leaves it to someone with a clue15:14.03 
Darajan yup15:14.05 
  darareyahi@franklin:~/mupdf/mupdf-1.10a-source$ make java make -C platform/java Package freetype2 was not found in the pkg-config search path.15:14.11 
  shit, username leak15:14.26 
sebras Darajan: that ok with me. :)15:14.39 
Darajan too eager 15:14.44 
sebras Darajan: ok so the error message means that our makefiles attempted to locate freetype on your system and couldn't find it.15:15.06 
  Darajan: I would assume that the version in thirdparty/freetype is being used though.15:15.22 
Darajan it seems to be looking for a file called "freetype2.pc"15:15.50 
  however I can't find it in any directory15:15.59 
ray_laptop mvrhel_laptop: I just opened a bug -- I was trying to use the bitrgbtags device to work on the issue with BlendColorProfile to a device with tags, and it segfaults :-(15:21.51 
sebras Darajan: do you have the package libfreetype6-dev installed on your system?15:25.16 
  Darajan: that package should include freetype2.pc for pkg-config to use, that way you'd avoid the error message.15:25.35 
mvrhel_laptop morning ray_laptop. after I eat breakfast I will take a look at it15:26.10 
ray_laptop mvrhel_laptop: np15:26.40 
mvrhel_laptop I suppose we should add the blend color space option to the weekly regression testing. That would have caught this15:26.59 
ray_laptop mvrhel_laptop: I'm having breakfast and my coffee as well15:27.07 
mvrhel_laptop bbiab15:27.15 
sebras Darajan: as to why we prefer to use the system freetype in this case I'm not sure. might be some kind of conflict between freetype in the dynamic library used for the JNI-bindings and a freetype used by the JVM itself.15:28.00 
ray_laptop mvrhel_laptop: just adding the bitrgbtags device to the weekly testing would suffice. It segfaults even without -sBlendColorProfile=default_cmyk.icc15:28.07 
Darajan sebras: i installed it and it seems to be building fine :) thank you15:28.17 
sebras Darajan: excellent.15:28.23 
tor8 Darajan: okay, stupid question, but is the thirdparty/freetype directory empty?15:34.56 
kens tor8 I think he's good now15:35.09 
tor8 ah, yes. catching up to the logs.15:35.22 
  sebras: Darajan: we use the system freetype library for java builds because java uses the system freetype library15:35.49 
  and if there are version mismatches, BAD things happen when you mix and match and functions from our built-in freetype call system freetype functions loaded from a shared library by the JVM15:36.19 
  hence the hacks to build the core mupdf library with FREETYPE_DIR=/foo in the java makefile15:37.06 
Darajan tor8: no directory is not empty15:39.56 
  tor8: build worked fine after i installed libfreetype6-dev :)15:40.38 
tor8 Darajan: okay, good :)15:42.31 
Darajan Any idea what VS-version i need to build the windows .dll's?15:43.04 
  build party going on over here15:43.15 
kens AFAIK 2005 upwards shold be OK15:43.30 
  I'm using 200815:43.35 
Darajan great15:43.43 
sebras tor8: right, as I assumed then. I had a vague memory of you mentioning this a long time ago, but didn't remember until I looked at platform/java/Makefile (I assumed we used thirdparty/freetype at first)15:59.52 
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