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Guest2802 I'm trying to work out MuPDF - Is there an actual Java API that's usable alongside android code? The documentation doesn't really make it that clear. And is it usable through an android gradle file?01:09.21 
Robin_Watts Guest2802: hi01:09.35 
Guest2802 hi01:09.38 
ghostbot Welcome to #ghostscript, the channel for Ghostscript and MuPDF. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line.01:09.38 
Robin_Watts Yes, there is a java API.01:09.46 
  Yes, it's usable alongside android code.01:09.54 
  It's very new, hence the documentation isn't there yet.01:10.12 
Guest2802 Ah, fair enough01:10.24 
  Is it distributed via a maven repo s that it can be used via gradle?01:10.40 
Robin_Watts it's built currently using an ndk-build file.01:10.49 
Guest2802 Ah, so it'll still require the NDK as well?01:10.58 
Robin_Watts AIUI, even with gradle, gradle calls down to ndk-build.01:10.59 
  Anything written in C will need the ndk.01:11.13 
Guest2802 My main reason with asking about gradle is that it then puts everything in one place and makes building from multiple devices a tonne easier01:11.30 
Robin_Watts MuPDF is written in C, and has a 'shim' layer sat on top to do the JNI magic to make it work with java calls.01:11.36 
Guest2802 yeah01:11.42 
Robin_Watts Guest2802: We have a project that builds using gradle and makes a viewer in java. Let me find it.01:12.50 
Guest2802 Thanks01:12.58 
  So with this - can I load up a PDF and render pages to a Bitmap?01:13.24 
Robin_Watts http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=apps/mupdf-android-nui.git;a=summary01:13.42 
  With that project, no.01:14.09 
  That project is an android viewer. It renders to android bitmaps and then displays them in a view.01:14.34 
Guest2802 But the library can?01:14.43 
Robin_Watts If you want to just open a document and render to bitmaps, then yes, the library is certainly capable of that.01:15.06 
  And that project may not be an awful place to start - certainly it should help with the building etc.01:15.23 
  BUT... before you go any further, I should check you understand the license terms for MuPDF.01:15.40 
Guest2802 Yeah, building is the part that I'd need to look at the most01:15.52 
  From what I understand the license states that it must be open source - however if it's not specific licensing can be negotatied01:16.13 
Robin_Watts MuPDF is released under 2 licences. You have to pick one of them and abide by it.01:16.13 
Guest2802 ah01:16.17 
Robin_Watts The first license is the GNU AGPL.01:16.25 
  It's a big complex license but basically it says "You can use MuPDF in your project if you want for free, with no warranty etc. But in exchange your whole project must be released under the GNU AGPL too.01:17.28 
  This means (among other things) that anyone who gets a copy of your software has a right to get the source code too, and to modify/distribute it.01:18.12 
Guest2802 Yeah, I'm familiar with the GNU licenses. This specific project would be closed source - and I was going to email the licensing email once I'd worked out that I was definitely going to use it.01:18.21 
Robin_Watts OK, so the AGPL is no good for you. You'd therefore need a commercial license, and we do those too.01:18.54 
Guest2802 Mainly because I'm building something for a company that needs more than what the base Android PDFRenderer API can provide. (Specifically passwords on PDFs and speed)01:19.17 
Robin_Watts It would be worth you contacting sales@artifex.com.01:19.17 
  OK. Commercial licences are a reasonable price.01:19.46 
  By which I mean, they are not peanuts.01:20.01 
Guest2802 Yeah01:20.20 
  Are they a yearly license fee?01:20.38 
Robin_Watts Yearly license fee combined with per royalty charges I believe.01:21.16 
Guest2802 Hmm, okay. Thanks01:21.36 
Robin_Watts but the exact details can be tailored to need, I believe. I'm just an engineer, I stay away from the commercial side. Talk to Scott, he's very friendly.01:21.50 
Guest2802 Yeah, thanks :)01:21.59 
Robin_Watts The main thing is to avoid you spending weeks getting it working only to find it's out of your price range.01:22.13 
Guest2802 Basically just trying to get a feel for the different libraries available to see which one works best for what I'm trying to do01:22.19 
Robin_Watts I'm on UK time, so off to bed now. If you have any more questions, please just ask and someone will answer when the sun rolls around to the appropriate position.01:23.19 
Guest2802 thanks, night01:23.27 
Robin_Watts night.01:23.32 
Darajan I'm having some linking errors when building javaviewerlib for win32: "6>Linking... 6>LIBCMTD.lib(dbgheap.obj) : error LNK2005: __malloc_dbg already defined in MSVCRTD.lib(MSVCR90D.dll) " and "6>LINK : warning LNK4098: defaultlib 'MSVCRTD' conflicts with use of other libs; use /NODEFAULTLIB:library 6>LINK : warning LNK4098: defaultlib 'LIBCMTD' conflicts with use of other libs; use /NODEFAULTLIB:library"09:34.46 
  Anyone recognize this?09:35.05 
  I was building it wrong (building libraries for debug & java-lib for Debugjava) changed buildprofile to debugjava for solution and it worked fine09:42.24 
sh4rm4^bnc_ hi. are there mujs release tarballs ?13:36.01 
tor8 sh4rm4^bnc_: no.13:37.57 
  but you can download tarballs from the gitweb page13:38.11 
sh4rm4^bnc_ with commit hash and reproducible checksum ?13:39.00 
tor8 http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=mujs.git;a=tree and the 'snapshot' link13:39.08 
  we haven't done any official releases of mujs.13:39.30 
sh4rm4^bnc_ would be interesting to have a mujs-node; at least the most basic bits13:47.14 
jogux tor8: sebras: fredross-perry: to recap what I just told Robin_Watts - the customer that was getting weird compile errors with mupdf+xcode, the root cause was essentially (for two different reasons) that #include <math.h> was ending up including fitz/math.h. IMHO it would be a really good idea to rename fitz/math.h. (and for the same reason, fitz/string.h too). Arguably clang/xcode is stupid, and I wouldn't argue against that, but it is going to cause 18:08.33 
  customers and us pain again and again if we don't rename. (It caused me a lot of pain getting the cocoapod to work.)18:08.34 
fredross-perry jogux - thanks for the update - yes sounds like a fine idea.18:09.45 
jogux the workaround is to set USE_HEADERMAP = NO and make sure include/mupdf/fitz is NOT on the compiler's include path.18:12.14 
Robin_Watts ?:18:14.34 
jogux I think we've had this same discussion before about a year ago - I've stuck in a bug so it doesn't get lost: https://bugs.ghostscript.com/show_bug.cgi?id=69747618:18.20 
tor8 jogux: ugh, yeah, I remember running into that idiotic Xcode behaviour years ago...22:25.08 
  probably best to rename the header files22:25.19 
jogux tor8: yeah :-S (I don't have time to do it btw, deep in smartoffice things...)22:26.52 
tor8 jogux: I'll deal with it tomorrow22:40.33 
jogux awesome, thanks tor8!22:40.50 
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