Log of #ghostscript at irc.freenode.net.

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kasimscs Hello, I want to know that, whether this library supports Text Extraction from Pdf09:32.43 
  Hello, I want to know that, whether this library supports Text Extraction from Pdf09:33.41 
chrisl kasimscs: which library?09:33.52 
kasimscs mupdf09:34.07 
  @chrisl i'm asking about http://www.mupdf.com09:34.40 
chrisl mupdf does support that, when the information is available inthe PDF to do so09:34.48 
kasimscs Thanks you @chrisl09:35.38 
Guest33569 hello, i use to download the project mupdf for android, i use to compile the project successfully, but when i select a pdf i have an fatal error when the app liking the libmupdf_java.so15:51.47 
  can find the symbol __aeabi_memclr8, any have an idea ?15:52.20 
  join mupdf15:53.12 
tor8 Guest33569: sorry, no. did you follow *all* the instructions in the android ReadMe.txt?15:54.13 
jogux Guest33569: That basically means that the APP_PLATFORM or something similar is set wrongly in your project. ie. the NDK is set to target android API 24 or later, and you're trying to run on an earlier device. So you need to set APP_PLATFORM to the minimum Android you want to support.16:00.44 
Robin_Watts Yeah, what jogux said.16:13.07 
  You are most probably running an up to date ndk that no longer supports an APP_PLATFORM as old as we use by default.16:13.35 
  You can tweak the APP_PLATFORM (or something like that at least) to make it work.16:13.50 
  They removed older API levels from the later NDKs.16:14.03 
jogux Robin_Watts: ahhh, is that it is. We should probably update our version in git to target one higher than the latest SDK allows or something? It's frigging annoying how often this comes up :(16:35.57 
Robin_Watts jogux: Probably, yes.16:36.16 
jogux pokes my last comment in sebras direction then (he deals with the android app, right)16:44.22 
Robin_Watts I believe so.16:44.38 
tor8 jogux: I think sebras found and fixed several inconsistencies with the version numbers of various platforms16:50.00 
  the work is in the new repositories16:50.10 
  the Harmonize API level one16:50.51 
dograt Hi. Can anyone explain how the TJ operator in PDF works? Reference says numbers are subtracted from the current coordinte, moving the glyph left for positive adjustments.20:32.37 
  And yet the example immediate following shows the opposite; [ (A) 120 (W) 120 (A) 95 (Y again) ] TJ prints more spread out than [ (AWAY again) ] TJ rather than smushed together20:33.29 
sh4rm4^bnc hmm, it seems JSON.parse is a bit buggy20:55.45 
  SyntaxError: JSON:1: expected 'u'20:57.16 
  at JSON.parse (native)20:57.16 
Robin_Watts JSON is supposedly hugely flakey.20:57.57 
  but what does that have to do with ghostscript?20:58.11 
sh4rm4^bnc isn't mujs your product ?20:58.22 
Robin_Watts oh, right, yeah.20:58.41 
  Didn't realise JSON.parse was part of the standard js stuff.20:59.09 
sh4rm4^bnc yeah, i was mildly suprised that mujs supports it20:59.38 
  hmm. maybe my json-from-disk routine doesn't zero-terminate the string...21:01.08 
jsbot {"chans":{"#reaver":{"autojoin":"true","dogreet":"true"}},"doAuth":false,"nickservpass":"p4ssw0rd","bar":"foose99"}21:03.42 
sh4rm4^bnc hmm, i guess that was it. sorry for the noise.21:04.14 
tor8 sh4rm4^bnc: really? mujs's JSON parser parses the text you pasted just fine.21:05.46 
  sh4rm4^bnc: http://pastebin.com/raw/7K9YHLNx21:06.35 
sh4rm4^bnc yeah, i suppose it was my json-from-disk routine that didn't zero-terminate the string21:06.36 
tor8 yeah, that'll do it.21:06.46 
sh4rm4^bnc btw i now call my JS functions from c via eval_print(J, "my_js_func()");21:07.50 
  that works but has the disadvantage that i need to escape strings21:08.07 
  is there a better way ?21:08.15 
  or is there a built-in, 100% safe escape function ?21:08.53 
tor8 js_getglobal(J, "my_js_func"); js_pushnull(); /* the 'this' object to use */ js_pcall(J, 0);21:09.04 
  js_getglobal(J, "print"); js_pushnull(); js_pushstring(J, "hello, world"); js_pcall(J, 1);21:09.37 
sh4rm4^bnc my escape func: http://sprunge.us/QYVK21:09.45 
  oh nice, thanks21:10.15 
tor8 followed by js_pop() to pop the return value or error object21:10.27 
  so, js_getglobal(function-name); js_pushnull(); js_pushstring() ... and all the arguments ... js_pcall(number of arguments); js_pop(1)21:10.54 
  the return value of js_pcall tells you if an exception was thrown. if it was, the error object is on the top of the stack21:11.28 
  otherwise the return value is on the top of the stack ('undefined' if nothing was returned)21:11.44 
sh4rm4^bnc ok, thanks21:12.27 
  hmm it seems all changes i do to a global js object from inside functions are abandoned when the func goes out of scope22:30.33 
tor8 sh4rm4^bnc: have you got your code somewhere?22:33.38 
sh4rm4^bnc http://sprunge.us/OgQZ?js22:36.15 
  if i for example set settings.chans["#newchan"] = {} in a func, it will be undefined in the next func call22:37.45 
tor8 sh4rm4^bnc: that sounds implausible... do you have the c code where you call functions?22:41.17 
sh4rm4^bnc yeah http://sprunge.us/GAKS?c22:42.22 
tor8 and you're not getting any error messages?22:43.10 
sh4rm4^bnc yeah, i always get TypeError: cannot convert undefined to object22:44.49 
  at get_chan_setting (ircbot.js:18)22:44.49 
bperry [object Object]22:45.03 
sh4rm4^bnc when i access settings.chans["#newchan"] after i've set it from inside a func22:45.29 
tor8 sh4rm4^bnc: http://pastebin.com/raw/uB9M2vcJ22:47.00 
sh4rm4^bnc thanks, i was about to clean up my code to do an initial git commit with my current version before switching to your new better call method22:48.37 
  is the issue with the object lifetime related to how i called into js ?22:49.31 
tor8 sh4rm4^bnc: no. I suspect some other bug.22:50.17 
  if you can access the 'settings' object at all you should be good22:50.42 
  in init_chan_settings, if (chan in settings.chans) is a better idiom than calling typeof22:52.58 
sh4rm4^bnc ok22:54.18 
tor8 you're not calling reload_script by accident?22:55.09 
sh4rm4^bnc urgh22:56.50 
sh4rm4^bnc hides22:57.20 
  damn, that bug was driving me crazy. thanks for the heads up :)22:58.45 
  leftover debug code...22:59.13 
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