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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/01/20)20170121 
Robin_Watts sh4rm4^bnc: Nice.00:23.21 
sh4rm4^bnc \o/00:31.06 
vtorri sh4rm4^bnc: are you sure that the licence of jsbot is correct ?06:00.32 
  mujs is AGPL v3, iirc06:00.56 
Robin_Watts sh4rm4^bnc: Yes, your code should be AGPL too.08:46.16 
sh4rm4^bnc oh ? i recalled it was plain gpl08:49.53 
Robin_Watts sh4rm4^bnc: Nope. AGPL v3.08:51.24 
sh4rm4^bnc anyway; even if my code itself is GPL2,linking it to mujs will make the whole AGPLv308:53.13 
  do you agree, Robin_Watts ?17:18.53 
Robin_Watts sh4rm4^bnc: I think, *technically*, you are correct.23:48.54 
  But it's worthy of a note. Something like "The code within this project is licensed under the GNU GPL. The mujs library on which it depends is licensed under the GNU AGPL. Due to the viral nature of the licences, this means that complete project (and hence any binary distributed versions) are covered by the GNU AGPL, rather than the less restrictive GNU GPL.23:52.29 
  It seems a very strange situation, and one that is likely to cause confusion.23:52.48 
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