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gahr hi, I'm getting an unexpected behaviour here: http://pastebin.com/NP75rGUA12:43.44 
  it looks like you can't put both a real and an int key in a dict when their arithmetic values are equal12:44.45 
Robin_Watts gahr: Indeed, that's exactly what it looks like.12:45.15 
  I'm not sure PS differentiates between integer and real.12:45.50 
  everything is just "numbers".12:46.02 
gahr the thing is that if I substitute (3 (Int)) with (3.0 (Real)) I'd expect to get (3.0 (Real)) back12:46.02 
  well ps per se differentiates between them, in fact you get --integertype-- and --realtype-- on them12:46.23 
Robin_Watts Ok, so PS knows about integers and reals, but I'm not sure that you can trust that what you store is what you get back.12:47.05 
gahr it's kind of confusing that you get the first key with the second value, isn't it?12:47.57 
  while it's true that (k1 k2 eq) is true, they are two different objects when it comes to type..12:48.54 
chrisl That's not how the eq operator works on numbers12:49.29 
  You need to revise your expectations12:49.37 
gahr chrisl: I think I understand.. and it also makes sense.. since (3 3.0 eq), the second store will just replace the value, keeping the key as is12:51.55 
chrisl gahr: yes, dictionary key matching basically works to the same rules as the eq operator12:52.41 
gahr this clarifies a thing that wasn't clear from PLRM, that dict uses exactly the eq operator for searching12:52.44 
  that's it12:52.55 
  basically, or exactly?12:52.59 
  is there any other subtleties I need to take care of?12:53.09 
chrisl Sorry, what I meant was, "basically, dictionary key matching uses the same rules as the eq operator"12:53.35 
gahr thanks a lot!12:54.07 
chrisl If you really need to differentiate between 3 and 3.0 in these cases, you probably need to convert to a string12:55.05 
gahr makes sense12:57.57 
tor8 Robin_Watts: got a moment?13:11.42 
Robin_Watts Sure.13:11.49 
tor8 two things13:11.54 
  one: libmupdf_java*.so naming ... can't remember why we have code for loading libmupdf_java32.so and libmupdf_java64.so and libmupdf_java.so with all the names13:12.34 
  is this for windows or ios or android?13:12.46 
  android always calls the library libmupdf_java.so IIRC13:12.53 
Robin_Watts I can't remember either.13:14.21 
  oh... it might be for android...13:14.38 
tor8 for android, wouldn't it be better to name the .so by ABI?13:14.48 
Robin_Watts consider the case where you want to build a single .jar file with both 32 and 64bit cases.13:15.00 
tor8 so libmupdf_java_armeabi-v7a.so, etc?13:15.01 
Robin_Watts tor8: That would probably be nicer.13:15.11 
tor8 two: several commits on mupdf:tor/master, including a new Android.mk which allows building the android JNI stuff without needing a full project, etc.13:15.19 
  which allows building the NUI app by calling an externalNdkBuild step13:15.31 
  which sebras has been working on getting to work13:15.38 
sebras tor8: if you want to use the target ABI you can use mupdf_java-$(TARGET_ARCH_ABI) I believe13:18.04 
tor8 sebras: yeah, question is how to get TARGET_ARCH_ABI from the java side of things13:18.41 
Robin_Watts tor8: Ok, so the makefile commit has an 'android' step that depends on generate.13:19.39 
  The generate step requires a host based C compiler to be set up.13:19.53 
  So for windows, that will fall on it's ass.13:20.05 
  How about:13:20.14 
sebras tor8: I think Build.SUPPORTED_ABIS which is a String[] would give you that information.13:20.37 
Robin_Watts android: android_no_generate generate and then android_no_generate: being what you have there?13:21.12 
  (or does it need to be generate android_no_generate?)13:21.26 
tor8 Robin_Watts: we could add a bat file to invoke ndk-build with the same arguments on windows?+13:21.50 
  and that could call generate.bat13:21.56 
  a platform/java/android.bat13:22.47 
Robin_Watts The problem is that many people developing on windows may not HAVE a host based C compiler installed.13:23.03 
tor8 Robin_Watts: then they have a real problem13:23.12 
Robin_Watts tor8: indeed.13:23.18 
sebras the only way around that is to distribute a tarball where make generate has already been run13:23.34 
tor8 if we ship SDK tarballs, I would assume they would come with the generate folder pre-created13:23.35 
Robin_Watts Now, something that said "You need to install XXXX and do YYYY" would be a step up.13:23.45 
sebras akin to git repos not having run autogen.sh, but tarballs having already run that script13:23.51 
Robin_Watts sebras: Indeed.13:24.03 
  The SDK would have had that step done13:24.15 
sebras same as tor8 said, but more verbose (as usual)13:24.15 
tor8 Yes. I think we can assume that if you check things out with git you have a proper development environment set up.13:24.51 
  so, a script to call ndk-build on windows without needing 'make'13:25.11 
  and a script to create an SDK13:25.18 
  or do we envision the SDK to be a binary only thing?13:25.28 
  or a source thing13:25.31 
  I would hope a source thing13:25.42 
Robin_Watts tor8: Me too.13:25.46 
tor8 or we'll need yet another Android.mk to use prebuilt libraries, and that's ugh13:25.56 
  so, an android source sdk zipfile creator that packages up the source and generated code13:26.19 
sebras attempting to remove the generate step altogether doesn't seem feasiable either, then we'd just depend on _another_ script language whose interpreter must be set up.13:26.27 
Robin_Watts The problem with the "Use system Noto fonts" one is that no phone actually has all the noto fonts installed. Every phone gets a different random subset.13:26.54 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yeah... and older phones won't have any of them.13:27.14 
  I wonder who decides which noto fonts get installed on a phone.13:27.43 
  or are they installed on an as-needed basis?13:27.55 
Robin_Watts Could we maybe have 2 targets in the makefile.13:27.57 
  1 for 'generate' and 1 for 'android'.13:28.14 
  No, scratch that.13:28.26 
tor8 the android target depends on the generate target. without generate, android won't build.13:28.36 
  and with pregenerated files, 'make generate' should be a no-op.13:28.47 
  unless you change the files, in which case you really should be regenerating them13:29.16 
Robin_Watts Can we do some clever makefile thing so that if the generate target is called on windows, it prints an error message ?13:29.22 
  CC=echo "You need to regenerate the generated data. This requires you to run generate.bat with Visual C++ installed"13:30.17 
tor8 you mean a more userfriendly message than "I can't build this"?13:30.26 
Robin_Watts OR make the generated target run generate.bat, and have generate.bat fail with an informative error in the case where it can't find a compiler ?13:30.57 
tor8 well, the makefiles assume that if you're calling 'make' on windows you're using MinGW13:31.06 
Robin_Watts The latter is probably the nicest.13:31.12 
  tor8: Urgh.13:31.20 
tor8 the android studio externalNdkBuild step calls ndk-build directly (not via Makefile)13:31.32 
Robin_Watts What fonts are added to what phone image is decided by the phone manufacturer.13:31.52 
  They are not downloaded as required.13:31.57 
sebras Robin_Watts: yeah, they live in /system/fonts so definitely by the vendor13:33.00 
  Robin_Watts: I assume that android studio and the 55Gbyte that comes with it can handle NDK-based builds on windows too..?13:33.48 
  otherwise I'm not sure how this can ever work.13:34.44 
Robin_Watts Android Studio has an ndk bundle that downloads using the update manager.13:34.50 
  that contains a windows based cross compiler for the different targets. Same as the unix stuff.13:35.14 
sebras Robin_Watts: same on Linux, and I assume that means that when a studio project says it has an NDK-dependency that this is handled appropriately even on Windows13:35.30 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I think a platform/win32/android.bat that calls platform\win32\generate.bat and ndk-build with proper arguments is the best way for MSVC-builds13:35.42 
Robin_Watts sebras: Yes.13:35.52 
  tor8: Urm... the problem is people will download this, plug it into their AS builds. The AS build will call gradle. gradle will call the makefile AIUI.13:36.26 
sebras Robin_Watts: no, the gradle script is separate.13:36.44 
tor8 nope, gradle will call ndk-build on Android.mk. not the makefile13:36.48 
sebras Robin_Watts: it has nothing to do with the Makefile13:36.54 
Robin_Watts oh, OK.13:36.55 
  seems reasonable to me then.13:37.10 
tor8 the Makefile 'android' target is just a convenience for if you want to build it without using android studio13:37.10 
Robin_Watts tor8: right.13:37.18 
tor8 so for an SDK we wouldn't have to worry about anything other than shipping it with 'make generate' results13:37.41 
sebras tor8: but it will only build the NDK-parts of mupdf though.13:37.58 
tor8 sebras: it will *only* build the JNI library, yes.13:38.20 
  it will not build any of the java sources or anything else13:38.29 
  but if you want to cook your own, you copy the libmupdf_java.so from that step and the platform/java/src classes and off you go13:38.55 
sebras tor8: exactly. I think there is an option of building... what was it again.. .aapt?13:39.14 
tor8 aapt is the tool to package stuff up into an APK isn't it?13:40.29 
sebras no. aapt is the android libraries.13:40.40 
  I believe.13:40.43 
  similar to .jar but they can contain both code and data.13:40.54 
chrisl You could ship the Windows executables required for the "generate" target13:41.00 
tor8 chrisl: yeah, that's a good point.13:41.27 
sebras tor8: we'd need a way to keep track of when cmapdumps dependencies change though.13:41.54 
  tor8: so we know when to regenerate the .exes13:42.02 
tor8 sebras: shipping java classes on android needs to be compiled to dex files don't they?13:42.52 
  I think we're much safer shipping java sources13:42.59 
  but allowing to build the JNI code with a simple step and copying the binaries is going to solve a lot of people's headaches13:43.33 
  when making their own projects13:43.39 
  they just run the 'make android' thing and copy the so-files wherever in their own projects as 'prebuilt shared library'13:44.01 
sebras tor8: my assumption is that this is not what will happen.13:47.29 
  tor8: I assume that they'd start the android studio project and extract whatever they need from there.13:47.50 
  but then again, I'm by no means any expert in how android modules are normally distributed.13:48.18 
tor8 Robin_Watts: so the commits up to and including 'add ndk-build makefile' are good to go?13:50.52 
  but not the 'use system noto fonts' commit13:51.00 
Robin_Watts tor8: Yeah.13:51.24 
tor8 Robin_Watts: thanks.13:51.29 
Robin_Watts tor8: For people putting mupdf into an embedded android device, they will want to tune the included fonts themselves.13:52.26 
  For people putting mupdf into a downloadable app - they will want to make a tradeoff between installed size, and pervasiveness of fonts.13:53.07 
tor8 Robin_Watts: they could use the commit and tweak the TOFU bits in Android.mk13:53.21 
Robin_Watts The gold standard way of doing that would be to enable fonts to be downloaded and added in packs as required.13:53.27 
  So having a fallback mechanism in place would be good, even if we don't use it ourselves.13:53.55 
tor8 or change the commit to look in for app resources instead of /system/fonts13:53.58 
  yeah, the fallback callbacks are in13:54.11 
  but maybe we should not push the android /system/fonts implementation of them13:54.23 
Robin_Watts tor8: If app/resources is what happens with 'extension data' or whatever it's called.13:54.30 
Robin_Watts must get food before cleaners arrive. bbiab.13:54.55 
tor8 agh, I just realized I cocked up the fallback commit. I will make a followup that fixes it properly.13:56.46 
  I only call the system callback for sans fonts, not serif fonts.13:56.53 
sebras tor8: so it seems like the studio/gradle way of adding library usage is to simply add compile 'com.example.domain:library:1.2.3' in build.gradle and have gradle automagically download the library for you and then you can just use it.13:57.29 
  tor8: at least if I understand https://android.jlelse.eu/the-complete-guide-to-creating-an-android-library-46628b7fc879#.n9ogufgxi13:57.46 
tor8 sebras: then we need to make a mupdf-android-library.git project for the JNI library?14:00.51 
sebras if we care about this use case, I believe that this is the case.14:01.44 
tor8 so then we will have a git repository dependency chain of: mupdf-android-viewer-nui -> mupdf-android-library -> mupdf -> thirdparty/*14:02.55 
sebras yes.14:03.06 
  gradle support fetching prebuilt stuff from maven/ivy repositories apparently.14:03.54 
tor8 hm, what's the difference between this AAR they mention and the AAPT you mentioned above?14:04.40 
sebras I was mistaken, I meant aar.14:05.08 
tor8 okay14:05.20 
sebras aapt is a resource packaging tool apparently.14:05.20 
  tor8: illustrated here: https://developer.android.com/images/build.png"> class=wrapy>http://web.archive.org/web/20140715083911im_/https://developer.android.com/images/build.png14:05.40 
  tor8: I wonder how maven repositories that distribute binary packages combine with GPL though.14:15.16 
tor8 Robin_Watts: one commit on tor/master when you got a moment14:32.58 
Robin_Watts the serif one?14:34.32 
tor8 Robin_Watts: Thanks.14:38.40 
Robin_Watts np.14:39.25 
tor8 Robin_Watts: okay, so now the mupdf-android-viewer-nui.git should check out and build properly.14:43.47 
  thanks to sebras14:43.55 
sebras I hope.14:45.47 
  seems to work here at least.14:45.53 
  tor8: mupdf:sebras/wip -nui:sebras/wip I just tested this on my device and it appears to work. win32 has not been tested so review carefully.15:19.46 
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