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vtorri_ tor8: hey10:55.12 
  tor8: in mupdf 1.2, for outlines, there were he possibility to use FZ_LINK_GOTO and al.10:55.40 
  tor8: in mupdf 1.10a, it seems that there is just uri10:55.59 
  there is no more GOTO, GOTOR, NAMED or LAUNCHED link ?10:56.49 
tor8 vtorri_: correct. the PDF specific link types have been turned into URI syntax.10:57.29 
  use fz_is_external_link to see if you need to launch another application to handle the url,10:58.16 
  and fz_resolve_link to resolve a non-external link to a page number in the current document10:58.41 
  in the fz_outline, the page number is already pre-resolved in the 'page' field (which is -1 for link destinations that are external or could not be found)10:59.26 
vtorri_ tor8: ok11:00.12 
  tor8: and goto remote ?11:01.13 
  tor8: uri is already managinf it ?11:01.41 
tor8 all is embedded in the URI11:02.10 
vtorri_ ok11:02.17 
  tor8: i'll try to manage that, thank you11:02.26 
tor8 goto remote has the remote destination name in the fragment11:02.27 
  (i.e. the bit after #)11:02.32 
vtorri_ ok11:02.52 
  tor8: do you know a pdf file that has all kind of links so that i can test what I do, please ?11:26.33 
tor8 vtorri_: sorry, not that I remember now.11:32.20 
vtorri_ ok11:32.30 
navi_se any llpp/mupdf developer around? I am gettin Fatal error: exception Failure("don't know where to save modified document") when trying to save a doc with annotation in llpp13:55.43 
  and by doc I mean a pdf13:57.21 
malc_ navi_se: erm yeah13:58.40 
Robin_Watts navi_se: MuPDF developers are here. No idea what llpp is.13:58.41 
malc_ Robin_Watts: https://github.com/moosotc/llpp/13:59.04 
kens Also:13:59.25 
malc_ navi_se: you should specify how to save the thing13:59.39 
kens Seems like this is a question for the llpp people though, to me.13:59.53 
navi_se malc_: in the config file?13:59.59 
malc_ is llpp people14:00.04 
  navi_se: aye14:00.13 
navi_se it is, but I am not sure how to reach em and was hoping they were here14:00.18 
kens ROFL14:00.21 
navi_se (and they are apparently)14:00.22 
kens You've never mentioned it malc_, why not ? :-)14:00.47 
navi_se malc_: can you point the syntax out or tell me if there is any doc explaining it? my llpp config file is almost default14:00.51 
malc_ kens: false modesty ;)14:01.03 
navi_se btw I love llpp14:01.04 
malc_ navi_se: i'm trying to recall how to do it, gimme a sec14:01.22 
navi_se <314:01.28 
malc_ navi_se: savepath-command='cp %s /home/navi_se/saved%s' in ~/.config/llpp.conf in <defaults block14:03.03 
  navi_se: are you editing annotations or something?14:03.28 
navi_se I am putting new annotations in14:03.52 
  will this make a new file? what if I would like to overwrite the current one14:04.09 
  (or editing the annotation already on it)14:04.27 
malc_ navi_se: it will make a new_file yeah, you can always overwrite the old one though14:05.26 
  navi_se: and i've misled you14:05.55 
navi_se malc_: with an config or you mean by doing mv ~/saved?14:06.01 
malc_ output of savepath-command should be the string (path) where to save freshly edited document14:06.26 
  so `echo /tmp/moo.pdf' would suffice14:06.37 
navi_se malc_:it's on me for trusting strangers on the internet :P14:06.41 
malc_ navi_se: you're in good hands, I'm the author, some may call it god of the program in question14:07.30 
kens That's what *you* say :-P14:08.09 
navi_se this requires to specify the file I am working on right? any hope to do something lik savepath-command='cp %s `pwd'%s'?14:08.26 
malc_ that's what EVERY god says :)14:08.31 
navi_se I have many file open at the same time14:08.49 
malc_ navi_se: no no no... the savepath-command should just provide the name... the.. it '%s' will be replaced with the path to the currently open document14:10.24 
  so you can go wild with it14:10.29 
  grr.. that sentence didn't make much sense14:10.54 
  navi_se: i have envisioned that the savepath script would call some system supplied open-file dialog so that the user can pick the location and after getting it edited stuff will be saved there14:12.10 
  don't use this thing myself and only implemented it because somebody asked, the user was satisfied with the half-backed functionality so it stayed14:12.51 
navi_se so the option in the config savepath-command takes in a string which is where the modified file will be saved, is then sufficient to do savepath-command='%s' to make it overwrite the current file? or echo %s?14:16.37 
  sorry, not a programmer myself, so I am a bit lost here14:16.55 
  to be clear, the only goal to me here is simply make sure that annotations added on the file are saved on the file in place when I close it14:17.51 
  (and if you preferred me opening a feature request on github I can do that)14:18.12 
malc_ navi_se: `echo %s' would suffice yeah14:19.36 
  navi_se: would=should if it doesn't by all means do open the bug14:20.14 
navi_se malc_: cool, testing it now14:22.07 
  malc_: btw is there any documentation of all the different options?14:23.51 
malc_ navi_se: nope, at least none that i know of, arch wiki might have some additional information though14:24.46 
navi_se malc_: ok so, the line savepath-command='`echo %s'' breaks everything, I imagine that the single quote at the end is not very enjoyed by whatever parses the options14:27.29 
  Fatal error: exception Failure("parse error: malformed attribute list: at 1200 [..\"'\\n upda\"..]")14:27.43 
malc_ erm... remove back ticks14:27.51 
  ='echo %s'14:27.57 
navi_se ok, I thought that was required to execute the shell command and obtained its output14:28.19 
  ok, that works!14:29.00 
malc_ groovy14:29.05 
navi_se malc_: thanks a lot :) for the help and for the work behind llpp14:29.19 
malc_ navi_se: you are welcome ;)14:29.35 
navi_se uhm...apparently there is ONE pdf that it cannot save and returns me the same error message as before14:36.25 
  Fatal error: exception Failure("don't know where to save modified document")14:36.31 
  others are now working fine (and I am sure they were not before)14:36.44 
  fixed by redownloading the file14:40.56 
  it will remain a mistery14:41.00 
  or so I thought...the file is fine if it is in another folder, but in that specific folder with a certain name no, not cool and llpp crashes when I try to W it14:41.45 
  ok, so it seems the folder is the problem14:42.38 
  but other files in same folder, same naming conventions are fine14:42.54 
malc_ navi_se: well, if you will get a reproducible scenario i can look at it14:43.33 
navi_se yeah, I am trying to pin it down14:44.13 
  ok so basically, this one file g62_xxxxxx.pdf14:45.59 
  under /home/navi_se/university/teaching/coursename/assignments14:46.34 
  open fines and I can annotate14:46.44 
  if I move it one level down into14:46.55 
  then trying to annotate and W14:47.15 
  crashes llpp14:47.18 
malc_ can you share this pdf?14:47.36 
navi_se with the above error14:47.41 
  unfortunately not, bc. it's an assignment from my students14:47.53 
  the directory above has been redacted as well to hide personal info14:48.27 
malc_ navi_se: thing is, saving is just one call into the bowels of mupdf14:48.45 
  navi_se: and regarding the "above error", can you be a bit more specific?14:49.39 
navi_se Fatal error: exception Failure("don't know where to save modified document")14:49.57 
  anyway, changing the name and removing the numeric string in g62_xxxxxx.pdf solves the problem14:50.16 
  is that maybe a magic mupdf number?14:50.25 
malc_ navi_se: no.. can i take a look at your llpp.conf? you can edit the student details out14:51.02 
navi_se how much can I redact oput of the doc path= part? do you mind if I just bulk remove them all?14:52.58 
malc_ sure14:53.30 
  unless they contain savepath-command attribute14:54.18 
navi_se http://pastebin.com/nRtDfh2v15:00.44 
malc_ navi_se: that looks fine, and should work15:05.40 
navi_se yep, and it does, as long as I change the name of the file15:06.02 
  original name was causing issues15:06.11 
malc_ well given that you are not at liberty to provide the name of the old file i'm affraid there's little i can do on my end15:07.13 
navi_se of course, thank you again malc_ :)15:17.23 
malc_ np15:17.39 
kens <sigh> IRC hates me today :-(15:22.09 
malc_ navi_se: btw. what does `grep savepath ~/.config/llpp.conf' yield?15:46.45 
navi_se malc_ : savepath-command='echo %s'15:58.01 
  malc_: btw I tested another file, changed the name to the one that was causing problem, no issue there16:00.05 
  malc_: but that very name in the original location of the buggy file does cause the issue16:01.30 
  if I grep savepath after reproducing the issue the output is unchanged16:02.10 
malc_ navi_se: i know exactly what's going on16:11.25 
  just remove those "savepath-command=''" from llpp.conf and you are all set16:12.00 
  and be aware that changes you make when llpp is running are subject to some constraints (those ='' lines are fallout of those)16:13.48 
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