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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/01/30)20170131 
refactorMirror anyone online?12:58.11 
Robin_Watts refactorMirror: Nope. No one at all.13:00.46 
refactorMirror seems so13:01.02 
Robin_Watts If you have a question, ask it, don't ask to ask it :)13:01.15 
refactorMirror I'm looking for someone who can tell me something about mupdf13:01.20 
Robin_Watts Go for it.13:01.31 
refactorMirror I use use mupdf in my Andorid App13:01.42 
Robin_Watts which android app is this?13:02.01 
refactorMirror it has no impact on my question13:02.24 
  I'm looking at the CVE tickets for mupdf, to make sure I'm up to date with mupdf security13:02.56 
  as security is important to my App13:03.11 
Robin_Watts it has an impact on how much I am prepared to help you though :)13:03.32 
refactorMirror And it looks like CVE-2016-6525 was fixed around sep 2016 13:03.46 
  and the latest official Android build of MuPdf is from apr 2016 13:04.24 
  if it is that important:13:04.39 
  so - the question is: any plans to update the official Android MuPdf build?13:05.38 
Robin_Watts Ok. I see no reference to that being released under the GNU AGPL.13:05.52 
  MuPDF is released under 2 licenses.13:06.31 
refactorMirror That is true - MuPdf is used as a support library13:06.52 
  my app does not change the code - it only uses the MuPdf as a lib to render the PDFs13:07.17 
Robin_Watts Firstly, it's released for free under the GNU AGPL. If you follow all the terms of the GNU AGPL then you can use it for free (with no support or warranty).13:07.22 
  refactorMirror: That doesn't matter. Under the terms of the GNU AGPL any code that links with MuPDF, such as your app, must ALSO be released under the GNU AGPL.13:07.57 
kens Or seek a commercial license :-)13:08.10 
refactorMirror That makes a lot of sense13:08.41 
Robin_Watts Indeed. If you can't accept and abide by all the terms of the GNU AGPL, then you can alternatively use the Artifex Commercial Licensed version.13:08.42 
  This costs money, but frees you from the strictures of the GNU AGPL.13:08.59 
kens And you get support, which can easily include building a new Android library....13:09.16 
Robin_Watts If you can't abide by the terms of the GNU AGPL, and you won't get a commercial license, then you cannot use MuPDF on paid of being sued.13:09.21 
refactorMirror Aha13:09.35 
Robin_Watts So, it seems you have 3 choices.13:10.01 
refactorMirror so - you are telling me, that fixing security issues is dependent on licencing?13:10.06 
kens Nobody said that13:10.17 
Robin_Watts 1) Come into conformance with the GNU AGPL - this means (among other things) releasing the source to your entire app.13:10.34 
  2) Get a commercial license. Talk to sales@artifex.com13:10.49 
  or 3) Remove your app from the app store and stop selling it.13:11.02 
refactorMirror alrighty13:11.18 
Robin_Watts refactorMirror: We fix security issues. Indeed, it's probable that it's already fixed.13:11.38 
kens refactorMirror: from your own thread, the issue is already fixed, we simply have not as yet released a library for *android* containing that fix. If a commercial customer were to request a lirary build we would, obviously, do it for them. Free users get no warranty and no support. Thoguh we do welcome bug reports13:11.44 
Robin_Watts refactorMirror: We will however not go out of our way to help someone who is illegally using our software (as you currently appear to be). Sorry.13:12.21 
refactorMirror that makes sense13:12.36 
  I was not going to ask you to actually do anything - just to ask if the fix was already done to the Android code base13:13.15 
Robin_Watts If you give me your email address, I'll introduce you to Scott and you can start talking.13:13.18 
refactorMirror use the support mail from the play store page13:13.53 
  The more interesting issue here, is how many Andorid apps are using MuPdf as a component13:14.31 
Robin_Watts refactorMirror: Do you have a name I can pass to Scott rather than just a handle?13:14.44 
  many, and we are tracking them down as fast as we can.13:14.56 
  The license terms for MuPDF are very clear.13:15.08 
refactorMirror and if they can be attacked using the heap overflows mentioned in the CVE13:15.23 
  I prefer to remain anonymous on an open IRC channel13:16.19 
  Though the licence issue should be fixed ASAP13:16.40 
Robin_Watts refactorMirror: Feel free to PM me it.13:16.54 
refactorMirror you might want to contact VirusTotal, or someone who collects a large amount of Android apps, and ask to scan for your Library13:18.12 
  AV vendors, and security researchers in the Android space might be able to help you there13:18.48 
Robin_Watts we've considered such a thing before, but haven't found one. I will look into VirusTotal, thanks.13:19.13 
refactorMirror also - there are sites that collect Apk files from the Play store, you can use that to search for more apps13:21.54 
  Thanks for the answers13:22.12 
  later folks13:22.15 
Robin_Watts cu. Do talk to Scott...13:22.54 
  And that email address bounces. Great.14:25.45 
kens Ah, truly professional....14:26.09 
  I'd be inclined to refer them to Scott and Miles for a takedown personally14:26.28 
Robin_Watts yeah. I've sent an email to another address, we'll see if I get a reply.14:38.45 
kens Well worth trying since you have a second one14:38.58 
Robin_Watts muraster on the desktop peaks out at 4.5 Meg and isn't leaking for that file...14:41.30 
kens wrong channel ?14:41.49 
Robin_Watts oops. yes.14:42.47 
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