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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/02/02)20170203 
jamesy Robin_Watts: thanks for the diff!06:07.57 
vv hi, i'm having a weird problem with arial font (not embedded) showing infinity sign instead of degree sign. When embedded it shows correct degree sign17:55.39 
  anyone knows if this is an existing bug?17:56.08 
kens hard to say with so little to go on17:56.28 
  what product ? what acyion are you taking, what is displaying the wrong glyph ?17:57.05 
vv kens, what additional info do you need?17:57.06 
kens ^^17:57.12 
vv it is on linux, i added arial ttf font to fonts folder, so it finds it ok17:57.33 
kens abd 'it' is ?17:57.43 
vv ok, so i run ghostscript on linux with this command:17:58.00 
  gs -o small.pdf -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dEmbedAllFonts=false -dFirstPage=467 -dLastPage=468 -dDEBUG 199586.002.pdf > out2.txt17:58.15 
  the font arial is added to the global fonts folder, so ghostscript finds it ok17:58.42 
  when not embedded the degree symbol is replaced by infinity symbol, overlapping he next char17:59.12 
  when embedded it works fine17:59.21 
kens Well ? You've specified EmbedAllFonts=false, so what did you expect ?17:59.21 
vv not sure i understand, why woulld nto embedded result in replacing degree symbol with infinity symbol?17:59.48 
kens Because of the way fonts work. If you don;t understand fonts, embedding and subsetting, then just embed the font. You should *always* embed CIDFonts in PDF files.18:00.30 
vv for example when i do not include arial font, it substitutes it for its own Helvetica, and the degree symbol is fine. but i do nto want substitution, i want it to leave the font names as is18:00.44 
Robin_Watts vv: You have a PDF that contains a font. The PDF says "put glyphs 1,2,3,4,5 on the page".18:01.20 
vv this is only for extracting pages from pdf file, not for printing or mayhting, the new files will be used on other (windows) pc, so i want the font names stay exactly as they were in original file18:01.25 
Robin_Watts glyph 5 in that font happens to be the degree symbol, so that's what you see.18:01.39 
  when you feed it into pdfwrite and DON'T embed the font, you are left with a pdf that still says "put glyphs 1,2,3,4,5" on the new page.18:02.10 
kens You can try setting -dSubsetFonts=false18:02.16 
vv let me try subsetfonts=false, just a sec18:02.33 
Robin_Watts But the font it chooses to match with happens to have a different shape for glyph 5.18:02.34 
kens Because that's almost certainly where the problem arises. But basically, embed the font18:02.35 
  Robin_Watts : I think the problem is its a CIDFont, which is not being embedded, but is being subset, so re-encoded.18:04.17 
vv ok subsetfont=false did not help. It does nto subset the font, the font name is still Arial18:04.20 
  embedding greatly inscreases the size of pdf18:04.31 
kens But to do any more I would have to see the file. And the bottom line is still 'embed the font'18:04.35 
vv and yes embedding works18:04.38 
  just makes pdfs huge18:04.43 
kens Right, so you have a solution18:04.44 
  And I'm off for dinner.....18:04.56 
chrisl vv: how do you know gs finds Arial on your Linux system?18:06.11 
vv it definitely does because it says so in the output, and also the font name in the pdf is not substituted to helvetica and is ttf18:06.41 
  when i removed arial font from folder, it substitutes it for helvetica18:06.54 
chrisl Is it a TTF or a TrueType CIDFont?18:07.50 
vv ttf font18:09.16 
  not cid18:09.17 
  from a standart windows 718:09.26 
chrisl I mean what gets used in the PDF18:10.17 
vv The pdf says Arial actual font ArialMT18:16.08 
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