Log of #ghostscript at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/02/16)20170217 
navi_se Does anyone have a hack to split the llpp.conf file into two? A default part and a "keep the pdf page" part? 09:56.40 
  I use git to sync em, but the second part should not be shared across computer09:57.09 
malc_ navi_se: use -c and different configs then09:57.23 
navi_se alias llpp=llpp -c llpp1.conf ?09:58.01 
malc_ navi_se: something like that09:58.21 
navi_se cool, thanks malc_09:58.35 
malc_ navi_se: np. i don't think that asking llpp questions on #ghostscript is very productive though09:59.32 
navi_se it's the only place I know of XD09:59.58 
  (and mostly hoping to stumble on you tbh)10:00.05 
malc_ heh, well i have e-mail10:00.37 
navi_se ah :) thanks10:01.22 
malc_ tatl is better btw10:04.36 
Robin_Watts Gah. I hate perl.18:19.56 
  Tell me in advance that I haven't said "my" $variable, but don't bother telling me that I've called mylog instead of mydbg.18:20.42 
  Trying to figure out why it's crashing, I'm putting mylog("here") earlier and earlier in the file, and it's crashing earlier and earlier in the run...18:21.24 
acharles Hi. I was wondering what the release cadence looks like for ghostscript? Or when/how you guys decide on releases?20:29.43 
ray_laptop acharles: We do releases every 6 months, so the next release is due in March, but sometimes we encounter issues during the rigorous pre-release testing (including feedback from outside users that test our release candidates)21:15.06 
acharles Thanks for the reply.21:15.36 
  Completely unrelated question. Has an svg output device ever been considered?21:16.04 
ray_laptop acharles: we had one that never was widely used that was removed by commit 8dacc34a21:21.00 
  roughly 2 years ago21:21.13 
  acharles: if you want to pull it in and play with it, feel free (but don't whine to us when it doesn't do everything you want).21:22.36 
acharles Ah21:23.09 
  I’m somewhat surprised that it didn’t get used a lot.21:23.50 
  There’s a well defined interface for output devices, right?21:24.37 
ray_laptop acharles: well defined, sort of. Simple stuff, yes. Text is the booger21:25.05 
  the pdfwrite (and its child ps2write) device are the only devices that do text21:26.12 
  acharles: BTW, for the dates of our previous releases, see doc/History9.htm online at: https://ghostscript.com/doc/current/History9.htm21:28.06 
acharles Thanks.21:28.36 
  And I imagine svg also did text, since that’s the primary feature that people want from svg vs png, for example.21:29.14 
ray_laptop acharles: NOW is a good time to let us know if you find anything with -dSAFER (and -dDELAYSAFER ... .setsafe) 21:29.34 
  hopefully chrisl fixed everything in the past week or so21:30.34 
acharles Master seems fine for now, though obviously, I can’t say there aren’t other issues.21:34.00 
ray_laptop acharles: I am going to set my teenage son to see if he can hack it (he's reading "Hacking: The Art of Exploitation, 2nd Edition" https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1593271441/ref=od_aui_detailpages00?ie=UTF8&psc=1)21:37.51 
acharles haha21:38.07 
ray_laptop it doesn't have a ghostscript chapter, but I'll prompt him on the basics21:41.22 
  does anyone have an objection to me adding "-dDumpXML" option to toolbin/pdf_info.ps (to dump the XML Metadata)?21:46.12 
  hmm... probably should ask that on #artifex...21:46.38 
  but if anyone here has an opinion, I will listen21:47.01 
  acharles: when it comes to SVG, images are fairly easy (as can be imagined -- they can always be converted to an sRGB colorspace or whatever SVG supports). graphics for paths filled with solid colors, also easy. Gradients (shaded fills) are *much* more difficult to map over, and text is (as mentioned) the hardest is text that do not have SVG constructs (embedded CIDFonts, embedded fonts with...22:10.52 
  ...no "ToUnicode" info, fonts that are not embedded that have to be substituted by GS, etc)22:10.53 
acharles ray_pc_: Yeah, we have a tool that does this, but it’s original author moved on. It’d be awesome to find a well maintained replacement, but that seems non-trivial.23:18.27 
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