Log of #ghostscript at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/02/24)20170225 
Robin_Watts bencc: Use Mupdf.00:15.49 
bencc Robin_Watts: how?00:46.30 
  I've installed the latest from ubuntu ppa00:46.46 
Robin_Watts bencc: That's probably old.00:47.18 
  Use the latest version from git.00:47.23 
  then: mutool draw -o out%d.svg in.pdf00:47.42 
bencc mutool convert -F svg test.pdf00:47.53 
  this is the command?00:47.56 
  error: unknown output document format: svg00:48.03 
  the ppa has 1.10a-0build1~ubuntu16.04 00:48.45 
  isn't it the latest?00:48.49 
  Robin_Watts: do I need to use mupdf or mutool?00:49.05 
Robin_Watts mutool is part of the mupdf distro.00:49.42 
bencc is this the command I need?00:49.58 
  mutool convert -F svg test.pdf00:49.59 
Robin_Watts mupdf is the viewer. mutool is the swiss army knife.00:50.01 
bencc what command I need?00:50.13 
Robin_Watts The one I gave above :)00:50.22 
bencc sorry, didn't see it00:50.37 
Robin_Watts mutool draw -o out%d.svg in.pdf00:50.46 
bencc works great00:51.56 
  much better result than poppler00:52.03 
  1.10a is the latest?00:52.17 
  why draw instead of convert?00:53.15 
Robin_Watts 1.10a is the latest for the next month or so.00:54.45 
  draw and convert do different things, I believe. bedtime for me. night.00:55.00 
bencc thanks00:55.45 
  I just need to see how to build from source now00:56.01 
  can't trust third party ubuntu ppa00:56.09 
  good night00:56.11 
araxe hi i have a problem in compiling the project WinRT solution, DLL and sample application for MuPDF, this is the error: LNK1181 can not open input file '../../../ghostpdl/bin/gsdll64.lib', I downloaded and install Ghostscript 9.20 for Windows (64-bit). any suggestions?11:21.55 
kens If you want to build MuPDF you do not need Ghostscript. This sounds like you are instead trying to build GSView 611:22.54 
  As far as I'm aware there is currently no build for WinRT of MuPDF (though I'm not a MuPDF develoepr so I may be incorrect)11:23.28 
  Downloading and installing Ghostscript won't help you, if you want to build GSView you will also need the Ghostscript source code.11:23.49 
araxe there is a recent project for WinRT, I followed the instructions but I get the following problem, I thought of Ghostscript library. because requires gsdll64.lib '.11:26.33 
kens ANd MuPDF does not require Ghostscript, which is why I suspect you are in fact trying to build GSView, which *does* require Ghostscript (as well as MuPDF) and ahas a WinRT project.11:27.24 
  Where did you get the instructions you are following ?11:27.42 
araxe http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=mupdf-winrt.git;a=tree readme.txt11:28.14 
kens Well, then I'm forced to conclude someone added a WinRT project to MuPDF< but made a mistake.11:28.57 
  I suggest you either hang around, or watch the logs. The developers sometimes come online during the weekend, but your best bet is to be here on Monday morning US Pacific time.11:29.36 
  And ask Michael Vrhel, most likely he's added the build11:29.58 
  Of course you can slo edit the solution yourself, and remove ghostpdl64.lib11:30.41 
  err gsdll64.lib I mean11:30.53 
kens heads for the wimming pool....11:32.49 
chrisl araxe: There is a problem with VS2015's importing of the VS2005 project for mupdf which appears to cause a number of configurations to be merged/intermingled. The missing gs library suggests that it's including the "gproof" configuration. Note that the WinRT stuff is literally *days* old, so is probably not exactly stabilized yet11:35.04 
araxe the last update of http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=mupdf-winrt.git;a=tree was 2 days ago11:36.32 
chrisl Well, that is *days* old - and note: that "update" is also the first commit, so.... not exactly mature11:43.15 
araxe ok thank you11:59.19 
Diemex I still haven't been able to compile the mini pdf app -.-12:05.24 
  I get this when I run make on my Ubuntu vm: http://pastebin.com/YPbafgkk12:28.30 
johndoe__ hello anyboy there16:11.58 
  i need help with this question http://superuser.com/q/1182578/36532716:12.51 
  i need help wit htis16:13.11 
ghostbot Welcome to #ghostscript, the channel for Ghostscript and MuPDF. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line.16:14.38 
johndoe__ 16:16.16 
kens johndoe__ for the logs. I believe that when mutool convert says that colorspace means the colorspace it will *render* to, it means exactly that, render to a bitmap.17:12.08 
  Since PDF isn't a simple bitmap format, it does not (as far as I'm aware) produce a grayscale PDF file. If you want that, use Ghostscript and the pdfwrite device.17:12.39 
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