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Gearfuze Is anyone on for troubleshooting help?17:37.29 
ray_laptop_ Gearfuze: yep17:37.51 
Gearfuze I am looking for an example pdf compression command because I am having trouble getting one to work17:39.00 
  I am using Powershell to do so17:39.09 
ray_laptop Gearfuze: so, you have a PDF and you want to make it smaller?17:39.55 
  Gearfuze: IDK what Powershell is17:40.26 
Robin_Watts Powershell = Windows command window++17:40.47 
Gearfuze yes i have a 30MB pdf when I put it through smallpdf.com it makes it 347KB so I want to do that on a script level17:40.55 
ray_laptop Gearfuze: OK, yeah, I just googled it17:40.59 
Robin_Watts (well, it's CMD++, rather than the window++, but...)17:41.08 
ray_laptop what is smallpdf.com ?17:41.16 
Gearfuze online pdf compression 17:41.24 
ray_laptop Gearfuze: but as to what's in it, I can't tell17:42.37 
Gearfuze yeah I understand that however I figure if I could get the pdf down in size with ghostscript then it should be ok17:43.20 
ray_laptop Gearfuze: ah, I see "We have partnered with PDF Tools Inc. from Switzerland "17:43.46 
  Gearfuze: without seeing the original and the "compressed" PDF, it's hard to tell. to get that much reduction, they've probably reduced the resolution of images, (at loss of quality -- gs can do that) and maybe pulled out embedded fonts (gs doesn't do that since we don't recommend it)17:45.20 
Gearfuze well I am ok with anything that ghostscript can do 17:45.46 
  if it helps it helps17:45.53 
ray_laptop but it's most likely image size reduction, since 30Mb is certainly not fonts.17:45.58 
  Gearfuze: Please open a bug and put the input and smallpdf.com output files on the bug -- tag it as "Enhancement" with a subject like "Can ghostscript reduce a PDF file size similar to smallpdf"17:47.12 
  Gearfuze: or, you can look at the documentation and try some of the "distillerparams" yourself with pdfwrite. See: https://ghostscript.com/doc/current/VectorDevices.htm#PDFWRITE17:48.25 
  I have to run, but if I see a bug, I'll have a look (and at least tell you what smallpdf.com did)17:48.56 
Gearfuze Ray_laptop thanks for the help I looked into the image that was being placed into the pdf and it was 12MB!!!!!! you helped me without even knowing lol I just ran it and its now 1.57 which is good enough for me17:51.52 
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