Log of #ghostscript at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/04/23)20170424 
kens fantasy (for the logs) Sundays are not a great day to catch people here. Regarding your question,you are going to have to be much more specific. How, precisely, are you trying to use Ghostscript in your project (and are you fully aware of the licence terms) ?08:28.29 
celyr kens, well he has just to redistribuite the code of his application right ?08:35.25 
kens celyr if he wants to use in under the AGPL, yes. I just want to be sure he/she understands that. A remarkable number of people seem to have licence-blindness08:36.13 
  Its easier to make sure people are aware *before* they start coding, than have a bad experience after they're done.08:36.46 
ray_laptop kens: I would like to suggest that it is possible to keep handling/fixing of the invalid Decode arrays in C by checking PdfScanRules. Certainly C code would be more easily maintained (by non PS programmers) and more efficient (probably not that important)14:11.25 
kens The situation can only exhibit in PDF< much better to keep the exception in PDF.14:11.50 
ray_laptop s/PdfScanRules/PDFScanRules/14:11.58 
  the case for mooscript gets stronger day by day ;-/14:14.31 
  kens: did you add one of the broken EPS files to the regression suite ?14:16.09 
kens THe EPS files are not broken.14:16.19 
  And yes, I added one to the test suite.14:16.27 
ray_laptop kens: true, in that they handle the error that gets thrown. The design of PS (EPS) does seem questionable, not least from a portability standpoint.14:18.58 
kens I said the mecahnism was horrible, but its completely valid.14:19.18 
ray_laptop kens: thanks for adding a test case. I guess we don't see notifications when test files get added (at least I didn't)14:19.38 
kens Well, I had to ask Robin about it on our channel14:19.54 
  Because adding it didn't work14:20.03 
  I have no idea how much magic pixie dust Robin sprinkled to get it to work14:20.23 
ray_laptop hasn't reviewed the logs yet14:20.27 
Robin_Watts kens: I had to create some directories and set the permissions correctly.14:20.47 
  We do not currently send out email notifications about changes to test_private.git14:21.07 
kens I thought the cluster runs used to say somethign about adding new files, but I don't recall exactly14:21.18 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: probably not that frequent or important. Now that I've read the (thankfully brief) #artifex logs, I see the mention.14:22.03 
Robin_Watts It is possible that the next cluster run might say something.14:22.06 
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