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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/04/25)20170426 
julmac Hi, is there a way to preserve optional content groups with pdfwrite device? We are using gs to rewrite some PDFs, and the layers are getting dropped.09:10.57 
  My command looks like this: gswin64c -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dNOPAUSE -dQUIET -dAutoRotatePages=/None -dBATCH -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress "-sOutputFile=Test-GS-Converted.pdf" "Test.pdf"09:11.06 
kens Currently no09:11.07 
julmac I see, thanks09:11.33 
kens https://bugs.ghostscript.com/show_bug.cgi?id=69092609:11.40 
tor8 julmac: why are you rewriting the PDF files?09:21.14 
julmac It's a legacy code so I'm not certain, but I think it's because we are getting PDF files trough various integrations and rewrite is used to fix some bugs that occur when we pass them on to a pdf renderer (these images are drawings etc).09:24.57 
  But I guess I'll have to find another way to fix these errors.09:25.26 
kens Well if all you are doing is rendering the PDF< Ghostscript can do that for you in a single step09:25.39 
  No need to rewriote the PDF and then render that.09:25.55 
  But I have to go for a couple of hours.09:26.05 
tor8 julmac: mupdf has some tools to rewrite PDF files without changing the content like ghostscript does.09:26.08 
  julmac: mutool clean and mutool clean with the -s option09:26.30 
  see http://mupdf.com/docs/manual-mutool-clean.html09:27.00 
julmac Thanks, I will try mupdf09:27.09 
  kens it's little more complicated than that, we have a ccms product and these pdfs that I'm rewriting are only part of the final pdf output.09:28.06 
Robin_Watts julmac: Right, so your final output is a pdf file, not a "rendered" (i.e. bitmap) file.09:28.36 
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