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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/04/27)20170428 
jackson5 anyone know how to get gs to print out a full postscript stack (pstack) without having the values trunc05:42.36 
  e.g. GS> 500 string pstack and not having it have 0\000\000...) at the end?05:43.47 
  disregard, im retarded06:49.02 
sh4rm4^bnc my previous mupdf cross-compile recipe fails for 1.11. as a preparation step, i built fontdump and other tools with the host compiler, before running the proper make command17:27.30 
  now i get "no rule to build build/release/fontdump"17:27.49 
  so what did you change ?17:28.25 
  -o build/release/scripts/cmapdump.exe ? srsly ?17:29.28 
  looks like it doesnt build fontdump, cquote and bin2hex anymore. so its sufficient to just build cmapdump now with the HOSTCC ?17:37.50 
Robin_Watts sh4rm4^bnc: Yeah, I think tor8 revamped it so that we don't need so many tools.17:51.19 
sh4rm4^bnc there's a new one now: build/release/scripts/hexdump.exe17:51.48 
Robin_Watts yeah, that's the replacement.17:51.58 
  namedump, hexdump, cmapdump, I think.17:52.14 
sh4rm4^bnc so one tool less, but all new names...17:53.21 
Robin_Watts namedump and cmapdump have been there for a while.17:54.55 
  we've lost fontdump, cquote, bin2hex in favour of hexdump.17:55.29 
  If that offends your sensibilities, then please allow me to offer you a full refund.17:55.45 
sh4rm4^bnc sorry, i dont meant to sound like whining.18:02.35 
Robin_Watts We have taken possession of #mupdf, so you may want to camp there too.18:03.25 
sh4rm4^bnc my build ran through with just "hexdump" and "cmapdump", but that might have been because it was for i486 (so one of the host tools might have been built with the crosscompiler and still worked to run)18:04.03 
  so building for mips now ...18:04.15 
Robin_Watts As long as namedump has run once for any platform, it'll be fine.18:06.02 
  It just converts the list of names we use in PDF to a series of #defines in a pdf-names.h file.18:06.42 
sh4rm4^bnc hmm, sounds like it could be done with awk, then there would be no need to compile stuff with a different compiler18:07.24 
  (but i still prefer compiling a native tool over usage of perl,python,or ruby as a buildtime dependency)18:08.35 
  just recently went over all packages that use "intltool" and hacked them up so they don't need perl anymore...18:10.50 
Robin_Watts sh4rm4^bnc: And for platforms where awk doesn't ship as standard ?18:11.31 
sh4rm4^bnc you mean windows ?18:11.40 
Robin_Watts yes.18:11.43 
sh4rm4^bnc dont you need some minimal posix-ish env anyway to run the makefiles ?18:12.05 
  i assumed you required mingw oslt18:12.13 
  (intltool: https://bugs.launchpad.net/intltool/+bug/904647 )18:12.24 
Robin_Watts sh4rm4^bnc: No, we provide a visual studio solution for windows.18:12.32 
sh4rm4^bnc ah.18:12.39 
Robin_Watts I don't touch mingw.18:12.48 
sh4rm4^bnc thirdparty/glfw/include/GLFW/glfw3.h:184:21: fatal error: GL/gl.h: No such file$18:15.24 
  #include <GL/gl.h>18:15.25 
  that one is new.18:15.32 
  does it mean mesalib is a hard dependency now ?18:16.11 
Robin_Watts sh4rm4^bnc: If you want mupdf-gl, then you need GL and GLFW.18:17.34 
  If you don't, then build with HAVE_GLFW=no18:17.42 
sh4rm4^bnc oh no, i definitely dont want that.18:17.54 
  ok, ty18:17.55 
  oh nice. built now even for mips. i didnt have to build namedump manually.18:23.44 
Brettk80 hi all.23:08.38 
  I've ran into a problem while trying to convert a large tiff2pdf. I've tried a variety of things, but I think they are all powered by the same or similar library23:09.29 
  tiff2pdf: Can't allocate 927712935720 bytes of memory for t2p_readwrite_pdf_image, /tmp/2017-23:09.32 
  any suggestions? I seem to get this type of problem often23:09.51 
Robin_Watts Brettk80: What sort of tiff?23:13.45 
  black and white? grayscale? rgb? 24 bit ?23:14.00 
Brettk80 Robin_Watts: it's a mulit-page fax tiff23:14.18 
Robin_Watts So, monochrome.23:14.29 
Brettk80 yes23:14.52 
Robin_Watts I can think of a couple of things to try.23:15.05 
Brettk80 they are larger faxes, but23:15.06 
  it seems to creep on some file23:15.15 
  it seems to creep on some files23:15.17 
Robin_Watts First, I'd try splitting it down to 1 page per file.23:15.27 
  Then either I'd convert each page to a pbm, and feed that into gs using viewpbm.ps to generate me postscript files...23:15.55 
Brettk80 it just seems kinda unreasonable that it is trying to allocate almost a TB of ram23:16.24 
Robin_Watts or I'd try feeding it into mupdf.23:16.37 
Brettk80 not familiar with mupdf23:21.02 
  Robin_Watts: https://thepasteb.in/p/P1hvWR8o47wtl23:27.29 
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