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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/05/03)20170504 
DiverGuy according to the pcl manual from HP, the (0Y code 'is' standard and represents 3of920:05.52 
  page 12920:06.04 
  a font with that symbol set may not be 'included' with a printer as a standard font, but (0Y is the code you send in pcl to select a font with the 3of9 symbol set20:07.26 
  so i'm back to the question - given there is no manual for gpcl6, how does someone 'add' a font to gpcl6 ?20:08.41 
  ray_laptop referenced a couple of files yesterday but there is no documentation in those files to suggest how a person might add a new font and recompile20:09.26 
 Forward 1 day (to 2017/05/05)>>> 
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