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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/05/04)20170505 
norbertj @DiverGuy: perhaps I can help. You are not the only one needing that functionality ;) I added the functionality to add Truetype fonts (from scanning a optional directory with *.ttf files). Condition is that the truetype file has a PCLTtable, or you have to add this table as an entry to the plftable.c file. Next to this you need a symbolset 3of9. In my case I added that to the plsymbol.c05:57.04 
  DiverGuy: a Font (Typeface) can support 1 or more symbolsets. I.e. a barcode font is normally (see PCL 5 Comparison Guide 5021-0378) identified with TypeFace 256 in combination with a symbolset (like 0Y for 3of9). Which symbolsets/charactercode? is supported is specified by the characterComplement (64bit) in the PCLTtable. Each bit in this characterComplement stands for a collection of characters. 1 or more of these bits then sup06:05.32 
  DiverGuy: see the PCL5 Comparison Guide for more information.06:05.52 
  DiverGuy: http://www.undocprint.org/_media/formats/page_description_languages/pcl5_comparison_guide.pdf06:09.34 
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