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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/05/09)20170510 
dch_26 hi. i'm using ghostscript to join multiple PDF files together, works well. i now need to ramp up the number of files to ~10,000. does anyone know if gs will attempt to do this in memory or will it just concatenate on disk? thanks10:55.12 
Robin_Watts dch_26: What you're doing is not joining multiple PDF files together.10:56.56 
dch_26 ok, i'm making one monster pdf - yes, but the question stands10:57.18 
Robin_Watts What you're doing is to make a completely new PDF file that hopefully have the same appearance when printed as the original files did.10:57.29 
dch_26 agreed - hope is also the word10:57.48 
Robin_Watts gs splits the files down to rendered graphical objects and makes a new file from them - so you potentially lose stuff like outlines, metadata etc.10:58.06 
  The pdfwrite device does make use of temporary files, but a lot of stuff still happens in memory AIUI.10:58.48 
dch_26 understand that and happy. it just needs to look the same when viewed. does it have to hold the whole thing in memory? the 10k docs are pretty similar - it may find things to "re-use" or compress to keep the size down10:59.15 
  ok - thx..i guess try it and see is the answer10:59.33 
Robin_Watts dch_26: It's precisely because it wants to reuse stuff that it needs to hold some of it in memory.10:59.46 
  To spot reuse it needs to run through the stuff it's already seen.10:59.57 
dch_26 ok - that makes me feel quite confident that it will be good , even if it is entirely memory based11:00.28 
  many thanks for the input :)11:01.08 
Robin_Watts no problems.11:02.08 
vtorri tor8: hey17:34.52 
  tor8: are you interested about a compilation error on OpenIndiana (solaris) ?17:35.36 
sven337 pksm output device - what do the letters mean?19:05.03 
  Portable inK Separated Map maybe19:06.15 
damarusama I get an error on a ps2pdf from ghostscript, and wondering if it could be a font path problem22:23.02 
  in short Last OS error: No such file or directory22:23.27 
  GPL Ghostscript 9.21: Unrecoverable error, exit code 122:23.27 
  the eps file can be imported on another computer running linux so the file seems ok22:23.51 
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