Log of #ghostscript at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/05/10)20170511 
kens damarusama : if you think you've found a bug, please open a bug report. We cannot possibly work frmo the limited description in your pastebin.07:05.34 
deekej hello folks! :) I wanted to ask if any of the recent commits is meant to address the CVE-2017-8291 (aka ghostbutt) as well?12:15.21 
kens I think that's already fixed12:15.39 
  What's the Ghostscript bug number ?12:15.48 
deekej kens: sec, I'll find it12:16.38 
kens There are two fcommits, they are noted in the 697799 thread12:17.39 
  Oops 3 fixes.....12:17.52 
deekej yes, the revision12:17.58 
kens This is fixed with:12:18.01 
  and http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=ghostpdl.git;a=commitdiff;h=57f2071912:18.15 
kens has to run, bbiab12:18.21 
deekej ack12:18.26 
half-a-pony chrisl: kens: regarding discussion ^^ -> reported in https://bugs.ghostscript.com/show_bug.cgi?id=69789212:52.12 
chrisl Oh, FFS :-(12:55.09 
kens chrisl my latest commit for review would make that bug report moot :-)13:11.42 
chrisl kens: I assume you undefine, rather than remove .eqproc?13:12.16 
kens Indeed13:12.22 
  But I'm assuming the reproducer executes .eqproc from PostScript13:12.42 
  I could be wriong, I've not looked13:12.50 
kens is only just back in the door13:13.00 
chrisl Yeh, but the way I check for stack underflow was incorrect, so I'm going to fix it13:13.13 
kens Fixing it would be good.13:13.21 
  Note the list of macros in my document for chekcing operands13:13.37 
  There may be others...13:13.53 
half-a-pony chrisl: quick question regarding 697892 -> would there be a rough ETA ? (it's just to check if I should request a push in the current state, or if it's worth waiting)13:46.51 
chrisl half-a-pony: I've literally just pushed the fix to git13:47.16 
half-a-pony wow! that was quick. great! thanks!13:47.38 
chrisl It was a stupid mistake on my part - obvious when I looked again13:48.01 
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