Log of #ghostscript at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/05/18)20170519 
bperry hi I sent an email to gs-devel@ghostscript.com on tuesday12:53.19 
  I don't see it in the archive and haven't gotten a response12:53.32 
  do you need to be subbed to the list in order to post to it?12:53.43 
kens Not certain, but I would expect so12:54.15 
  Your email has not been posted to the list so I expect mailman ate it12:54.28 
bperry I will retry, i've subbed since I sent the original email12:54.53 
kens Or you can simply ask here12:55.05 
bperry I have many crashes in gxps and jbig2dec, some of which are likely going to be security sensitive12:55.43 
  A) it's a lot and B) I don't think posting some of them on a public bug tracker is cool without explicit permission12:56.12 
  so not sure where to report12:56.18 
kens Then you should report them as bugs. Please ensure you are testing with the current HEAD from our Git repository12:56.19 
bperry I was testing latest stable release12:56.37 
  I will test against master12:56.41 
kens That wold be best there have been numerous fixes12:56.55 
bperry cool that's good12:57.06 
kens At least 6 in jbig2dec that I cna think os since the last release12:57.08 
bperry I think I had 1012:57.37 
  gxps was significantly more...12:58.15 
  I deduped as best I could12:58.25 
kens Well now would be a good time to post them, I don;t htink we have any outstanding issues currently with jbig2dec12:58.30 
  OTOH Iits not my product so I could be mistaken12:58.42 
bperry my concern is where to post them12:58.55 
kens Once you've confirmed bugs reproduce in current code, just open bug reports. For any you think security related please open with the 'Security' product and mention the actual product in the comments. We'll need a specimen file and a command line to reproduce problems12:59.48 
bperry sure13:00.12 
kens Anything with the 'Security' product is private, it is only avialable to members of the 'Security' group and (of course) the original poster13:00.21 
bperry I just wanted to make sure bug tracker was OK13:00.24 
  ok good13:00.27 
  that's what I wanted to know13:00.32 
kens Yeah that's new, we're trying to do a better job there13:00.45 
bperry I'll see if I can get them done this weekend13:00.47 
  it wasn't easy to find this13:00.59 
  this info*13:01.03 
  maybe updating the site with it would help a bit13:01.11 
kens THe security stuff is really new, like in the last few weeks, we're still working it out13:01.26 
bperry np at all13:01.35 
kens Don't really want to put stuff on the web site which is still subject to change to be honest13:01.57 
  Normally we don't get many security reports, but there seems to have been something of a deluge recently13:02.14 
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