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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/05/21)20170522 
tbo I just put a PDF of 1.5 MB through Ghostscript (ps2pdf) and it shrinked down to 47 KB, the original PDF was created by Adobe InDesign CC. Are those just inefficiencies or does InDesign put things in the file GS just removes (which are ineffiencies)?08:45.46 
chrisl tbo: There's a very high probability that InDesign embedded it's own native file into the PDF as metadata, and running through GS will not preserve that. That's one place you'll be saving space08:48.34 
tor8 tbo: That's hard to say. The output of ps2pdf is a *completely* different file, that just happens to look the same when viewed. There could be lots of other information in the source file that has been lost.08:48.35 
tbo Ah okay08:49.06 
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