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deekej hello folks, just a small question :) You have a git repository 'urw-core35-fonts', but you release it as 'urw-base35-fonts' archive...08:48.07 
  I know about the PostScript specifications (base fonts level 1, 2, and 3)08:48.34 
  so I'm just asking if there's any specific reason for it? :)08:49.00 
  (I will be creating a new package for Fedora now, so I want prevent any possible problems in the future)08:49.52 
kens chrisl woudl be the right person to answer, but... I suspect the answer is simple; we call it base 35 because that's the PostScript term, but what we get from URW is called the 'core' 35. We simply rename it to be consistent with PostScript.08:50.25 
deekej ah, ok :)08:50.50 
  thanks for clarification :)08:50.56 
  in that case I'll stick with the urw-base35 name :)08:51.07 
kens Probably simplest, since URW don't publish the fonts themselves.08:51.32 
  The AGPL variants I mean08:51.46 
deekej yes, they provide it to you, and you publish it instead of them, right?08:52.09 
chrisl I think kens is right - tbh, URW's naming varies randomly :-(08:52.17 
kens deekej : We don't particularly want to be the upstream source, but as I recall Artifex arranged for the fonts to be GPL'ed. URW aren't interested in publiching GPL fonts (they make their money sellign them after all), and so we (reluctantly) do it.08:53.21 
deekej chrisl: I recall you telling me what kind of versioning mess they've produced 5 months ago :) I just got back to it now :)08:53.28 
kens Every time we get something from them we have to work on it08:53.42 
chrisl deekej: of the URW releases I've handled, every one (so far) has had different file names, different font names, and version numbers that vary between 1.10 to 1.00 without rhyme or reason08:54.37 
  Which reminds me, I have another update to deal with - when I have the mental fortitude to tackle it <sigh>08:57.06 
deekej chrisl: ouch :-/ good luck with it, then ;)08:58.32 
chrisl It's a very minor update - hopefully, it won't be too painful08:59.13 
deekej chrisl: I remember you said that ghostscript can use TTF/OTF fonts as substitutions if Type 1 fonts are missing, but the substitution can't be guaranteed to be absolutely flawless, unless the fonts use the CFF outlines...10:33.47 
  but if I read the wikipedia right, the OTF should contain the CFF outlines10:34.30 
kens OTF may contain either CFF or TrueType outlines10:34.45 
chrisl At the moment, you cannot safely use OTF/CFF in place of the base35 Type 1 fonts10:35.14 
deekej chrisl: hmm, OK. So what happens if I have installed the same fonts both in OTF and Type 1 - will ghostscript automatically use the Type 1 fonts?10:36.11 
  or do I need to configure this somehow with ghostscript?10:36.26 
kens Depends what you have set up in fontmap/cidfmap10:36.31 
chrisl Ghostscript will look first in its default fontpath10:36.46 
deekej right now Fedora has some really old outdated CIDfmap from Adobe, which I plan to update to same version you use with Ghostscript10:37.39 
kens I don't think you can have a cidfmap from Adobe10:37.55 
  That's a Ghostscript thing10:38.02 
  You might have CMaps from Adobe10:38.10 
deekej ah, you're right10:38.28 
kens CMaps are a different thing altogether, they are only used in conjunction with CIDFonts10:38.48 
  (exccept for ToUnicode CMaps, but let's not go there)10:39.03 
chrisl For the base35 fonts, we (as shipped) map the "industry name" to the "URW name", then let Ghostscript's normal font search search handle finding the actual file10:39.11 
  "gs -h" will print (amongst other things) the places it will search10:39.41 
deekej oh, thank you for the info10:40.02 
  btw: I found in the fedora package some CIDfnmap and cidfmap files10:40.44 
  I guess those will need update at some point as well10:41.00 
  I will dig out where we got them from10:41.08 
chrisl cidfmap defines substitutes for *CIDFonts*10:41.21 
  The biggest packaging problem we've had with cidfmap files is that some distros have/had a cidfmap referencing font files that the gs package did depend upon10:42.34 
  And, basically, if you point gs at a CIDFont substitute that doesn't exist, it falls in a heap - there's no way to recover from that10:43.17 
deekej looking at the log, people were workarounding some bugs with the cidfmap... but that was 10 years ago.. o.O10:45.40 
  so if I get it right, the closest way to vanilla build is to not use the cidfmap or custom CIDfnmap files, right?10:46.48 
chrisl Our default cidfmap is empty10:47.08 
  cidfmap is really a way to handle badly made PDF files (not work around bugs!)10:47.40 
deekej in case the fonts are installed correctly, there should not be any need for cidfmap or CIDfnmap, am I right?10:47.41 
chrisl Not exactly......10:48.08 
  I repeat: we're talking about CIDFonts here, *not* fonts10:48.34 
  CIDFonts are similar to, but not the same as fonts10:48.56 
deekej yeah, I realize that. I was just thinking it was connected to it10:49.36 
chrisl Ghostscript has the ability to take a suitable TrueType font, and use it as a substitute for a CIDFont10:49.49 
  TBH, if you stumble across a CIDFont file, I'll be *extremely* surprised10:50.23 
deekej these are the files previous maintainers were using:10:51.59 
chrisl Well, all those do if reference other files, so.....10:52.54 
deekej yeah, I think I start to get it :D sorry, this is still completely new for me, I'm trying to wrap my head around it10:53.34 
chrisl My guess is that the use of ".runlibfileifexists" means those referenced files some with separate packages which include the required font files10:54.30 
  (I say font files because they are almost certainly TTF files, rather than on-disk CIDFonts)10:54.56 
deekej I think I start to understand.11:05.17 
  Anyway, if I go back to my initial problem. Fedora Packaging Guidelines require me to package OTF fonts where possible. I can see them in your repository, but I can't find them in the archive you provide. I guess you have some reason for it.11:06.54 
chrisl Yeh, they don't work, currently11:07.43 
deekej can you be more specific, please? they do not work with ghostscript, or generally?11:08.09 
chrisl They cause problems with pdfwrite just now, *if* you try to use them for the base35 fonts - they work fine otherwise11:09.02 
deekej thanks :)11:09.21 
  that will make my decision regarding packaging much simpler :)11:09.31 
chrisl When we have time, the problem with pdfwrite will be fixed, and we can then allow OTF/CFF fonts as base35, too11:10.08 
  FWIW, we'll *never* be able to use OTF/TTF fonts for the base3511:11.58 
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