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deekej chrisl: Hello! :) Yesterday you said you will be doing another update to URW fonts. I have found out that the metadata for 'NimbusSans-Bold', 'NimbusSans-BoldOblique' and 'NimbusSans-Oblique' have a small mistake in theirs "metadata"12:19.45 
  The font family name for them is shown as 'NimbusSans' instead of 'Nimbus Sans' (missing whitespace)12:20.15 
kens That may be deliberate12:20.40 
deekej this is just a small typo, IMHO not worth creating a new bug for it12:20.40 
kens It may not be a bug at all12:20.48 
  Is this type 1 ?12:20.59 
deekej The 'NimbusSans-Regular' uses the whitespace12:21.00 
kens THis is the sort of thing we get from URW quite frequently....12:21.22 
deekej I'm looking at the OTF, 'ttname' utility doesn't work with *.t1 filetype12:21.30 
kens Hmm, well that (I suspect) was direct from URW12:21.49 
deekej let me check the T112:21.58 
kens You can use t1disasm from teh t1tools package to read type 1 fonts12:22.08 
  I'm guessing Chris isn't here right now as he's not replying12:22.33 
chrisl I'm here, I just hadn't noticed this12:22.55 
kens :-)12:23.01 
deekej thanks for the tip for 't1disasm', it will come in handy ;)12:24.39 
  FullName (Nimbus Sans Bold) readonly def12:25.02 
  FamilyName (NimbusSans) readonly def12:25.02 
  FullName (Nimbus Sans) readonly def12:25.24 
  FamilyName (Nimbus Sans) readonly def12:25.24 
  this is for *.t112:25.43 
  can I somehow report this to URW? would they even listen to me at all? :) (aka is it worth it?)12:26.19 
kens can tell by the readonly def12:26.20 
chrisl The new ones have "/FamilyName (Nimbus Sans) readonly def"12:26.37 
kens deekej : they don't listen to us, I'm doubtful they would listen to anyone else12:26.41 
deekej kens: shame :-/ it would nice if there existed some open source alternarives :)12:27.39 
kens Well, font foundries make their money by selling fonts, giving them away isn't much of a business model for them12:28.15 
chrisl deekej: the URW ones are open source, if you want to take on the hassle of maintaining a fork, have at it!12:28.45 
deekej kens: yes, I realize that :) I was thinking more about some community projects like DejaVu fonts :)12:28.48 
kens If someone wants to take it on, we'd be happy :-)12:29.30 
deekej chrisl: hehe, thanks for the offer :D however, I have become a de-facto upstream for initscripts in Fedora, and I'm not sure I will have time to tackle the font issues :)12:29.40 
chrisl deekej: Messing around with the metadata and various contents is something I'd be willing to do, but the first time new glyphs were required, my abilities would fall apart completely - I'm not a font designer12:30.40 
deekej kens: well, the fonts maintenance is kind of dead in Fedora ATM. I think I will bring this to FESCo when I will be talking to them next time, if there's some way to revive this. Maybe then we could find someone to take it over from you... ;)12:30.56 
  chrisl: me neither :) what I meant with my previous message is that we could make an announcement that we're looking for font designers who want to work on open source fonts maintenance/development :)12:31.53 
  (annoncement in Fedora community)12:32.06 
chrisl Designing high quality fonts is a massive task12:33.27 
deekej I can imagine :-/12:34.20 
  but I still worth givint a shot :)12:35.05 
  *it's | giving12:35.14 
chrisl And generally those who are interested want to design new fonts, not close substitutes for existing ones12:35.36 
deekej chrisl: may I ask you one favor, please? currently I see that the urw-base35-20160926.zip does not contain any subfolder (with the same name)13:27.08 
  chrisl: would be possible to update the archive to contain this? otherwise we would have to repack the fonts into new archive every time during an update, because RPM does not have some simple support for archives without subfolder13:28.12 
chrisl deekej: sure, I'll do that on the next release13:29.04 
deekej chrisl: thanks :)13:29.46 
ray_laptop StevePhillips: no, @ means 0x40 '@'20:21.15 
  StevePhillips: you have to change the code for different values (0xa1 for allocated (UMR), 0xf1 for freed, I don't recall the rest)20:22.21 
StevePhillips So that's not the character used to initialize the buffer?20:23.01 
  Oh I get it.20:23.18 
  What's the syntax to select which buffer you're changing?20:23.30 
  I think you're saying that I can individually set values for freshly allocated and freed memory, is that right?20:24.22 
  (this discussion eventually went nowhere...) ;^)20:44.54 
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