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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/05/30)20170531 
markAppelit I was trying to build the ios viewer from the git sources but found that there seems to be an issue with the make command in build_libs.sh (on my mac mini)... because the build_libs.sh specifies -j4 make seems to hang (probably because of some implicit dependencies). As soon as I remove the -j4 it compiles normally but takes way longer then it should...12:01.12 
kens markAppelit : which product are you referring to ?12:01.44 
markAppelit this one http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=mupdf-ios-viewer.git;a=summary12:02.06 
  using tagged version #1.1112:02.27 
Robin_Watts -j4 says "build with up to 4 jobs in parallel".12:02.30 
kens OK so that's MuPDF, while the MuPDF developers do listen here,you might get more response over on #mupdf12:02.35 
kens shuts up since Robin is here12:02.45 
Robin_Watts I'd simply bet that at -j4 is running your mac mini out of memory, or making it swap like mad.12:02.59 
markAppelit I know I did my fair share of C/C++ programming12:03.07 
Robin_Watts So remove the -j4 and live with it taking longer.12:03.24 
kens Try -j2 maybe ?12:03.41 
markAppelit I did run -j2 also (and no it is not swapping and/or running out of memory (3G free)) it does look like a missing Makefile dependency breaking parallel builds12:04.23 
  and since the build_libs.sh is in the repo I thought I should mention it12:04.38 
  it hangs on/after running ranlib for the third party libs12:05.06 
  (maybe/probably because the "$(OUT)/%.a :" rule does not specify the objects it requires to actually run)12:05.51 
  I mean specify explicitly instead of implicit in the AR_CMD12:06.44 
Robin_Watts tor8 is the expert here.12:08.42 
tor8 no idea. parallell builds work on all other platforms. is apple's 'make' tool different/buggy?12:09.47 
markAppelit it is apple so what do you think ;)12:10.07 
tor8 markAppelit: the -j4 is not required, but something we do out of habit to speed up build times12:11.34 
  if it's causing trouble with Xcode then we can easily remove it.12:11.53 
  the makefile dependencies *should* be solid, we've gone to a lot of effort to make sure of it. that said, it's a notoriously difficult thing to get right.12:12.20 
markAppelit I know I did already remove it but like I said I thought I should mention it...12:12.26 
tor8 markAppelit: we appreciate it... biggest problem is none of the developers use macs regularly anymore.12:12.55 
  so these things tend to go un-noticed12:13.04 
markAppelit me neither, I was checking it out for a project... normally run linux and am quite happy with it :)12:14.06 
navi_se_ @llpp boss, if here, is there a way to send the document to print and select a page range?14:29.18 
  I know you can send to printer with Ctrl+P (which is undocumented in the LLPP help page, I believe)14:29.47 
sebras navi_se_: you are looking for malc_ (llpp maintainer), and he's neither here, nor in the #mupdf channel at the moment.15:22.56 
navi_se_ sebras: thanks, I didn't remember his name16:01.18 
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