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dch26 hi. i am joining pdf files together in ghostscript 8.7 on redhat. it works well but i seem to have hit a limit when joining 6000+ files. the error i am getting seems to be "io" related, but i wondered if anyone had any further ideas? Last OS error: 28 , Unrecoverable error, exit code 1 , ERROR -12 closing pdfwrite device. See gs/src/ierrors.h for code explanation14:04.45 
kens You can't 'join' PDF files whith Ghostscript and pdfwrite14:05.53 
  You can create a new PDF file whose content shopuld be visibly the same.14:06.07 
  The first thing you shoudl do is upgrade, 8.7 is seriously old, the current version is 9.2114:06.38 
dch26 yes, i understand the process.14:07.06 
kens 8.70 is 7 years old now14:07.09 
dch26 i will try that - but 8.7 seemed to only be last year14:07.19 
  oh, is it??? wow14:07.27 
kens That's almost certainly the last update produced bu whoever packages it14:07.35 
dch26 yes, i will do that and come back14:07.40 
kens I imagine you are on a stable Red Hat release14:07.46 
  SO they only upsdate *very* ionfrequently14:07.56 
dch26 yup, RHEL 6.?14:08.04 
  many thanks kens14:08.18 
kens Sorry I'm not too up to speed with the version numbers :-(14:08.24 
  -12 is an ioerror, it may simply mean you've hit the maximum file size or run out of disk space.14:08.58 
  Depends on the size of the PDF files.14:09.05 
dch26 memory fine (unlimited) - disk space fine (50+GB free) - i was wondering about number of processes.....but i will upgrade14:10.03 
kens In ortder to produce a new PDF file pdfwrite maintains a couple of temporary files, and all the content is stored in there. Sometimes more than once. In order to do auto compression of images, for instance, we store the data compressed with different compression filters. Then on oputput we choose the smallest one.14:10.05 
  pdfwrite is a single process, and a single thread of execution.14:10.23 
  Its conceivable that files aren't being closed properly untilthe job completes, in which case you may hit a maximum number of open files14:10.50 
chrisl RHEL 6 dates from 2011......14:11.00 
dch26 it happily did 5000 files yesterday, todays batch was 6000 - it may be number of files - or maybe even some "bad" content14:11.31 
kens A broken input file could conceivably cause a problem14:11.52 
  THe PDF itnerpreter, by default, tries to ignore errors and carry on.14:12.06 
dch26 i know that RHEL is old - but you know customers......can't get them to upgrade unless something broken14:12.11 
kens THe problem with that is that the underlying code exepcts to halt on errors, so if you cartry on, the state can be messed up14:12.31 
  If you are suspicious tha'ts a problem, try running with -dPDFSTOPONERROR14:12.52 
  Which will exit and stop if it encounters problems14:13.01 
dch26 if it fails on the new version, then i will run it with debug on and see where that gets me14:13.06 
chrisl Um, I don't thing PDFSTOPONERROR existed in 8.7014:13.20 
kens Umm, don't try PDFDEBUG!14:13.21 
chrisl s/thing/think14:13.34 
kens chrsl, you could well be right :-)14:13.34 
dch26 lol, too verbose or doesnt work?14:13.37 
kens PDFDEBUG is *WAY* too verbose with 6000 input files14:13.51 
  You'll never find anything int the output14:14.04 
dch26 thanks for the warning14:14.05 
kens It will also slow the processing down significantly14:14.15 
chrisl Running a recent release (9.12) with -dPDFSTOPONERROR wil be a better indicator of a problem with the input14:14.59 
kens Indeed14:15.07 
chrisl I mean 9.21 - jeeze14:15.12 
kens :-)14:15.16 
dch26 i'm on it - downloading now14:15.24 
chrisl Mind's all over the place just now.....14:15.35 
kens dch26 : You are quite correct that its an ioerror, but that could mean a problem with the input *or* the output14:16.02 
dch26 so the stop on error *might* show me which - it would help if it told me the filename or the number of the file it was processing14:17.03 
kens The only other thing is, was there any other context in the back channel output ? Usually you would get some more information, such as the operator that was performed, the opeand stack dump and so on14:17.16 
dch26 a little....hang on......14:17.36 
kens dch26 : In all honesty we've never really anticipated people running thousands of files.....14:17.42 
dch26 ok to paste 20 lines of dump/log here?14:18.10 
kens Th original intended purpose of pdfwrite was as a mimic of Adobe Acorbat Distiller, to convert PostScript to PDF14:18.20 
  Might be better to pastebin14:18.26 
chrisl Oh my, RHEL 6 was based Fedora Core 12, which came out in 2009....14:18.30 
kens freenode might throrttle that much14:18.36 
  chrisl we know that a lot of people are using old 'stable' versions. Look at the NHS, still using WIndows XP :-(14:19.25 
dch26 the purpose of me "joining" (i know!) 5000 files is because each file is approx 1mb, which includes images and fonts. they are pretty common over my pdf files, so ghostscript is re-building for me and "compressing" - so my 1.3gb of pdf files are turning into 40mb :)14:20.00 
kens I'm surprised it saves that much14:20.46 
dch26 oh yeah :)14:20.52 
chrisl kens: I know - but they have to accept the trade offs.....14:20.52 
kens If only they would :-(14:21.35 
dch26 https://pastebin.com/yA6TRVaR14:23.28 
kens THat would suggest a problem writing a file14:23.45 
  At a guess that was the last page of the last file, and pdfwrite had a problem writing to the final output file14:24.20 
  Hmm last OS error 2814:24.44 
dch26 ok, it is not free space or permissons. hmm. unless it writes multiple temporary files per input pdf - might be blowing a linux folder limit14:24.47 
kens Anyone know what error 28 is on Linux ?14:24.56 
  It should only write a relatively small nuymber of files14:25.11 
  3 or 4 IIRC14:25.21 
  error 28 is "No space left on device" apparently14:25.45 
dch26 linux error 28 googles to be "no space left on device" - but i know different14:25.49 
kens temp partition ?14:26.00 
  THa'ts where the temp files are going14:26.09 
dch26 some searches also mention memory as a "device"14:26.12 
kens Hmm, memory is less likely14:26.21 
dch26 what, gs uses /tmp ??14:26.26 
kens Not impossible, we do have to hold a lot of context, but most stuff goes to disk14:26.36 
dch26 my /tmp is not big14:26.40 
kens THat'll be the problem then14:26.47 
dch26 lol14:26.50 
kens pdfwrite writes a lot of temporary files14:26.59 
  I believe those go to /tmp chrisl am I right ?14:27.09 
dch26 i thought it would make temp files in the current working folder?14:27.18 
kens Nope14:27.22 
  I believe we use the OS tmeporary files, so that if we crash they get cleaned up14:27.43 
  I am not a Linux expert though14:27.51 
  I *think* it may be possible to tell GS not to do that, give me a minute14:28.38 
dch26 many thanks for your help guys, i have to drop off this now and swap machines. i WILL pop back on tomorrow to let you know how it panned out. :)14:29.09 
  ok, i'll hang around for 2 mins14:29.20 
kens Looku up TMPDIR in the Ghostscript docs14:29.27 
  Yeah according to Use.htm you can set TMPDIR which changes where temp files go14:29.56 
  No idea if that will work, but its worth a try14:30.03 
  and yeah tha same doc says Unix temp files go to /tmp14:30.20 
dch26 lovely job - on it now. will report back tomorrow :)14:30.20 
kens Most of us are travelling tomorrow, but feel free to post and it will get logged14:30.36 
  Staff meeting in the US14:30.41 
dch26 ok, have a good trip....you UK based?14:30.58 
kens I am, we're spread around a bit, people in UK, Sweden, US...14:31.15 
  Hope it works for you anyway14:31.24 
dch26 same as us, me in sunny Essex14:31.30 
chrisl By default we use whatever mkstemp gives us14:31.35 
kens Ah, its a nice day here today :-)14:31.40 
dch26 hopefully with your input, my day just improved14:31.56 
kens Well let us know if not, might be able to do something in future14:32.11 
dch26 thanks14:33.02 
kens coffees14:33.22 
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