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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/06/06)20170607 
kens2 Hmm someone seems to have hijacked my nick09:02.36 
dch26 hi. just thought i'd pop back and report that my issue with pdfwrite is now sorted. thanks to 'kens' and 'chris1' for the TMPDIR tips :)09:07.22 
kens2 Nice to know, thank you09:07.34 
dch26 i did the upgrade as you suggested, from 8.70 to 9.07 (best binary my admin could find) and that had a different bug. so have reverted to 8.70 until he can find a 9.21 binary09:08.37 
kens2 Well, you could always build fromsource09:09.01 
dch26 i could - but not on this particular box without gcc and dev tools. but i know the importance of the upgrade, so will push for it. thx09:10.23 
kens2 NP09:10.30 
  Robin_Watts : ping12:04.23 
Robin_Watts pong12:17.29 
kens2 can you add kens2 to #artifex please ?12:17.39 
  Someone has my nick and I can't seem to get it back12:17.48 
Robin_Watts Is kens2 a registered nick?12:17.50 
kens2 Umm, no12:18.03 
Robin_Watts Then, no, I can't :(12:18.09 
  Only registered nicks etc.12:18.21 
kens2 Yeah I forgot that12:18.22 
chrisl You should be able to ghost your nick12:18.30 
kens2 COuldn't seem to, mayb eI got hte syntax wrong12:18.45 
chrisl /msg nickserv ghost $nick $password12:19.22 
kens2 Ah that time it worked12:19.24 
  Lets see if I can get in now12:19.32 
marrenarre Hi. Is this the MuPDF channel also? If so, I am wondering why presentation mode does not work in MuPDF. When I try to launch it by pressing `p`, nothing happens.16:12.01 
Robin_Watts marrenarre: Better to use #mupdf these days.17:03.57 
marrenarre Robin_Watts: Oh, okay. Thank you.17:04.24 
Robin_Watts marrenarre: Which variant of the viewer are you using? mupdf or mupdf-gl ?17:04.27 
marrenarre I tried both (development version).17:04.40 
Robin_Watts marrenarre: So if you hit 'p' and then click to go forward, you don't get a transition ?17:06.51 
marrenarre Oh, that’s the feature? I assumed it would e.g. launch fullscreen with 100 % zoom.17:07.35 
Robin_Watts marrenarre: No, it doesn't do that currently.17:08.01 
  I believe that it might autoprogress if the PDF you select is setup for it.17:08.27 
marrenarre Oh, well it _does_ work then—great! Maybe the manual could mention something about what ‘presentation mode’ actually means?17:10.34 
  I assumed it would basically be like [F5] in PowerPoint.17:11.21 
  But thank you for the help.17:11.45 
Hobart re: what kens said -- if there's a RIP - like program that just emits its move-to and draw-tos (like you'd have to if you were drawing to a plotter?) that might do it, no?17:53.05 
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