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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/06/07)20170608 
TheDcoder Hi, does anyone know a software based on ghostscript which can print PDFs? :)06:21.37 
kens TheDcoder : Yes, Ghostscript07:22.19 
  Hobart, you could use a PostScript interpreter to convert a PostScript program into a fixed representation of that program. THe closest thing I know of to that would be OneVision's product which I think is called Solvero.07:24.12 
TheDcoder Oh07:24.54 
kens But its by no means clear to me what you want. Perhaps if you explained what you need, and better yet, why, we could help you.07:25.00 
TheDcoder Ghostscript does that? :)07:25.13 
kens Depends what platofrm and precisely what you mean by 'print'07:25.27 
TheDcoder I was thinking something like a virtual printer which can output PDF files07:25.52 
  Windows :)07:26.01 
kens Well, that's not what *I* would mean by 'print PDF files'.07:26.13 
  However, if you look around almost all the 'print to PDF' applications on Windows use Ghostscript to do the job07:26.38 
TheDcoder Oh...07:27.08 
  I was looking for something FOSS07:27.23 
kens You need a Port Monitor (eg RedMon) to capture a PostScript program describing the printed page, and then you use Ghostscript's pdfwrite device to create a PDF file from that.07:27.23 
  THere are free tools doing 'print to PDF' and if they use Ghostscript they should be open source.07:28.03 
  Or just follow the steps above.07:28.15 
TheDcoder CC PDF Converter seems to be the best bet for a FOSS PDF Printer07:37.31 
  Uses Ghostscript and RedMon07:37.43 
  ...I cannot find the download07:41.04 
  Only the sources07:41.12 
kens Then you'll either have to build it from source or contact the authors07:56.00 
TheDcoder ...I think I will make a basic wrapper for setting up RedMon and Ghostscript :P07:57.32 
kens Be aware that the print ubsystem has altered considerably in WIndows 10 and I'm not certain that RedMon still works there.07:58.15 
TheDcoder I see, thanks for the heads up07:58.48 
  I am using Win 8.107:58.52 
kens That should be OK as far as I know07:59.03 
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