Log of #ghostscript at irc.freenode.net.

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miqlas hi16:46.25 
ghostbot Welcome to #ghostscript, the channel for Ghostscript and MuPDF. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line.16:46.25 
miqlas Guys: now, that i got gs on Haiku, i can convert ps files to pdf, but how do i create a ps file actually?16:58.55 
chrisl You can write one by hand, you can use applications that export to them, etc17:04.59 
  latex can produce ps files, IIRC, so can gnuplot17:06.22 
  I think various roff variants can produce ps, too17:07.47 
  Also, since Postscript is a page description language aimed at printers, many printer drivers produce Postscript17:11.17 
miqlas chrisl: helpful, as always.17:17.21 
  but lemme switch to mobile broadband, i got firewalls here17:17.36 
chrisl miqlas: I'm heading off shortly17:20.19 
miqlas Sorry, it took longer as i expected :)17:23.29 
  chrisl: yeah, tex could work, but have you ever seen, how big that stuff actually is? The haiku port weight 800mb!17:25.17 
  it is more than the whole OS, literally17:25.31 
chrisl Things like scribus or inkscape would be a huge undertaking17:26.25 
  Although, somewhat in-keeping with the philosophy17:26.52 
miqlas there is already a port for texlive2014 for haiku, and i tried to update it... downloading after 10 minutes was around 10%.... ouch17:27.23 
  so i went back to small and nice stuffs.17:27.39 
chrisl The other option is start with a PDF, and use Ghostscript convert it to PS - but that seems bit pointless17:27.54 
miqlas we already got scribus17:27.57 
  but there is a bug in our qt port, so it crashing :S17:28.27 
chrisl Scribus has a "Export to EPS" function17:28.38 
miqlas oh, nice, but it already got an export to pdf option too afaik17:29.10 
  so it is pointless to export ps, to convert to pdf with gs, if we can export pdf directly17:29.31 
  now i think i should port the phronix test suite to haiku to be able to benchmark haiku. watch out linux, we are coming...17:30.40 
chrisl I'm heading off - bye17:32.53 
miqlas bye17:33.46 
muffindrake Is there a specific reason why the opengl build of mupdf doesn't support an inverted color mode, instead displaying general information about the document?22:52.41 
  It's not that I would require that specific feature in the opengl build, just that this difference is not reflected in the man page at all. I use the X11 build otherwise.22:53.25 
  Oh, I'm sorry, perhaps #mupdf is better? http://artifex.com/support/ says "IRC channel: Ghostscript and MuPDF developers can be found on the #ghostscript IRC channel", while http://artifex.com/developers-mupdf-support/ says "IRC channel: MuPDF developers can be found on the #mupdf IRC channel"22:56.49 
Robin_Watts muffindrake: Yeah, #mupdf is new. The web page will be updated as part of a bit revamp in a bit.23:09.37 
  muffindrake: I don't know enough about the gl version to comment. You'd need tor for that. Try back in about 10 hours?23:10.13 
muffindrake Robin_Watts: I see, I'll do that then.23:10.55 
  Thanks :)23:11.00 
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