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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/06/17)20170618 
miqlas FreeFull: https://0x0.st/l1t.png05:21.19 
  oh, wrong channel, sorry.05:21.39 
dograt miqlas: is that... BeOS?05:26.04 
  Or Haiku05:26.10 
miqlas it is haiku05:26.20 
dograt (seeing as you're in #haiku I'm going to guess yes :))05:26.26 
miqlas now with ghostscript :)05:26.38 
dograt Sweet. Is there a Haiku PDF reader powered by mupdf? That would be amazing.05:27.10 
miqlas just a sec...05:27.29 
dograt Would be pretty trivial given the example programs (x11, win32) for an experienced haiku programmer I'm sure05:27.32 
miqlas dograt: there is a mupdf port already, and a "DocumentViewer" app, based on mupdf.05:28.38 
dograt Nice05:28.49 
miqlas It can open djvu files too... hmm.. i thought it is just for pdf.05:29.31 
  good to know.05:29.34 
  yeah, i'm joined to ghostscript channel some days ago, chrisl gave me really useful help at porting ghostscript to haiku.05:30.19 
  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNvdOoGO6ME from 11:0007:23.17 
  wrong channel, again :(07:25.04 
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