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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/06/19)20170620 
kens2 ms NickSed16:02.21 
Robin_Watts sebras, kens: We have both a tests and a tests_private repo.16:27.55 
  The PDFs in the 'tests' repo are public, so might do as the base for any putative fuzz testing efforts.16:28.24 
  but like chrisl, I'm of the opinion that we should fix the problems we have waiting already first.16:28.44 
sebras Robin_Watts: ok, the only reason would be if we think this category of errors are more important than the bugs we have.16:30.36 
chrisl sebras: how wold we know?16:31.19 
Robin_Watts What reason might we have to think that ?16:31.20 
sebras Robin_Watts: chrisl: if many users report crashing bugs then it might worth to try to put some effort into trying to fix these before users experience them.16:38.12 
  Robin_Watts: chrisl: for mupdf I think this is not that common given bugzilla contents, for gs I have no idea.16:38.34 
  Robin_Watts: chrisl: other than that I can't think of a reason.16:38.59 
chrisl sebras: But what makes one set of fuzzing bugs more important than another?16:39.00 
Robin_Watts sebras: But what reason do we have to believe that the bugs generated by OSS-fuzz would be more valid/higher priority than the ones from elsewhere?16:39.06 
sebras ah! I misunderstood the question. I agree, they are all the same.16:40.47 
  chrisl: I have a small patch on ghostpdl:sebras/master do you mind taking a look at the commit?18:11.47 
  chrisl: I believe it to have clustered successfully.18:12.06 
  chrisl: I stumbled upon this when wanting to use "gs file.pcl" and it failed and then I found pcl2pdf and it referred to the wrong binary.18:13.28 
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