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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/06/27)20170628 
NP-Hardass Hello, I just installed gs-9.21 on win7 using the official installer, but I don't see the Resource folder (which should contain Fontmap.GS) Is this a bug? I know Fontmap.GS was moved from lib to Resource, but Resource isn't one of the installed folders, as far as I can tell.06:16.35 
chrisl NP-Hardass: all the resource files are now built into the dll - including Fontmap.GS06:50.21 
  And have been for a decade or so.....06:50.39 
NP-Hardass chrisl: Ah :P Guess I have to investigate why my old, crusty script is calling -sFONTMAP=fontmap.gs and update it according then.07:42.08 
  chrisl: Thanks :)07:43.09 
chrisl NP-Hardass: that should still work, 'cause that will override the built-in fontmap07:43.13 
  NP-Hardass: you can get the Fontmap.GS for 9.21 here: http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=ghostpdl.git;a=blob_plain;f=Resource/Init/Fontmap.GS;hb=f80288c8a4b9c9abfc0fa3ccce3b6d169baa59ff07:44.18 
NP-Hardass chrisl: Terrific. Thanks07:45.16 
chrisl NP-Hardass: No problem07:45.39 
sebras ray_laptop: the cluster nodes are saying "Connection timed out, quitting: alarm" and then "Abort request accepted"16:51.59 
  ray_laptop: what does that mean?16:52.03 
  ray_laptop: oh I see the other discussion now, didn't notice, sorry for the noise.16:54.40 
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