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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/07/11)20170712 
mekeor could i change the foreground-color of all white text in a PDF document using ghostscript?17:45.37 
Robin_Watts mekeor: not without some extensive postscript programming.17:59.29 
  or without hacking the C code :)17:59.40 
mekeor alright, thank you :)18:00.12 
  hmm. the PDF contains lots of lines like "0 g 0 G". what does that mean? do i have to read all of the post-script language reference to find out?18:32.14 
  "0 g 0 G" apparently sets the background and foreground color or so. still, i'd love to understand how the "g" and "G" commands work and what they mean exactly so that i can set my own color.20:40.55 
  mekeor: this might help you: https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/74087/coloring-a-black-and-white-pdf-graphic20:48.26 
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