Log of #ghostscript at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/07/16)20170717 
jtth Hello15:44.10 
ghostbot Welcome to #ghostscript, the channel for Ghostscript and MuPDF. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line.15:44.10 
jtth I am using the Ghostscript 32bit dll for rendering pdfs in a visual studio project and I need the dll built for the WinRT environment. I attempted to follow the guide in the docs about building the dll for different environments.15:45.48 
  Unfortunately a small list of errors appears when attempting to build for WinRT. I spoke with KenS over on Stack Overflow about my predicament and here is what he said...15:46.39 
kens You need either mvrhel or chrisl, neither of whom seem to be here at present. However, please ask your question; the channel is logged and one of them will read teh logs and reply. You'll probably have to come back and read the logs to see it though. We don't have a lot of experience with WinRT15:47.14 
jtth "Checking with the developer who originally did the port, we suspect this is simply bit-rot. The build has not been checked for a long time, years in fact, because we don't see WinRT as important for us. Most likely some code has shifted or new source files been added/old ones removed. It should be entirely possible to bring the makefile up to date."15:47.25 
  Oh oop! Hey Ken. Just wanted to document the entirety of the request.15:47.45 
kens Not a problem, sorry the relevant people aren't here right now15:48.02 
jtth I responded to Ken. Is there any chance I can get in contact with the developer again and inquire about the most recent dll he built for WinRT? I am not technically savvy enough to maneuver through the makefile, uncover any changes that need to be made, and fix them myself.15:48.25 
kens chrisl has a vacation day today, but I see mvrhel in another channel I'll ping him there15:48.47 
jtth So, I'm hoping someone has a gsdll32 built for the WinRT environment lying around somewhere on there computer, or knows the dev. who I could get in contact with about inquiring of said file.15:49.11 
  Ok thanks Ken!15:49.14 
justtea hello15:50.30 
ghostbot Welcome to #ghostscript, the channel for Ghostscript and MuPDF. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line.15:50.30 
kens jtth : Mvrhel says chrisl did the build, so I guess it'll have to wait until he gets in tomorrow, sorry15:50.43 
justtea I've received the following: Ghostscript 9.21: Failed to interpret TT instructions in font15:51.45 
kens Then you most likely have a broken TrueType font15:51.58 
justtea I've added the fonts in question to "/usr/local/share/ghostscript/fonts"15:52.24 
jtth Ok Ken, not a problem. Any chance I could drop him an email to reach me by so I can come by when he is here?15:53.00 
kens Probably best not to put email addresses here, it is publicly logged and spammers have been known to read public logs in order to harvest email addresses :-(15:53.42 
  chrisl should be online this time tomorrow if you want to chek back jtth15:54.30 
justtea kens, is there anything I can try with gs to fix the broken tt font?15:56.41 
kens Not if its genuinely broken, no.15:56.57 
  But you've given us nothign to go on15:57.11 
  Before commenting further we'd need the font, the file you are running which uses it, the fotnmap entry for the font, and the command line you are using. In short, a bug report15:57.39 
justtea here's the full error: GPL Ghostscript 9.21: Failed to interpret TT instructions in font CAAAAA+Lato-Black. Continue ignoring instructions of the font.15:58.21 
kens That's a subset font, you can't subsitute a font on disk for that font.15:58.43 
justtea I dl'd the font from "https://fonts2u.com/lato-black.font"15:58.53 
kens You *must* use the font in the PDF file15:58.57 
justtea okay, unfortunately I didn't build the pdf 16:00.03 
kens THat's not really relevant, I'm just saying you cannot use a subsitute font for a subset font from a PDF file.16:00.48 
  You must use the font in the PDF file. I would guess that the font in the PDF file is broken, and your downloaded font is not beiunug used anyway16:01.15 
  But without seeing the PDF file I couldn't really say more.16:01.24 
  Again, if you want someone to look at a problem, your best bet is to open a bug report.16:01.47 
  Because that way you can supply everything we need in one place.16:01.58 
justtea understood16:02.20 
kens heads off to cook dinner16:08.19 
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