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jtth chrisl : please let me know when you are in and have a few minutes, or check yesterdays chat logs. thanks!14:02.44 
chrisl jtth: I have - I've been looking. There's a simple issue, and a more difficult one - the latter is to do with LCMS2 threading support, and I'm really not sure how to resolve it14:04.04 
Robin_Watts hears lcms2 and threading - ears prick up...14:07.32 
  oh, is this WinRT ?14:08.10 
chrisl Yes14:08.14 
  Various things like InitializeCriticalSection don't exist in WinRT14:08.43 
kens Make dummy ones ?14:09.03 
  Obviously that won't work if anyone tries to actually use threading14:09.20 
chrisl WinRT has the "Ex" variants: i.e. InitializeCriticalSectionEx14:10.17 
kens Oh, I see14:10.24 
chrisl But, obviously (being MS) the parameters aren't always directly compatible14:10.43 
Robin_Watts chrisl: We are forking LCMS for MuPDF.14:11.00 
  We could roll such fixes into that.14:11.11 
chrisl Sorry - doorbell.....14:15.26 
  jtth: For now, you could try using this: https://ghostscript.com/~chrisl/gsdll32metro.zip14:21.10 
jtth I will give it a go14:29.04 
  Chris, I'm not quite sure how to explain the error I'm getting. Can I paste code or a link to pastebin to give you reference to what I am seeing?14:46.05 
kens pastebin is better, but we are in a meeting right now14:46.21 
chrisl pastebin is fine14:46.24 
jtth Ok. See: https://pastebin.com/erHNFC9U14:49.27 
chrisl jtth: There's no information there at all....14:52.16 
jtth First region is where I am importing the dll, second region is attempting to call the gsapi_new_instance14:53.16 
kens And the problem is ?14:53.37 
jtth I am not exactly sure what is going on... it can't create the instance?14:53.51 
chrisl Right. But the only error there is the one in your code.14:53.52 
jtth Ok, but to be fair when I tried using gsdll32 it went into my catches for that try14:54.14 
kens I should probably say we don't have any expertise in WinRT, Metro, or C#14:54.17 
jtth gsdll32 returned DllnotFound, gsdll64 returns Badimageformat14:54.27 
  That is fine. I downloaded the script from: https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/32274/How-To-Convert-PDF-to-Image-Using-Ghostscript-API14:54.55 
kens OK so if you try to use the 64-vit DLL with a 32-bit app that's not going to work14:55.27 
chrisl Well, there is no gsdll64. I only built a 32 bit one14:55.31 
kens :-)14:55.39 
jtth Right. I meant I used the gsdll64 from the main site.14:55.48 
  Not that you built one.14:55.53 
kens That's not going to work on WinRT I'm sure14:56.00 
jtth ... guys guys please I know this14:56.13 
  I only said that to point out that its having an error with the dll... i think. 14:56.23 
  But I'm not sure14:56.25 
kens I'm not sure there's a lot we can say. If it can't find the DLL then that would mean you aren't looking for it in the right place.14:56.57 
  If the DLL is the wrong format, then its clearly the wrong DLL14:57.09 
jtth No it is because the gsdll32 is not compatible with WinRT14:57.16 
kens Hmm, maybe...14:57.29 
jtth The gsdll64 is not compatible with x86 environments thus it returned BadImageFormat14:57.30 
chrisl What VS version are you using?14:58.00 
kens Right, and the 32-bit one returned 'DllNotFond' because ?14:58.01 
  Presumably (I would guess) because its not found14:58.17 
  Dumb question, but you did change the name of the DLL in the Import code ?14:58.37 
jtth That isn't possible Kens. I know exactly where the solution is looking for the Dll.14:58.42 
  That is specifically why I said the gsdll64 returns BadImageFormat. Because I know where it is looking.14:58.59 
kens OK14:59.03 
  OK meting is over, 100% attention again....14:59.43 
  As chrisl asked, what version of VS are you using ?15:00.43 
jtth 2015 update 315:01.18 
kens Umm, don't have that installed currently :-(15:01.30 
chrisl Well, I built the DLL with 2012, so there could be a problem there15:01.43 
jtth I suppose, but I doubt it15:02.54 
kens Umm, in fact it seems I've removed all my VS versions exc ept 2008. Oops15:03.38 
chrisl DllNotFound can happen because of a missing dependency15:04.03 
kens can you try the example code on 2012 chris ?15:04.45 
chrisl I don't really want to join the website to get it15:05.55 
kens Hmm, yeah I didn't realise you had to sign up15:07.28 
  I could use a throwaway email address15:07.50 
  I'm a bit puzzled how this relates to WinRT (showing my lack of knowledge here), as hte author is using our x86 libraries in the project.15:12.18 
  But then, I know nothing about WinRT/Metro/UWP etc.15:12.37 
  Presumably one has to alter the project for WinRT in some way15:13.19 
deekej chrisl: hello! I have question regarding the urw-core45-fonts15:17.59 
chrisl Again??15:18.18 
deekej chrisl: where should I sent a patch for it? to you, or to URW++? (would URW++ even accept the patch?)15:18.37 
kens I really don't think URW woudl accept a patch, for a multitude of reasons.15:19.10 
chrisl Well, not me - and I doubt URW++ would accept it15:19.19 
deekej kens: *sigh* :-/15:19.29 
kens Not least the fact that they undoubtedly hold the outlines in their own format and generate the otehr formats as required15:19.30 
chrisl "error C2018: unknown character...." WTF does that mean?15:19.55 
kens what character ?15:20.50 
chrisl 0x1, 0x5, ;, &, 0x8, 0x14... hundreds of 'em15:21.34 
kens WOw, well I think they sholdn't be there. 0x1 sounds bad anwyay15:21.53 
chrisl It's looks like it's trying to compile a binary file15:22.01 
kens LOL yeah I was about to say that15:22.10 
  According to one reply here, they needed to add the include files using Tools->Options, not merely include the .h in the .cpp file15:23.18 
  Sounds weird to me, but possible I guess15:23.26 
  THey were getting the error trying to use a .lib file15:23.38 
  The MS documentation is much less helpfu;15:24.02 
deekej chrisl: I've just dropped URW an e-mail. Hopefully they will at least talk to me... :D15:29.15 
chrisl deekej: what's the patch, anyway?15:29.40 
jtth chrisl: is the gsdll32metro the gsdll you compiled for winrt previously15:30.30 
chrisl jtth: I just did it today - I hacked the bits of code that caused the compile problem to get it to build15:31.06 
deekej chrisl: https://pastebin.com/RFWu7Lr715:31.48 
  I would patch the *.ttf and *.otf versions as well, but I don't know how to do it15:32.12 
chrisl deekej: Okay. If you don't hear from URW++ in a day or two, open a bug on our bug tracker - we have at least one other issue to refer back to URW++15:33.30 
deekej chrisl: OK, will do. Thanks :)15:33.51 
jtth Ahh I see. Well, the gsapi new_instance / init_with_args / exit / delete_instance are 4 functions independent of the source I downloaded the script from yes15:34.25 
kens Those are (some of) the entry points in the Ghostscript DLL15:35.03 
  So they are in the DLL not the C# source, is that what you mean ?15:35.26 
chrisl I can't get the WinRT Ghostscript build to work on VS2015 at all - it's now throwing an error about "exit being redefined" in one of the MS headers..... :-(15:40.18 
jtth kens: Yes that is what I was asking. As you and chris pointed out, the application exception is in my code, but it is an exception being thrown from a method that is in the gs DLL15:44.52 
  Meaning that I don't think it is a problem with the script necessarily... Honestly my guess is as good or actually probably worse then yours as I have no experience building dlls or ghostscript15:45.36 
kens Doesn't seem like we're managing too well with WinRT15:45.58 
  But then, we don't really support it15:46.07 
  Does anyone really use it I wonder....15:46.18 
chrisl We never had a app that called the WinRT dll - we did it for a customer, who was *seemingly* happy.....15:48.07 
  jtth: does it work if you use the normal 32bit dll?15:55.07 
jtth So here is the lowdown. I am developing for the HoloLens using Unity and Visual Studio.15:56.32 
  The 64 bit dll works in Unity (as Unity's editor is strictly a 64 bit environment)15:56.47 
  When I try to use the dll in the HoloLens 32 bit environment, it does not work. It says DllNotFound (even though I know it is there).15:57.13 
  I've tried using the 64 bit dll in the HoloLens to confirm my theory and as I said before, it returns BadImageFormat. Meaning it can see the 64bit dll, meaning that it can see the 32 bit dll15:57.38 
  That is why I believe I need the gsdll32 for winrt15:58.17 
chrisl Um, that seems like a hell of a leap.....15:58.44 
jtth Which part15:59.06 
  Also the gsdll32metro you sent earlier doesn't get caught by badimageformat or dllnotfound. As you saw it it's a problem with gsapi_new_instance15:59.54 
chrisl Well, no, I didn't see that, exactly, since you don't show the error code - the only error codes you mentioned were badimageformat and dllnotfound16:00.53 
jtth Please see the pastebin link again: https://pastebin.com/erHNFC9U16:01.27 
chrisl Right, so what's the error code?16:01.51 
jtth Below the two regions which I specified there is an "Error:" section with the exception I specified16:01.57 
  ApplicationException: I can't create a new istance of Ghostscript please verify no other istance are running!16:02.25 
chrisl That's not an error code16:02.47 
jtth It's an exception created from the gsapi_new_instance16:02.58 
chrisl Does gsapi_new_instance() return?16:03.44 
jtth It is returning an int less then 116:04.44 
chrisl Less that zero, you mean16:05.11 
jtth Whoops, yes.16:05.21 
chrisl So, what value is it?16:05.32 
kens getting the back channel would be useful too16:06.21 
jtth kens: how do I do that16:06.46 
  chris: let me check16:06.51 
kens For the back channel you need to register a callback to receive the data16:07.12 
jtth chrisl: returning -10016:14.59 
chrisl Oh, that's less that ideal - that's basically just "fatal error" :-(16:15.25 
jtth kens: I don't know how to do that16:15.31 
chrisl Without being able to debug it, it's unlikely we'll get to the bottom of that16:18.40 
kens We could add different codes during startup I guess....16:19.12 
  a lack of an instance handle would cause it for example16:20.03 
  also having more than a single instance per process16:20.23 
  or a shit load of other faults16:20.38 
  all return fatal16:20.43 
  but there are only a few real ones I think. Mostly parameter problems or failure to allocate memory16:21.27 
  memory allocation failure looks like the most likely candidate16:22.26 
chrisl Grr, and now Windows 8 wants me to activate it (again!) and I've no idea where the media for it might be....16:22.32 
kens Well, at a quick debug, and knowing that the 64-bit build works OK with the same code (so I can discount a few errors) the only likely problem is a fialure to allocate memory16:24.14 
  Dinner time for me, goodnight all16:25.07 
chrisl jtth: So, the "bit of a leap" I was talking about was that if the regular 64 bit DLL works, what leads you to think that you need the 32 bit DLL for WinRT?16:26.46 
jtth Oh! Well quite simply I use the 64-bit dll in the Editor because it is only 64 bit compatible.16:27.24 
  But when I'm running on the Hololens, it is strictly a 32-bit compatible, so I must use the 32 bit dll there.16:27.48 
  The Hololens is a UWP app, and from what I know about that platform, which granted is little, it is compatible with WinRT dlls.16:28.30 
  Essentially I know for a fact the standard 32 bit dll does not work, which lead me to search for a build that would be compatible and WinRT makes sense 16:29.01 
  As univseral windows platform apps use windows runtime code/dlls16:29.15 
chrisl OKay, that makes sense16:30.08 
jtth What @kens said about failure to allocate memory struck a chord because I know how finicky the hololens is with memory access. Maybe it isn't allowed access to creating the images that the ghostscript creates when converting the pdf16:32.51 
chrisl jtth: It's nearing the end of my day here.... I'll try to build a debug DLL, and use the code from codeproject, and see if I can debug what's happening16:33.19 
jtth Anyway as you have probably already guessed, I am a junior dev with no previous ghostscript/dll building experience and was completely lost. Posted on stackoverflow 10+ days ago and Kens happened to respond to check out this page16:33.46 
  Ok that would be great16:33.49 
  If you dont mind me asking where are you located? It is 9:30 in the AM for me at the present time16:34.02 
chrisl I'm in the UK16:34.10 
  As is kens16:34.31 
jtth Ahh I see.16:35.24 
chrisl We really should be allocated much memory just to create a gs instance16:35.37 
  See, my typing goes when I get tired16:35.52 
jtth Ha, understandable. I believe I get your gist- it isn't, or shouldn't, be allocating much memory to create a gs instance16:36.25 
chrisl Exactly.16:37.24 
jtth Any luck on the debug dll17:16.59 
chrisl I have a debug build of the DLL, and of the application, but VS won't step into the DLL in the debugger17:18.27 
camelopard Could anybody clarify what bug report 692024 is about? What documents? What languages?17:20.55 
chrisl jtth: I'm out of time today - I'll pick this up again tomorrow17:35.56 
jtth Ok thanks Chris. Thank you17:59.11 
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