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jtth chrisl: sort out the stdio hooks kens talked about to see any errors/warnings gs emits. How?14:47.35 
chrisl jtth: https://www.ghostscript.com/doc/9.19/API.htm#set_stdio14:48.21 
kens You need to register callback functions with the DLL. Then the DLL will call those functions when it has something to send back14:48.25 
jtth kens: Ok. How to register callbacks? More specifically, how to for the gsapi_new_instance? (I'm assuming this is what I want info on as its returning fatal error)15:46.16 
kens You need to call gs_api_setstido, the srguments to that API entry point are the callback functions15:46.55 
  Typical, our code doesn't call it15:48.27 
chrisl There are examples in the file I linked above15:48.41 
kens ah oops, I can't spell it seems15:48.51 
jtth Oh my apologies, my eyes drifted towards kens reply and I overlooked the reply&link you posted earlier Chris.15:49.13 
  I will give this a look.15:49.16 
kens chrisl the examples all call gsapi_set_stdio *after* gsapi_new_instance15:49.42 
  I'm not certain if its possible to do so before. Mind you, its worth trying15:50.01 
  Ah, in fact you can't.15:50.10 
chrisl It's not - without a context, where can you store the pointers?15:50.18 
kens Because one of the arguments to set_stdio is the instance returned from new_instance15:50.26 
  So given that its dying in new_instance, setting the callbakcs isn't feasible15:50.50 
kens is assuming its still the case that it fails in new_instance ?15:51.02 
  Or did I miss something ?15:51.09 
chrisl No, I fixed that15:51.10 
kens Oh, well in that case....15:51.18 
chrisl I would also note that the C# code from codeproject.com implements the stdio hooks....15:53.18 
jtth So the problem now is with the c# code sourced from codeproject. Universal Windows Platform (or UWP) apps don't have access to all the APIs available on windows desktops.16:09.37 
  See: https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/mixed-reality/current_limitations_for_apps_using_apis_from_the_shell16:09.39 
  So I forgot that I had run into this before but there were a couple of things I had to change. Admittedly a huge oversight on my part.16:10.17 
  I am not sure how the gsdll_stdin is normally used, but in the code I am using there's a piece that goes like, int ich = Console.Read() and console.read doesn't appear to be available to uwp apps.16:11.14 
kens Well you don't need to copy the whole project, I htink Chris was just pointing out that you could steal that bit too16:11.16 
  You don't need to care about stdin, you can leave that one NULL16:11.42 
jtth True.16:11.42 
kens You aren't sending data to GS via stidn right ?16:11.59 
  So you don't need to have it look 'somewhere else' when it expects data on stdin16:12.14 
  stdout and stderr are the ones you are interested in16:12.29 
jtth Yeah I don't think it is being used, thats why I remember not worrying about that one16:12.32 
kens You do want the output channels though16:12.44 
jtth Those don't have anything I needed to change16:12.55 
kens Then you should be getting data sent back to the callbacks16:13.08 
jtth Ok I'm just not sure how to view this data I am getting back.... simple print statements?16:14.24 
kens well its just strings so yeah16:14.48 
chrisl That's up to you and you're environment16:14.53 
kens Or write to a log file, anythign really16:14.57 
chrisl s/you're/your16:15.04 
  I'd assumed that a HoloLens app wouldn't be console appliation16:15.34 
jtth I can use Debug.Log statements (I believe), and I'm in VS2015. What data am I trying to look at, what stdout/stderr return?16:16.39 
kens Yes16:16.51 
  THey should give you information about the failure (assuming there is one)16:17.04 
jtth StdioCallBack stdoutCallback = new StdioCallBack(gsdll_stdout); StdioCallBack stderrCallback = new StdioCallBack(gsdll_stderr); intReturn = gsapi_set_stdio(intGSInstanceHandle, stdinCallback, stdoutCallback, stderrCallback);16:25.24 
  oh lord my apologies.16:25.28 
kens :-D16:25.35 
jtth https://pastebin.com/YaiBe8mY16:25.46 
  So just print out what these return?16:26.01 
kens Yes16:26.07 
  I must admit I'm not certain that will work, my C# (or even C++) doesn't reacxh that far16:26.55 
kens turns into a pumpkin and leaves the ball16:31.06 
jtth Ok giving these print outs a go. Crossed fingers.16:37.26 
  chrisl: https://pastebin.com/X2iDHNfb16:46.10 
  Completely unrelated q, how come your name appears red sometimes16:47.15 
chrisl jtth: maybe when my status is "away"16:48.02 
  jtth: TBH, your pastebin means nothing to me, sorry16:48.40 
jtth Ha, ah I see. Please relay your thoughts on the output. Clearly I didn't print out what we were looking for... I don't think?16:48.48 
  It just shows that I was trying to print whatever the callbacks were going to return16:49.22 
  Im not sure what @kens and were talking about when I was to diagnose the callback information16:49.47 
chrisl That's not really how callbacks work - if I'm following you.....16:50.18 
jtth Mm. Ok. So I don't know how they work. I was trying to get at what exactly the data was that @kens was referencing16:50.47 
chrisl You need to define functions, and pass them as pointers into the library - the library will then call your functions via the pointers16:51.32 
jtth Sooo.... "The stdin callback function should return the number of characters read, 0 for EOF, or -1 for error. The stdout and stderr callback functions should return the number of characters written."16:51.39 
  Are those the results I am looking for16:51.51 
chrisl No, your functions will be passed a pointer and a length - the pointer points to a string of the length16:52.34 
  Look at example 2 here: https://www.ghostscript.com/doc/9.19/API.htm#Example_usage16:53.02 
jtth How do I pass them as pointers into the library16:53.13 
chrisl Using gsapi_set_stdio()16:53.34 
  As shown in Example 2: https://www.ghostscript.com/doc/9.19/API.htm#Example_usage16:54.04 
jtth So this, intReturn = gsapi_set_stdio(gsHandle, incb, outcb, errcb);16:55.14 
  Returned -100 again. What am I missing16:55.28 
chrisl The only way it returns an error is if gsHandle == NULL16:56.49 
jtth And when is gshandle null or what causes it to be16:58.28 
  It is declared as, IntPtr gsHandle = IntPtr.Zero;16:58.55 
chrisl I've no idea what gshandle is16:58.56 
jtth Ha, his ping out time was 4min20sec.17:00.55 
  I don't know what it is either tbh, the person who developed this code used it like such17:01.12 
chrisl I thought it was quiet.....17:01.14 
jtth The pointer to the current istance of the dll; IntPtr intGSInstanceHandle = IntPtr.Zero;17:02.28 
  intReturn = gsapi_new_instance(out intGSInstanceHandle, _objHandle);17:02.38 
  Not quiet sure how to diagnose how it is used other then it appears to be an integer pointer17:02.57 
chrisl Right, so the only way that can be null is if gsapi_new_instance() failes17:03.00 
jtth quite*17:03.02 
chrisl It's just a pointer, it's effectively opaque - it points to much more that an integer17:03.41 
  Have you looked at the way the PDFConvert project implements the callbacks? That seems like a good place to start17:04.24 
jtth So it would appear this is all that exists calling that is this: https://pastebin.com/Gmt0Y1zM17:05.04 
  Excuse my poor grammar there. The callbacks being out/err?17:05.34 
chrisl I'm not following your meaning....17:06.54 
  You much have a valid gs instance before you try to register callbacks with it17:07.24 
jtth So confused. I don't know how to tell if I have a valid instance other then intReturn. 17:08.36 
  I really want to get this working but I honestly cant debug a problem that I cant even find :(17:08.55 
  s/cant/dont know how to17:09.49 
  that being the first cant, not the second17:10.20 
chrisl So, in C terms, the first parameter to gsapi_new_instance() is a pointer to a pointer - I've no idea how that relates to C#17:11.46 
  Okay, so the "out" modifier should take care of that17:12.55 
  So, after the call to gsapi_new_instance() intGSInstanceHandle should not be null17:14.44 
  And _objHandle *must* always be NULL17:15.32 
jtth It appears as if _objHandle = IntPtr.Zero as well17:26.05 
  the problem with this that just flat out doesnt make sense is that the script works to perfection in the Unity Editor17:30.51 
  so it must be a problem with the hololens access permissions for creating and deleting files17:31.09 
chrisl Creating the context doesn't access any files, it only allocates memory. And if the memory allocation fails, it returns the error17:34.36 
jtth That has to be it then. The Hololens must not have create/delete permissions at the location where it's trying to convert my pdfs into jpegs.17:44.45 
  Well I am going to go ahead and drop this pipe dream of fixing it for the time being. Been on this pdf conversion for multiple weeks. 17:45.27 
  My advice. Dont develop dynamic apps for the hololens as its current restrictions to the windows api render it an absolute mess.17:46.03 
  Not to mention when you develop using Unity you essentially have to develop every bit of code twice17:46.18 
Robin_Watts jtth: So you want to take PDFs in and get JPEGs out...17:49.48 
chrisl Hopefully, I'll get the WinRT build fixed in a non-hacky way, and usable on VS2015 and later - then you can build a debug DLL and follow the code into gs17:50.02 
Robin_Watts Do you need to get the jpegs stored on disc, or would in memory do?17:50.12 
jtth Robin_Watts: Yes. I have PDFs converting to JPG files in Unity working as of right now.17:51.35 
  The script converts each page of the PDF to a single JPG file. These files are created dynamically at runtime, and then deleted when I "close" the PDF for viewing in the app17:52.14 
Robin_Watts right, so if we could get gs to pass the jpeg data to you without putting it on disc, would that help?17:52.55 
jtth Again, works great in Unity. Doesnt work on the Hololens. I dont follow your meaning on disc or in memory... as in the files are never written to the folder, rather just loaded in memory?17:52.58 
  I would love to be able to answer that question with a definite answer but I am new to hololens dev. as of about a month, maybe longer. So I cant be sure.17:54.30 
Robin_Watts Well, it is possible to tickle gs so that it sends the data out via stdout, I think.17:54.58 
  So if you are trapping stdout, you can collect the data yourself.17:55.18 
  This would then mean that you'd be in control of writing any files from within your own code, which may be easier for you to debug.17:55.48 
chrisl If he could trap stdout, we'd have a better idea of what the problem is17:56.07 
jtth I dont even know how to trap, let alone what trapping a method means :-(17:57.00 
Robin_Watts jtth: OK, so dumb things to try:17:57.19 
  1) You are asking gs to write its output to a file 'foo/bar/baz.jpg'. Why not try creating that from your own code, just to see if you get an error. That would tell us whether that file location should be writable or not.17:58.14 
  2) Before you call gsapi_init_with_args, call gsspi_set_stdio with a set of functions to be called back to consume stdout/stderr etc.18:00.09 
jtth I will go ahead and try one first as I don't know how to go about 218:03.18 
  Yeah, an UnauthorizedAccessException is thrown when trying to create files in the same directory that I am reading files from.18:13.03 
  Let me find an 'approved' folder that the hololens can write to18:14.06 
  Robin_Watts: yeah I can't get windows obnoxious folder pickers to work19:45.35 
  beyond me. so complicated to try and use this with gs19:47.05 
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