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deekej chrisl: Hello Chrisl07:09.12 
  chrisl: I've got a reply from URW++07:09.20 
  chrisl: they have patched the fonts, and sent me a ZIP file with corrections07:09.40 
  chrisl: can I forward it to your <chris.liddell> e-mail, or should I send it somewhere else?07:10.45 
chrisl deekej: sure, send it to me - although, we just got an update from URW++ which may have your fix in it - I haven't had a chance to look yet07:21.26 
  They said "I have included P052 Bold Italic too, since this font had a wrong Weight entry." which sounds like your patch07:21.57 
deekej chrisl: yes, I'm already creating a git patch for it, give me second (there are some renames as well)07:23.21 
  chrisl: here's the patch (based on latest commit in master) - https://pastebin.com/gcwevTpn07:27.32 
  chrisl: unless they have added more changes than they sent me, you should be okay with just applying that patch :) (feel free to change the commiter/commit message)07:28.32 
chrisl deekej: thanks - I'll try to get to sorting it out later today - the renames mean some messing with Ghostscript as well (which is why I haven't gotten around to it yet)07:29.00 
deekej chrisl: no problem :) could you please just ping me when you release the new font archive? :) (no rush)07:29.56 
chrisl deekej: Um probably not.... the new fonts will be released at the same time as the next Ghostscript release, and I probably won't remember you asking! I'll try, but.....07:30.38 
  deekej: I've made a note in my release "to-do list" to let you know - it might help!07:36.48 
deekej chrisl: ah, ok :) if you release it with new ghostscript, than it's OK for me to remember :)07:37.38 
  chrisl: anyway, do you have any ETA on ghostscript-9.22?07:38.00 
kens September :-)07:38.07 
deekej thanks07:38.12 
  that works for me :)07:38.17 
kens We lrelease at 6 month intervals, March and September07:38.26 
chrisl or as close as we can manage......07:38.38 
kens Well occasionally things go Wahoonie shaped07:38.54 
deekej I'm working on getting ghostscript package as close to vanilla source code as possible07:39.02 
  (in Fedora) and getting the fonts fixed was the first step :)07:40.13 
chrisl Hmm, changing from Oblique to Italic for just NimbusSans seems like a totally pointless exercise - not to mention wrong......07:45.31 
kens I was puzzled by that one07:46.28 
chrisl I know it's just the pedant in me, but I really hate using Italic for a sans font07:47.00 
deekej well, when we use the 'mkfontscale' utility to index these fonts, it complains that "Oblique" is an unknown Type 1 Weight... :-/07:55.00 
chrisl Oh, it should be in the "Weight" key, no - but neither should Italic07:58.37 
deekej it's hard for me to tell, I'm no fonts expert :-/08:02.49 
kens Weight should be things like Bold ExtraBold, Light etc. The angle isn't a weight08:03.26 
deekej kens: ah, ok08:09.43 
  I was suggesting to use "Regular" in my e-mail to URW, based on how other fonts have it08:10.16 
chrisl The point is that Italic, traditionally, means more than just canting the glyphs over by a certain angle. Traditionally, it means that *and* embellishments that can only be applied to a serif font. Whereas Oblique just means "canted over a bit"08:15.40 
deekej okay, so basically, I've just made things even worse for you know... :-/08:16.37 
chrisl You haven't, no, URW++ have. But really, the terms are used interchangeably these days. It's only because my father was a typesetter/compositor that I have the remaining pedantry on the subject08:18.00 
miqlas Hi Guys14:22.58 
Robin_Watts miqlas: Greetings. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it :)14:36.16 
miqlas Robin_Watts: i have!14:36.35 
  Robin_Watts: how doing?14:36.41 
Robin_Watts busy, but otherwise fine thanks.14:37.10 
miqlas so my question is: is it posible to build gs as shared lib on unices?14:38.30 
Robin_Watts It is certainly possible.14:38.42 
  make so ?14:39.11 
  or make so-lib ?14:39.33 
  I don't have a unix box spun up to check offhand.14:39.44 
  looking at unix-dll.mak it looks like it should be make so14:40.16 
chrisl make so-only I think....14:40.47 
miqlas i'll look into it.14:43.21 
  There is an old ghostviewer for BeOS, i would like to update it for Haiku, but the ghostscript port doesn't provides any .so yet, so i have to hack it again14:44.05 
  would be great to have a native gs viewer14:44.26 
chrisl Yeh, "make so" doesn't work on Haiku - I told you that before14:44.39 
miqlas but first i have to hack vim14:44.40 
  chrisl: do you remember, what was the reason? bad star constellation? aliens generating interrupts?14:45.24 
chrisl It complains about missing a "main" symbol14:45.41 
miqlas oh, yeah.14:45.48 
  it is a bit problematic then.14:45.59 
chrisl I've no idea why it thinks a shared library should have a main symbol14:46.12 
miqlas no idea, where should main come from....14:46.14 
  maybe it is a haiku specific thing.14:46.25 
  on haiku the normal executables are shared libs14:46.46 
  but i got no other info.14:47.03 
chrisl I don't understand "normal executables are shared libs"14:47.21 
kens main() is he entry point for C language programs. Libraries (shared ot otherwise) should not therefore provide a main() as tha twould conflict with a calling application14:47.35 
  So requiring a .so to have a main is nonsensical14:47.55 
Robin_Watts miqlas: If Haiku is doing something funky and non-standard to change it so that executables are .so's, then that's a pretty basic thing that you should understand before attempting to do any work on a port.14:48.15 
miqlas i'll look into it14:48.17 
chrisl The GNU linker does some shenanigans to hide "main" symbols in share libs, but that's "special"14:49.15 
miqlas nope, libbe (the main BeAPI provider) got no main()14:50.14 
  i don't know, what file says for a normal ELF binary on unices, but it gives this for a ormal Haiku GUI app: "/BeApp: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, not stripped"14:55.50 
chrisl /usr/bin/gs: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=953d94bdc7cf5be4c14bef5136e4cae1cb7e9cae, stripped14:56.38 
miqlas your linux copies Haiku...14:57.44 
  you linux-freaks should invent something own already :D14:58.09 
chrisl <cough>BeOS</cough>14:58.33 
miqlas Rules since 1991. When did that uni student invented linux?15:01.04 
chrisl Haiku != BeOS15:01.33 
miqlas Nah, linux is not unix.15:02.02 
chrisl BTW, BeOS initial release was 199515:02.11 
tor8 I ran BeOS for a while when they released it for PC computers back in the late 90's. It was quite pleasant, and having a posix-like environment with decent audio and graphics was a huge improvement over linux at the time.15:03.35 
miqlas ok, you have right, i suppose. Be Inc was started in 199115:03.43 
chrisl Haiku is as much BeOS as GNU/Linux is Unix15:04.11 
tor8 hacking modelines in xf86.config was a real pita15:04.14 
chrisl tor8: Well, now you can switch to Haiku :-)15:04.39 
tor8 nah, linux has caught up in the x11 and audio working out of the box department :)15:05.01 
miqlas tor8: it got ghostscript, so it should be an easy ride15:05.11 
  guys, a short question: if i pass include folders as CFLAGS, and i got more than one folder does it requires any separator, or a space would do it?15:12.31 
  I mean something liek this:15:12.37 
  export CFLAGS="-I/something /something2"15:13.09 
tor8 miqlas: export CFLAGS="-I/something -I/something2"15:13.24 
miqlas tor8: thanks15:13.43 
  maybe you just saved the day.15:14.30 
  and the mankind.15:14.41 
  open a beer!15:14.46 
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