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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/07/27)20170728 
panNZ Hi - tried googling this - trying to open ps generated by printer drivers held in a Fiery server as .spl, ghostviewer will open .spl files that are headed %PDF-1.4 but not ps headed %!PS-Adobe-3.0 (message box Notice - Unknown File Type), but GhostScript can seperately convert those PS-Adobe-3.0 to .pdf successfully .. any advice please?01:09.46 
camelopard panNZ: You can either convert your files to PDF or debug Ghostview.06:26.31 
  jdionicio: Take a look at pdf_font.ps . This is a program that loads PDF fonts.06:29.31 
  jtth: Why not create files in the known folders? OTOH, Ghostscript uses a small set of file operations. It should be quite easy to simulate them in a memory buffer.06:36.23 
panNZ camelopard: Thanks, are there requirements for PS version or format for GhostView to work? - (I can't find anything to read.)07:25.24 
kens Hmm, I'm catching up to the l;ogs in a minute (busy on SO at the moment) but Ghostview will read any valid PostScript or EPS file07:26.02 
  When you say 'ghostviewer' which specific application are you referring to and on which operating system ?07:29.27 
  How are you tryuing to open the files ? Are you opening them from within the application, from the command line or double-clicking the file in a file browser ?07:30.17 
  panNZ: ^^07:30.36 
  jtth yes of course you can write a device which keeps the rendered output in memory, or you can use the callback mechanism to have Ghostscript deliver the (uncompressed) bitmap to your application. THere is no existing device which does what you want, for the simple reason that there would be nothing useful Ghostscript itself coud do with a bitmap in memory, so it writes it to disk.07:32.47 
  jdionicio (for the logs) when you open the PDF file Ghostscript will load the font in the PDF file. If that isn't what you wanted to know you will have to be clearer about your question.07:33.43 
camelopard What is the status of tiffscale4 device? I've got SEGV with -dMinFeatureSize=4 .15:48.39 
kens Then you shold report a bug15:48.55 
ray_laptop camelopard: (for the logs?) I've confirmed the problem with tiffscaled and MinFeatureSize=4 (bug 698304)22:50.23 
panNZ kens: ..appologies for the delay, I'm at the other side of the planet :-) From the .rsrc\version.txt GSView VOS__WINDOWS32 "FileVersion", "" on Windows 8.1 opening 1) from within gsview itself, from command line, and from Lazarus (FreePascal) - ShellExecute(0, nil, PChar('"exec\gs\bin\gsview"'),PChar('"' + fileNameFull + '"'), nil,1); all produce the same result. I have to append .pdf to .spl that are internally pdf for gs23:52.06 
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