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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/07/28)20170729 
panNZ Does gsview scan inside files - or only rely on file extensions? adding .ps to genuine postscript .spl does not help though. Can entirely successfully import these PS .spl files into CorelDraw, and Inkscape 0.92. These PS .spl files are very common on countless Fiery all over the world.00:03.05 
kens panNZ (for the logs) You appear to be using Artifex GSView 6 ? that's a completely different beast to Ghostgum's gsview 5. I can't tell you how it determines the file type, most likely it looks for a %! at the start of the file. You need Michael Vrhel to tell you more. I'd suggest your best bet is to open a bug report, especially given the time diffrence. You'll need to attach an example file to the bug report of course.07:30.53 
 Forward 1 day (to 2017/07/30)>>> 
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